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Everything posted by cajen2

  1. It looks so simple but having seen all the processes involved, I know it wasn't. Great job, Mike. Clive
  2. You should remember, however, that the 8" is rather heavier and more cumbersome. Edit: just checked with FLO and the tube weight is only half a kilo more, so you should be fine.
  3. It depends on your expectations. I tested my 6mm recently against a BST Starguider 8mm and it was slightly better, with a rather improved contrast. My Pentax XW 5mm walks all over it, of course, but it's many times the price.
  4. Yes, you're right - just checked. It's a UWA.
  5. I have the 6mm version (do they really only sell those two f/l?) and for the price, it's an excellent little EP.
  6. Beautiful, Magnus, both of them. Looking forward to hearing your first light with the new one.
  7. If you're as happy with your UM as I've been with my 8" SL, you'll be very contented. I' d definitely consider upgrading the finder to a RACI, though, unless you're a yoga expert.😉
  8. I do exactly the same but with my Baader Clicklock in the focuser - does a good job centralising the laser.
  9. Some gorgeous images of this group of five galaxies. The video is good too: https://www.sciencealert.com/marvel-at-all-the-different-types-of-galaxies-in-the-new-hubble-anniversary-image
  10. It's worth repeating that differences in eyepiece F/L are more significant as mags increase. For example, in my scope, 6mm gives 200x, 12mm 100x and 18mm 67x, a difference of 100x compared with 33x. So buying EPs according to fixed F/L differences is misleading.
  11. Ah, I did wonder about that as the springs on my StellaLyra primary seem fine.....
  12. Ah... don't we all? 😉 Now all you need is a nice 8" dob to complement it for DSOs, etc....
  13. Hi and a warm welcome to SGL. You've chosen well with the 127.
  14. By the by, my 1.25" 'Barlow' is actually an ES 2x Focal Extender and I also have my StellaLyra 1.25/2" Barlow. Is one preferable to the other?
  15. My StellaLyra 8" has adjustable alt pivots which I'm sure will help. That's the sort of thing I had in mind. My BVs are a cheap second-hand Celestron pair, so if they don't work, I'll just sell them on and hopefully not lose much. Thanks, all of you, for your input.
  16. I have a Vixen 30mm NPL which is a great, cheap EP. With all these Barlows, etc, presumably it isn't a good idea to use too high a mag EP. Do you suppose buying another would do the job?
  17. Thanks, Peter. Our posts crossed. I suppose I'll suck it and see. I just wondered if there was any other reason.
  18. Thanks for that, WB. I have a 35mm focus extender plus a couple of Barlows....maybe that'll help.
  19. Is there any particular reason why nearly all BVs seem to be used solely on refractors and not dobs, apart from balance issues?
  20. Nice cases, nice price! Got a link, please Victor?
  21. Just as I thought, you lot will take this far too seriously! 😆
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