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Best 'scope to leave out in the snow?

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If you were considering setting up with a chance that it might snow, would you go for an ED80 or a 200mm Newt?

I can see that the refractor would get damp on the objective lens, but it does that with dew and doesn't mind, but the Newt. might get a significant amount of snow inside and on the primary mirror.

What would you do?

Captain Chaos

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If I thought it was going to snow CC, I would not even take my ED80 out of it's case, never mind put it outside.

I reckon you want a better answer than that, so I would risk the Newtonian as against the ED, but I would take some precautionary measures to keep snow rom getting onto the optics, even if that meant increasing due risk. A hair dryer would quickly eliminate that, although a further consequence is time wasted waiting for equilibrium again.

I somehow feel there is more to your question though.

Ron. :)

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Similar conundrum CC

So i go with the Zs66 or the C8 ???

Cool down time,Blinkin clouds rushing across the sky and a good breeze blowing.

I guess the 66 is the way to go tonight :?

SO in answer to your question i would go for the ED80

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This is getting silly now. I stuck my head outside to see very few clouds and the wind appeared to have dropped back to where it was two hours ago. I closed the door, grabbed the ATIK, put my boots on, grabbed a coat and walked to the shed. After I'd undone all the bits and doings inside I went outside to undo the windproofing bolts and it was snowing again. Time for a beer instead I think.

Everybody in my house thinks this is hilarious which is the upside.

Captain Oates was never back so quick, was he.

Captain Chaos

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Sorry Gents but it was clear in Manchester last night for a change buying new eyepieces must have appeased the cloud gods :) Quick all rush out & buy new gear :) the cloud gods have changed the rules New Gear is Now GOOD.


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I have on occasion set my Newt out with a large plastic bag covering the tube and the mount. Tie the bag down so it won't blow away. I've never gotten snow inside the tube, and it has snowed on the thing sometimes. I find if it's below zero, Dew isn't a factor. The bag seems to protect against dew, too.

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