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SPC900 LXmod yesyes style ;-)


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Think I spoke too soon.... My camera will works fine however LX mode appears not to be working. When I put it in LX mode in sharpcap and put in the settings then try capturing, all I get are individual frames in .png format rather than a single image with a streak or blur.

Does anyone have any idea what i've done wrong? Also on the serial to usb converter (just to make sure) what pin is in 1 and pin 6?

Am gutted, thought i'd nailed it first time lol.

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Hi there,

I have been trying to the project for a while and have managed to put it together but have a problem .

I have been trying to test the camera but the only I can test it is in a cupboard because I don't have a scope anymore,and I am doing this to sell on.

The problem is is that when I put it in a dark cupboard I can't get a pic in lx mode,but if I try in light there is a pic and when lx is switched on the screen goes bright but I though I should be able to see something in the dark cupboard? Or could it be to dark?

When I first finished it it had 9.8 v Zener on it so I changed that to a 11v but only 1.5 w one could that be a problem?

Also what tests could I do to confirm operation ? Is there a check to make on the rs232 converter ? I do get a reading on rts but no on dtr is that right?

Sorry for all the questions but I am out of options so all help appreciated thanks dazz.

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you did contact me through my website, didn't you? ;-)

You didn't include your email address, so I wasn't able to reply... ;-)

Inside the cupboard might indeed be too dark. It still needs a bit of light...

If you get a very bright picture outside the cupboard, then it should be working. Can you try in a dark-ish corner that isn't completely dark? Ideally with the original lens back on.

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Yes that was me silly me totally forgot about email,I thought it might be to dark but I shall try it out in a darkish room,I have got another modded spc900 but with the 2 cables so I shall compare it with that cozi know that one works.

Cheers yesyes much appreciated I shall report back soon.

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well i finally got to try the camera out tonight in my conservatory which with the street lights and a bit of light come from the living room i pluged the camera in focued it on some furniture and i could see it a bit but i adjusted the exsposure a few step but the picture didnt really change i went up to 63 secs .

So i got my other spc900 but with the usb and serial cable and tried that with the same settting and at first at low setting there was a diffinate difference the picture was brighter so i turn the exsposure up to 63secs as before and the picture nearly whited it .

So what could be wrong ?

Could the serial adapter be at fault? how would i check that out?

All help appreciated :)

cheers dazz

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Check if you can see the serial adapter in the device manager when the camera is plugged in.

Check you have the correct settings serial settings in Sharpcap

If you can see the expousre controls in sharpcap then you have sharpcap in LX mode but do you have the cam in LX mode (ie try moving the switch on the cam) as if you have the cam in non-lx mode you can play with the exposure all you like but it won't make any difference which is what you seem to be having.

You may have a short on your circuit board, check all the solder joints

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Thanks for the suggestions ,I have tried the switch and that didnt do anything different,also I have had a check a few times on the lx mod board and cant see any faults .

The one thing I havent checked is if the serial adapter is in device manager so I shall check that out tonight but I did get told a comport number.

As for setting it is set as stated at the beginning of this threat .

Thanks again dazz

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I agree with what has been posted here...

First open Device Manager and check under Ports if you can see the serial adapter there. While looking at this screen, unplug the camera and the COM port in question should disappear. Plug it back in and it should appear again. This way you can make sure you have the correct COM port.

Does the camera work correctly when SharpCap is not in LX mode?

Do you have a few pictures showing how you connected everything together?

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Hello Yesyes

Excellent job. One request - can you provide a partlist for the electronic components of the PCB and the dimension of the project box?


Thanks! ;-)

The project box is this one (ebay listing has dimensions)

eBay - The UK's Online Marketplace

The few parts on the PCB should be clear from looking at the circuit diagram, but here it is in list form: :-)

5x 10k resistor

2x 1N4148 diode

3x BC547 NPN transistor (any NPN transistor will do just fine)

1x 11Volt Zener diode

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well i had a look in device manager and the adaptor was on there as comport 8 which is solected in sharpcap and it disappeared when i unpluged it so that all cool.

Anyway i had been have thoughts about the switch i used which was a single pole on on switch ( i aint really clued up on switches and thought if only 2 wires were connected then it would act as a on off switch,how wrong i was doh! ) so i desoldered the switch and left the wires unconnected and it worked so then i connected the wires together and tried that and that changed the picture back to almost darkness so hopefully i have solved the problem,and i shall get the right switch and do some more testing .

Finger crossed and thanks you all for your help dazz

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James, Starship Trooper, Sean, Chris

thanks a ton for your response... I am really overwhelmed by the helpful nature of you all.

Thank you one and all.


P.S - I will soon post my results here once i get my SPC.

Clear Skies.

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