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Everything posted by cajen2

  1. Yes, that was the same one that I was talking about. That was the initial model and apparently the second version is even better. What really amused me at Astrocamp was that all the diehard astrophotographers ignored it completely at first, then one wandered over, took a look and said "wow!" Soon there was a whole group of them, plus the visual guys, all cooing over the views. One AP actually said "It's not fair!" 🤣 In the end the owner was taking requests: "What would you like to see next?" "Sombrero Galaxy, please." He got the scope to slew over and there it was, sitting in the middle of the view. I defy any of the nay-sayers not to be at least secretly impressed if they actually used one.
  2. I've looked through the eyepiece on an EVScope....all I (and everyone else who tried it) could say is 'wow!' Then just sitting and watching the image improve still further as it autostacked....a unique experience.
  3. One of my Father's Day pressies from my daughter. She knows I like mythology and the book also gives nice star maps, Messier objects, etc.
  4. Allow me to throw one more zoom into the mix: the OVL Hyperflex. Like most zooms, it suffers from low AFOV at low mags, but I use mine almost exclusively at 7.2mm to bridge the gap between a Pentax XW 5mil and a Morpheus 12.5mm, a job it does so well that it loses nothing in comparison. I will eventually be getting a 6.5 Morpheus but I'll definitely be keeping the OVL.
  5. If you have a look at this: https://www.firstlightoptics.com/heritage/sky-watcher-heritage-150p-flextube-virtuoso-gti.html You have the SW 150p Heritage already recommended, plus go-to. I have the manual version of the 150p and it's an excellent all-rounder. It's got enough aperture to find both planets/moon and deep sky objects interesting, plus it's light and stores away easily. It's also cheap enough that you can afford some decent eyepieces when the time comes. The only downside with it is the slightly odd helical focuser, which some don't mind and others dislike. I also have an 8" StellaLyra Dobsonian, and I wouldn't recommend that if you need to carry it up and down stairs - it'd get old very quickly. Shame, as it's an excellent scope.
  6. Yes, that's the problem. I abandoned the RQ after a while as it quickly becomes unstuck at high angles.
  7. I have only the XW 5 and 14 but find both of them very good EPs with no or little appreciable curvature in either. It may be my 14 suits my 8" dob more than it does your frac. I have no experience of the others in the range. I just find the Morpheus with its wider FOV more involving and informative. I have a Morph 6.5 on order at FLO but God knows when they'll get more stock in.
  8. In that case, I can heartily recommend the Baader Morpheus 12.5mm. That IS my favourite EP. I suppose if you have OCD it wouldn't match the XWs but I have all sorts of different makes.
  9. No 14? Mine is one of my favourite EPs.
  10. I have the StellaLyra 2" 2x one that I linked to and an Explore Scientific 1.25" 2x focal extender. Both excellent.
  11. "Direct Nine" also sell the Orion branded ones, though they're much more expensive.
  12. What looks like an identical 2x 1.25" Barlow is available as a "Vision King" on eBay: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/265714522204?var=0&mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=710-53481-19255-0&campid=5338749375&toolid=20006&_trkparms=ispr%3D1&amdata=enc%3A17PUOWHmLTqeD4ZXNMFgHxQ70&customid=GB_625_265714522204.135852907183~1584921243243-g_Cj0KCQjwqPGUBhDwARIsANNwjV4WAsgyybGet4lYBiOo8mEEEnyG1IQiC7DGgvbgmb9zFuZNxh5Nob8aApeDEALw_wcB
  13. Yours doesn't look much like the StellaLyra Barlow (the usual equivalent to Orion US here). https://www.firstlightoptics.com/stellalyra-eyepieces/stellalyra_2x_2_barlow.htm This is a good one, though, with ED glass. It's a 2", please note.
  14. Totally agree. Apart from special cases like lunar viewing and splitting tight doubles, the EP I use nearly all the time in my 8" dob is a Morpheus 12.5mm. It seems to hit a sweet spot for definition, contrast and FOV and often, after using a 5mm XW for example, I'll go back to the Morph for a more comfortable view.
  15. Or just steal a cushion off a sofa (or a bed). Women always have far more than they need, for some reason! 😉
  16. I've been looking into buying that exact chair as it seems to do the same job as those twice the price.
  17. Thanks, everyone. I previously observed from my front garden, where I could get great views of Orion, etc in the winter, so a whole hemisphere of sky is quite new to me. So the council fixing the streetlight in the front actually did me a favour!
  18. I've only been viewing from my front garden, which is north facing, for a couple of months so a lot of the targets that everyone else is used to are new to me. Last night was mostly cloudless, except for a little high haze. I was determined to have a look at the Ring Nebula before the sky at sensible observing times got too light for it...and success! Using my StellaLyra 8" dob and a variety of EPs, the Ring was visible but it was a little disappointing as even at gone 11pm, the sky was too light. Increasing mag just made a fuzzy circle into a larger fuzzy circle and I couldn't be bothered to wait another hour or two, so I switched to double stars around Cygnus and Lyra. First up was Albireo, which was the first time I've seen it through a decent scope. It was as gorgeous as everyone says it is, with the orange and blue colours plain, especially at 240x mag with my Pentax XW 5mm. Next, I went to Vega, then Epsilon Lyrae, the double double. This split well into four stars. Then I found Delta Lyrae. I wanted to move on to Struve 2470 and 2474, but by this time cloud was covering the constellations, so I had to pack up. I was well chuffed with what I saw, though, even though most of you probably find it old hat! 😄
  19. All looking good, Alan. 👍 Note for @Mike Q and any other Transatlantic friends: "Khazi" is British slang for "toilet", especially an outside one! 😉😄
  20. An easy option is to use an aquarium algae magnet. Both halves are usually magnetic but crucially, both are padded so you don't scratch your scope.
  21. Ooh, great minds, etc. I've just ordered the same EP from FLO. Now I'll have to wait 30-40 days....😥
  22. Yes, that's what I do. I've balanced the scope with an average-sized EP then make fine adjustments with magnets.
  23. Would a Baader Semi-Apo filter not help with CA?
  24. Ha! Bomberbaz and I posted at the same time.
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