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Hi everyone

i really enjoy reading all your comments about your scopes,all of them! some of you may know last year i had the pleasure of owning a TMB 130 F6 TRIPLET Apo complete with some premium eyepieces and denk binoviewer.

well its sold due to unforseen circumstances,but you know, in 1986 i owned a SPC8 with truly superb optics,so good that even barry at orion commented after doing a critical checkover for me.

i remember sharing a view of jupiter one summer evening back then with a friend that was jaw dropping! such fine detail of swirls and festoons in the belts i could'nt even draw it all. and with a vixen 10mm plossl. here's my point,i have not seen such detail since, so don't underestimate scopes like the c8, properly collimated a good one can be terrific. Of course the apos are lovely, and my post is not intended to demean them, but its surprising what much less expensive gear can do with some fine tuning and a good night of seeing.



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I'm a relative newcomer to C8 ownership but so far I'm really impressed - I've seen the crepe ring for the 1st time through this scope and I even got a chorus of "wow's" from my family when they looked at Saturn. The key is to maintain good collimation though - luckily it's not too difficult with the C8, especially with a set of "Bob's Knobs" fitted now.


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The C8 is great and collimation is very straightforward. It stays in collimation well too, although I always re-collimate if I'm going to be doing any high power planetary imaging - I build up the magnification to x1000 and view straight through without the diagonal. You get a much better result than trying at x300 through the diagonal.

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Gaz, you asked how I am getting on with the C9.25. It's as I expected first class optics and a good allrounder. It is not as good as the 7" Mak on the moon and Saturn but gives brighter images and wider field of view and as a single scope solution is ideal.

Getting back onto Mike's original topic (and apologies for drifting off it)I think the C8 is probably the perfect allround scope for most people. I don't for one moment believe the C9.25 provides much of an advantage over the C8 , It does not possess magical optics as some believe. Images are probably a gnats whisker brighter but as Mike points out it is a much heavier OTA and pushes the mount a bit more. Celestron seem to be able to produce consistently superb optics on the C8 and 9.25 .

After many years and many scopes later we have both ended up with, or nearly with the scopes we started with(mine was a c8 classic). Three cheers indeed!


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thanks for your comments dave, i agree that certainly for quite a while now celestron's optics are generally good to very good in both the c8 and 9.25. anyone contemplating either will end up with a nice scope.

actually i would probably go for c14 if i could have an observatory!! but i find the c8 so nice and portable.

btw dave have you tried binoviewing in the 9.25? when i had mine the views of saturn and M42 were amazing.

also nice to hear reports on this site of the crepe ring observed in c8's as this isn't the easiest of things to see.

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I've read a lot of good things about the C8 and Celestron optics in general. So the vibe I've got is they better than Meade? The C8 seems to be favoured over the equivalent Meade tube.

An observation I've made is :- Why are they so many Meades for sale and very few Celestrons?

Is this because more meades are sold


that Meade owners are buying Celestrons?


Once you have a Celestron you keep it?


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