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Everything posted by cajen2

  1. Thanks for that, SM, that's very helpful, as I'm addicted to Orion. I'll check out Eta and Sigma in TLAO, as I'm never really sure if I've got the right star! 🤔
  2. Interesting. Mine will only be the 8", plus I'm still fairly strong despite my advancing years (I'm 6'4"). So I think I won't have too many problems deploying it. I'd also decided to use a Rigel, although I tried one with the 150 and it didn't work (electrics) and so had to be returned. I think with a Rigel to give a rough location, the RACI to centre and my 30mil Vixen NPL, I should find it much easier easier to star hop.
  3. After my usual low mag tour of the Pleiades and M42, I was pleased to find all four Trap stars again (only three last night), so I was encouraged to try a couple of double splits. I'm a complete newbie at these, so don't sneer! 😄 I'd done Alnitak before so I checked that first to make sure it wasn't a fluke / my imagination first time and sure enough, there it was, nice and clear at 150x. I'd never tried Rigel before so gave that a go. I thought I'd failed at first before I noticed a faint but clear spot right next to the primary. Checked several times to make sure it wasn't my imagination and there it was. So that's two whole splits I've done! 😁
  4. It's a thought, AD..... My problem is I was counting on selling the Heritage to finance the SL, plus I'm pretty sure that SWMBO wouldn't wear two large scopes in the house! I know some people don't mind the Heritage's focuser, but it's beginning to get on my nerves.....a two-speed Crayford sounds like heaven!
  5. I've done the same with the dob.
  6. Great, thanks! I've sent you an email asking the same thing, so please ignore it.
  7. Interesting. I too could only see three stars in the Trap, except briefly at first and after I threw some serious mag (for my scope!😄) at it, when I saw four. Strange, as four is usual for me. On the other hand, Alnitak split readily. I think there was some patchy high haze tonight, at least in my area.
  8. It was cloudy here all day, then cleared up at dusk.....intended to go out after dinner and.....fog. Thick, impenetrable fog.
  9. Have you made one to go inside the trusses or outside?
  10. Seeing last night was excellent....while I was waiting for complete darkness last night, I turned the scope on Jupiter. I wasn't expecting much, as a month ago, it was higher in the sky but not much more than a fuzzy ball. Last night, the edge of the planet was pin sharp and I could see some bands, even at only 50x mag. Then to spoil it, the mist came rolling past, of course...😥
  11. .....and the Vixen 40mm is available immediately from Flo, with the 30mil in 2-4 days. The Vixen is a fine EP too! 👍😄
  12. All this is true, BB, but there are a couple of practical problems: - the ES is double the price of the Vixen - the ES range is unobtainable at the moment. I've had an ES Focal extender on order for two months without success.
  13. I have no idea of your budget....but I asked a similar question about the same scope when I got it: and a more specialised one about short focal length EPs later: You should find some ideas in those threads. As a summary, I think the idea of a zoom is good, to give you clues as to the best mag for a particular target (I use the OVL Hyperflex), a good Barlow ( mine's only a cheapish Svbony 2x ......i'm waiting for an ES to be delivered). The Pentax XW range is excellent if you can stretch to them: I have the 5mm and 14mm. They give a wide FOV, good eye relief and a clear image. A good option for a low-power EP is a Vixen NPL - I use a 30mm.
  14. Dobs needn't be heavy, awkward or difficult to use. Here's my Heritage Flextube 150p on a three-legged stool (much more stable than four legs). You can then lounge in any kind of chair: I use an adjustable-height bar stool.
  15. You could always splash out on some Bob's Knobs: something like these: https://www.firstlightoptics.com/bobs-knobs-collimation/bobs-knobs-stellalyra-celestron-sky-watcher-newtonian-collimation-knobs.html But check with Flo to see if they're the right ones.
  16. Good choice! It must be: it's the same as mine...😄👍 I've done the focuser mod and the shroud if you need any help.
  17. Hmmm, the 8" is supposed to be even better, at least in its accessories. Thanks for that.
  18. Love the way the scope matches the furniture!
  19. Personally, I'd go for the well-specced StellaLyra range of dobs.
  20. Two inches! 😁 But actually that seemingly small difference gives a large improvement in light-gathering capacity. Plus it'll give you a good workout whenever you have to move it!
  21. Now that looks a beautiful piece of kit! 🤑
  22. There's a little something on top of the bookcase..... I think that rig looks great, but I'm biased. Does your wife have a sister? 😆 Oh, and you have the same mini-ottoman as me. Good place to keep astro odds and ends and a surprisingly comfortable stool!
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