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RegS 6 wont open avi's

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OK, so i've been battling for some days now (3 to be exact) I took some avi's on the 25th April and have been trying to RS6 them but they won't load. It doesnt error just sits there at 67% first I thought it was cus I'd switched to YUY2 but thats not it as plenty of you guys use that. Then i thought it was the files sizes but took video dub to them and its not that, toniughts file is only 62MB.

My suspicion is that its because i went to 60fps (dont ask why) oh well if you insist i was just playing about anyways with no working scope and no clear skies i thought i'd spend some time tonight seeing if the experiment worked.

So the question is would a 60fps avi give RS6 a problem?

No comments about only needing 10fps or max 15 as I say I was just experimenting.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Did you get anywhere with this Justin ?

I've had exactly the same issue with Reg 6 as you have described.

I've tried VDub and saving as an old AVI with no luck either.

Oddly Reg5 has no problems with the same files so long as I have the AVI > 2Gb option set, even though they are nowhere near 2Gb.

I might drop a mail to the developer and get some suggestions.

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VDUB worked for me although I did find that i could actually just use the 'Save As AVI' rather than as old format. I have just checked the originals and they now appear to be ok with Reg6 but still not with AviStack which reports 'Codec Not Supported!'

I do vaguely recall getting a message about an update in Reg6 over the weekend?!

So my theory is that MS may have released something that caused issue with AVI's in both Reg6 and AviStack and that Reg6 has been updated but not AS.

I cant say for definate but I will investigate further.

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I can confirm that Registax 5 & 6 can open YUY2 avi files, I have no idea why this stopped working for a while other than my previous suggestion.

AviStack will not open YUY2 as it states Codec Not Support, to be honest I dont know whether it ever did support YUY2. I used I420 until recently which it does handle but after advice on here switched to using YUY2. So this might explain it e.g. Its never supported YUY2.

I can it to open AVI after opening and resaving through Vdub these use the DIB codec.

On an aside occasionally when I edit an AVI in VDUB and then try and open in AviStack I get "Frame length does not match CODEC" and something else I am looking into.

Spikey - Are you still having problems? If you are would reccommend check windows update to ensure your PC is patched.

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Yes I am but my problem is probably down to a variety of codecs I use on the PC I process on. Reg 5 is fine but I notice it handles video differently. I might re-encode but more than likely I'll just build a virtual host on the PC and use this purely for stacking.

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I'm getting the same problem - but not consistent.

When I open the AVI's if it puts a preview in the right hand side - then it will open ok. if not close down & try again ...........

I have uploaded the recent service pack - seems to have made it worse !!

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