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First attempt at star trails..

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I had a wee bash at creating star trails last night. Taken around 0230, the images comprises 40 exposures and 2 subs @ 15s ea., shot at 18mm, f/3.5, ISO1600 and combined in Startrails for a total of 10 minutes..


I must project a "Thank You" to Pshychobilly (Peter). Without his kindness and generosity in essentially donating a timer release cable he had spare, it would have been many weeks until I could attempt something like this. He just proved how helpful the SGL and it's members really are in helping amateurs like myself with this wonderful hobby.

Any comments and/or critisism are more than welcome. ;)

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Very nice start. The stars standing out against the bright sky is a nice effect. If you could get a static object in the foreground that might be better. The windblown trees distract a bit for me. That is only a personal thing though.

As for SGL and the help of the members - always the way! I'll second your comments.

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Thanks Ant. It appeared darker to my eye, but such is the amount of light you gather when taking a longer exposure. It's the start of sunrise.

I was wondering about the trees myself. Until I can get something more 'solid' in my view though, I'm happy.

Thanks Dave.;)

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Goodonya for shooting star trails during the shortest (or 2nd shortest) night of the year Sam, that's real dedication and you've got a great pic to show for it too!

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Wow, I'm impressed. I've actually never thought of getting this kind of image before but with the weekend fast approaching I must say I'm f feeling rather inspired!

Thanks for sharing ;)


Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk

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Congrats ..

Startrails during the shortest nights of the year... ;):icon_salut::D

If theres any frame with the trees "still" on it you could paste them into the stack...

glad your getting to grips with the remote I knew it was going to a good home :mad:


I didn't even consider I'd be shooting on one of the shortest nights. I take it that it's not something everyone does.? :o There weren't many that have a static tree, so I doubt I could do much with it.

It's doing me some good justice Peter. I'll get a barndoor going and put it to ever better use. :o

Wow, I'm impressed. I've actually never thought of getting this kind of image before but with the weekend fast approaching I must say I'm f feeling rather inspired!

Thanks for sharing :o


Thanks Olly. Glad to know that even my first attempt has inspired you to give it a go. It's all about letting the camera and software work their magic, so take something to do whilst you're out. :)

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Great result,the only thing i would do different would be to half your ISO to 800 so you could double the time of exposure(and still not overexpose) to get longer trails.

I always try and get at least 30 minutes,but thats purely my personal preference.

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Great result,the only thing i would do different would be to half your ISO to 800 so you could double the time of exposure(and still not overexpose) to get longer trails.

I always try and get at least 30 minutes,but thats purely my personal preference.

Thanks Stewart. I don't even remember shooting at ISO1600 in my defense. I swear I put it on to ISO800, but the shot details don't lie. ;)

I will try 30 minutes soon. I'm spending the time to experiment with different exposure lengths to see what works.As you say, it's all down to personal preference. I don't particularly like the kind of image where the star trails end up effectively catching themselves.

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Thanks Stewart. I don't even remember shooting at ISO1600 in my defense. I swear I put it on to ISO800, but the shot details don't lie. ;)

I will try 30 minutes soon. I'm spending the time to experiment with different exposure lengths to see what works.As you say, it's all down to personal preference. I don't particularly like the kind of image where the star trails end up effectively catching themselves.

Agreed,i think long trails realy clutter up the image and the effect of the trails is greatly reduced.

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Agreed,i think long trails realy clutter up the image and the effect of the trails is greatly reduced.

Maybe up to 60 minutes worth, but no more. If done properly, then maybe anything more can be justified. Seen a few on Flickr with a total exposure length of 240 minutes.! :hello2: Too much in my view.

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With my nikon d40, however long the shutter is open for is how long it takes for the camera to process the image, so say for example I take a 30 second exposure, the camera takes 30 second to process as well, so it actually takes 60 seconds from start to finish. Do you guys have the same issue?

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With my nikon d40, however long the shutter is open for is how long it takes for the camera to process the image, so say for example I take a 30 second exposure, the camera takes 30 second to process as well, so it actually takes 60 seconds from start to finish. Do you guys have the same issue?

You need to turn off the auto noise reduction in the camera.

This will stop it doing this.


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With my nikon d40, however long the shutter is open for is how long it takes for the camera to process the image, so say for example I take a 30 second exposure, the camera takes 30 second to process as well, so it actually takes 60 seconds from start to finish. Do you guys have the same issue?

The camera is taking an automatic dark frame to reduce the noise in the longer exposures... not familiar with the D40 but you maybe able to turn of the "in camera long exposure noise reduction" this will result in noisier subs but no gap... this is sorted out by taking a number seperate dark frames which are then used in the post processing... for the "startrails" app I normally take and use around 10 darks...

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