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Everything posted by cajen2

  1. So a no-hassle Messier Marathon then!
  2. Can you control a Stellina from any distance, Mike? You could stay in the warm while it does its stuff.
  3. Another 8" dob looking at the moon. Seeing was pretty bad at first - don't think I left the scope to cool for long enough - but then it improved. Transparency extremely patchy - some high cloud and vapour trails persisted for ages. I tried out different EPs and mags on firstly Castor and then the moon. I rapidly found that my collimation was a bit out, so stayed on the moon. The Morpheus 12.5mm gave the most pleasing view (96x mag) but not of course as much detail as the Pentax XW 5mm (240x). I was surprised at how good the Svbony UWA 6mm was (200x) but eye placement is critical with that one. I got fed up with constantly nudging the scope at the highest mags so returned to the Morpheus and had a good long look at the terminator - great stuff!
  4. Since a TV with similar (in fact slightly narrower) FOVs are nearly double the price, I think I'll stick with the Morpheus!
  5. Kind of you to research this, but not at that price. The few that FLO stocks, for example, are £188. I've tried other shops but few of them note whether an item is in stock, so numerous emails have led me nowhere.
  6. I want to replace my BT Starguider 8mm and Svbony UWA 6mm with a Baader Morpheus 6.5mil. Don't get me wrong, both are fine EPs but I love the wide, clear views that the Morph provides. The trouble is I can't find one in stock anywhere...😥
  7. Good idea, Steve. I look forward to the next installment....
  8. I found it in night mode by clicking on the little tools symbol above the image box.
  9. Ah, 'rows' of soldiers and 'rows' between people in Emmerdale...an example of a heterophone!
  10. I've just bought myself a second-hand Pixel 4a. How do I access stars mode? All I can see is night mode. Edit: I've just found Astrophotography mode. Hopefully, I can work it out from there
  11. Google Pixel 4a phone, second hand. Mint condition. I bought it because my usual phone (cheap Nokia) doesn't have a gyro and thus not much use with the likes of Stellarium. The Pixel also has a night/astronomy setting on the camera, which is 10x better than the Nokia too. I'll just use it for astronomy.
  12. https://www.firstlightoptics.com/heritage/sky-watcher-heritage-150p-flextube-dobsonian-telescope.html https://www.firstlightoptics.com/heritage/skywatcher-heritage-130p-flextube.html Not so.
  13. It's always the way. Whenever I get the chance to observe anything astronomically special, it turns cloudy. Remember the last solar total eclipse? 😡 To me, it's an even more reliable way of guaranteeing cloud than having a new scope delivered ...
  14. Great! I'd love to see how well the setting circle works. Are you going to get an inclinometer too?
  15. Here, 11°C is a balmy summer's night!
  16. That sounds great, Magnus. It must be really satisfying knowing that all your hard work is rewarded. Can you make me one next? 😆
  17. This. I have a Baader Skysurfer RDF and a RACI as I'm so bad at finding things - I need all the help I can get!
  18. I really think you won't regret it, Paul. To upgrade just the focuser to the two-speed and the finder to a RACI would cost far more than the price difference, plus you'll appreciate the adjustable balance and the smooth alt and azimuth axes. And you'll be getting another 2" of aperture! 👍😉
  19. Another good option is a Baader Skysurfer RDF. Its two tubes act like a straight-through finder, plus you have the red dot for greater accuracy. It even works as a finder if the battery goes flat! 😉
  20. ......and what is this habit that so many people have nowadays with leaving upstairs lights on all night? Three houses around me do it and don't close their curtains. I think with all this illumination, people are actually more scared of the dark than they used to be. I have to try and block them with washing hanging on the line! 🙄🤣
  21. I replaced my Rigel Quickfinder with a Baader Skysurfer RDF. So much easier to see through!
  22. Well, there must have been clear skies somewhere in the world......the guarantee doesn't specify where! (Or when).
  23. Ah, yes, similar. People can actually point out a target from my garden, but I can't catch it with the finder, never mind about the EP! My partner knows better than to send me to find anything.....🙄
  24. Just had one of those nights. The surrounding street lights, 'security' lights and three houses adjoining where they leave bathroom lights on all night severely restrict what I can target but tonight I thought "I fancy some open clusters". So I turned the Heritage 150 to Castor, first, just to get warmed up. I was quite happy to split it (A and C) at only 60x mag using my new favourite EP, a Morpheus 12.5mil. Fired with success, I slewed to Auriga, hoping to catch M36, 37 and/or 38 - I haven't seen them before. I was just navigating between Theta Aurigae and Elnath when suddenly everything went dim. Yes, a huge cloud had appeared and covered Auriga. I waited patiently but more came over so I've come in for a warm. This is the second time this has happened on the same targets and I'm getting more than slightly peeved!
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