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Jupiter 28 July 2011 03:14:18 UT


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I have seen so many good images of Jupiter so far, even though it is still at a low altitude, I though I'd have a go myself. Not the best (the sharpness was the best I could achieve and yes the scope is well collimated and had been out all night): hopefully better will come as Jupiter rises in altitude over the coming months. However, this is the best of 18 AVIs I took early this morning (04:14:18 BST or 03:14:18 UT).

60 second AVI at 10 fps captured using Sharpcap and stacked and processed in Registax 6 using a Celestron Neximage attached to a Celestron CPC925GPS via a Astro Revelation 2.5X barlow.

Thanks for looking.



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Hi its hard when seeing isnt good, try to keep filming as far into daylight as will allow, as it will still be rising out of the murk, at this focal length 180 second captures would probably not show a lot of rotation blur. at higher focal lengths i was shooting at 150 secs, 120 secs is pretty safe ground i reckon, 60 secs is too short as you will be robbing yourself of more sharp frames. try it see if you agree.you may not

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Hi Neil,

I'll give 120 seconds ago next time, although even with the tripod level I find that its difficult to keep the image centered for that long without it drifting. Having said that, there are occasional periods when the mount doesn't drift too much and for a lot longer than a minute: I'll give it ago.

This image was taken in a brightening sky, by the time I finished at 5:30 it was daylight and the images just weren't as good.


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Nice effort Brinders.

As Neil says a longer AVI would give you more frames to play with. If you use the free video cropping software "Castrator" then drifting can be solved as the program fixes the planet (centres) for aligning in registax. I would try 3-4 mins.

What wavelet settings did you use? Maybe more detail could be pulled out with higher settings.

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Superb pictures. I had my first ever viewing of Jupiter last night and I was really impressed with what I saw. Reading up on the planet today only makes me love this planet even more, so fascinating.

Is that smudge just above the middle on one of the colored lines the gigantic storm on Jupiter by any chance?

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Superb pictures. I had my first ever viewing of Jupiter last night and I was really impressed with what I saw. Reading up on the planet today only makes me love this planet even more, so fascinating.

Is that smudge just above the middle on one of the colored lines the gigantic storm on Jupiter by any chance?

Yes, it is!

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I have revisited some of the AVIs form Saturday morning and been a little more aggressive with wavelets. A little sharper, but more noise, maybe?


I'm no expert but you may have more detail in this yet! Try bringing down the brightness and uping the contrast just slightly on both, then you should be able to increase the wavelets a bit more too.

Not sure if you used linked wavelets, if not try this too. Here's a link to a short tutorial on them.

RegiStax- V6 - Wavelets

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I'm no expert but you may have more detail in this yet! Try bringing down the brightness and uping the contrast just slightly on both, then you should be able to increase the wavelets a bit more too.

Not sure if you used linked wavelets, if not try this too. Here's a link to a short tutorial on them.

RegiStax- V6 - Wavelets

Tried as you suggested and does appear to have indeed brought out more detail. Many thanks for the link: I'll try again when I get rather longer AVIs next time. Unfortunately, weather was awful last night.

But, again thanks for the suggestion; much appreciated. ;)



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