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Everything posted by cajen2

  1. How about a pair of Vixen SLVs? They're very clear, sharp EPs for the price and their relatively narrow FOV will be less of a problem in binos.
  2. I've just spent an hour solely on Jupiter (sorry nothing more exotic - the street light just outside my garden means I can't even see stars in Pisces). I was trying out different EPs and filters on my 8" SL dob with interesting results, as the seeing was much better than usual. The relatively wide FOV with my Morpheus 12.5, 9 and 6.5mm was ideal for reducing the number of nudges needed to keep the planet in view. My two Pentax XWs were significantly worse in this respect. Both makes of EP showed excellent detail - three to four bands were obvious and the four major moons showing clear discs, all strung out to the right of the planet (dob view). I also experimented with my two filters: a Baader Neodymium, which is supposed to reduce LP and enhance planet views and as a shot in the dark (sorry!) my Astronomik UHC, just to see what it would do. Predictably, the Baader had a subtle but marked effect, reducing Jupiter's glare slightly and enhancing the bands. The UHC is of course a deep-sky filter and it gave a distinctly green glow to the planet. It did improve surface detail, though. An enjoyable and educational hour on a favourite target.
  3. I have the Hyperflex 7.2 - 25.1mm and I find the eye relief quite tight, even though I don't wear glasses for observing (I've always disliked EPs with tight ER as I tend to 'hover' my eye rather than push into the eyecap). My other problem with it is its FOV. Just tonight, I was observing Jupiter with it (I often use it first to work out what f/l is best). The narrow FOV meant I was constantly nudging the scope, even when the OVL wasn't at minimum f/l. Optically, I think it's very good for the price but my issues with mean it sees little use.
  4. If you're using a smartphone, try turning it to landscape, otherwise the whole map is not in view and you can't mark your chosen pitch. I had exactly this problem the first time I tried to book in spring.
  5. SF stories about 'generation ships' abound, often with the original aim becoming just a legend or myth.
  6. There's a bit of a trade-off in the fields of view though, Z. The BST is 60° whereas the Vixen is only 50°. Therefore, the actual FOV of the Vixen 30mil is almost identical to the BST, with the latter of course giving a higher mag . With both makes at 25mil, the BST has a wider field.
  7. Sure, Lawrence. There you go: https://astrocamp.awesomeastronomy.com/
  8. cajen2

    First timer

    Hi and a warm welcome to SGL. I think you've made a good choice with the 130p. I have its slightly bigger brother - 150p. This was my first scope and I still use it for grab & go, holidays, etc. It's an excellent all-round, portable scope, though in your shoes, I'd use some of the money you've saved buying second hand to upgrade the eyepieces which come with the scope, particularly the 10mm. Have a look on FLO at the BST Starguider range. Also check you have something ultra-stable to stand the scope on, as the last thing you need is wobbles and vibrations while observing. For future reference, have a look at the modification you can make to the (slightly quirky) focuser too.
  9. Winter for me because I love Orion - quite apart from the fabulous nebulae, there's a plethora of interesting doubles in and around it, from easy to virtually impossible.
  10. It always makes me laugh when people who imagine they're using correct grammar say things like " between you and I". "Between" is a preposition and like all such words, is followed by an object pronoun ("for me" / "to me", etc.). So "between you and me" is ALWAYS correct. Just saying....😉
  11. It's been great - I've had no issues with it at all I have to say, though, that I don't use it as much as I did because I got the SL 2" 20mm 80° eyepiece. This is absolutely superb, with clear, wide-field view. The 68° is a bit redundant, consequently.
  12. Z is quite right: the BST Starguiders are one of the best VFM eyepieces around. In your position, I'd get a 25mm for wide views and for finding objects, plus an 8mm for good magnifications on the moon and planets. When you feel rich enough, you can start 'filling the gaps'. A cheap alternative to the 25mm BST is a Vixen NPL. I have the 30mm and it's excellent for the price (but don't get the lower focal length ones as they can have a problem with eye relief).
  13. Not a genius but very careful when it comes to spending money......😉 except of course on scopes, EPs, etc etc. Can't really bodge those.
  14. Well, when you say 'new'...... it's only 9 years old! 😄
  15. I'm going to be at the Astrocamp next month. If you see a van that looks like it's escaped from a safari park, that'll be me. Come and say hello.
  16. Welcome, John. I have the same scope and it's a cracker!
  17. I use one of these for my dob: https://www.amazon.co.uk/FiNeWaY-Waterproof-Breathable-Protector-Protection/dp/B09CZKKG8K?pd_rd_w=WD6Ca&content-id=amzn1.sym.497d4c70-b5c1-4495-b6bd-715afe1a9b35&pf_rd_p=497d4c70-b5c1-4495-b6bd-715afe1a9b35&pf_rd_r=H9K9PKR2GPGCEP2RDSQ7&pd_rd_wg=1ePiY&pd_rd_r=2d1e3e43-8eed-4127-addc-f917dcad9fe9&pd_rd_i=B09CZKKG8K&psc=1&ref_=pd_bas_bia_rpt_ba_s_1_sc Right shape, right size and much much cheaper than anything with 'astro' in the name! 😉
  18. No idea: I'm strictly visual and no imager.😄 You need one of those for that..... plenty here who can help!
  19. They will to a certain extent but I don't know if they're accurate enough for long-term exposures for DSOs. They're certainly not marketed as such.
  20. Just stirring the pot....😉 Seriously, though, I've been expecting a cosmological paradigm shift for a while now. I wonder when the tipping point will come: if the JWST discovers more things that are problematical for current theories....
  21. .....if it actually exists, that is....😉
  22. If the BB theory is proved wrong, it may well be unnecessary to invoke dark matter and dark energy, which I've always been deeply suspicious of. The only problem is accounting for red shift. Imagine that they decide there was no BB and the universe is in steady state. There's be cosmologists leaping out of windows all over the world! 🤣
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