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Thinking of selling up the kit!!

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I'm pondering the thought of selling my two scopes (127mak & 150mm Newt) and moving into the refractor area once again!!

Mostly down to easy of scope / quick cool down on a ED100 (grab & go) ..... would I be dissapointed?.



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Hi Andy,

I’m fine matey… nice to see you posting here!. Are you well?.

Thanks for you comments. I’m pretty fed up with cool down times on the scopes currently. I know the 127 is one of the best performers on planets in the under 8” class of scope (that shows when you look through it), and to be honest it was one of my best buy’s (cheers).

I rather fancy the idea of a literal grab n go scope, plus also the wide field views and the ability to have a nice imaging scope for later. (looking to buy a DSLR next year).

I have had my eye on an ED 80!... Russ mentioned a nice deal offered by a supplier on an Orion ED80.



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Hey rob, how ya doing?

Well here's my 2p...

A 4" (virtually) apo scope will give you equiv views to your 6" newt but with tighter stars etc (things coming to focus at a single point)

Depends what you want to look at - for planets the 127 mak will top it.   For smaller dsos the ed100 will be better.  mind you, having said that, a good 20mm ep willl give you a seriously good view of m42.  It'll push well beyond the 2x aperture limit as well. I'd have thought 250x won't be out of the quesstion on a clear night.


Hi Andy,

Welcome to the forum (new member?). 



As I see it, you are more likely to miss the Mak' than the Newt'.  The Maks longer focal length gives more magnification for a given eyepiece which enables you to use longer focal length eyepieces, which in turn have greater eye-relief.  Give a thought to exit pupils as well. 

The ED100 has been very well received and would be the better scope if wide field/astro imaging are priorities ... but then you probably already know that. 



Why would the ED100 be better for smaller DSOs?


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