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Everything posted by cajen2

  1. Nah. I had the original, lighter version which broke - my own fault for tilting it. The second has been fine but the small seat made it a bit uncomfortable for long sessions. The great advantage, apart from its adjustability, is that you can carry it over your shoulder and you don't even know it's there.
  2. Likewise. Having tried it, the wider squarish seat is definitely more comfortable than the old round one.
  3. Mine arrived today too...😉 Ok, it doesn't light up but tbh, I don't need it to!
  4. Nice first light, Jeremy. One of my scopes is the 150p. You soon get used to the focuser....in fact I find it almost as good as a two-speed R&P one at achieving exact focus. If there's still significant play, try a little more PTFE tape. One layer soon gets compressed. The optics are excellent for a small scope. I'm intrigued by your putting it on an AZGTi : an expensive way of making it go-to but no doubt effective. I look forward to hearing how well you get on with this setup. A couple more things: if you get foam for the lightshield, make sure you don't buy it too thin. I got 2mm and I find it deforms too easily. I imagine 3mm would be ideal. Also, I wanted to change to a better finder too, but FLO informed me that a normal finder shoe wouldn't fit. Edit: just noticed the original post was two years ago, so @paulyz perhaps you won't get an answer.
  5. I bought an Oklop bag for similar reasons, to carry my StellaLyra 8" dob (200x1200). In my case, the bag fits like a glove, EXCEPT for the altitude bearings, which project a significant distance from the sides. These can be removed, but it's a bit of a faff with four Allen key bolts, which have to be aligned exactly to maintain balance. In retrospect, I might have done better to buy a wider size, as you did.
  6. I don't consider it as a split unless I can see a bit of darkness between the stars. Thus I can't split some doubles which other people say they've 'split'. I've always found higher mags make for easier splits IF the seeing is good enough and, as you say, the secondary isn't hidden by diffraction spikes or ring.
  7. Ha! I thought it was only me....😄 I tend to do the same any time I'm concentrating, for example when writing (with a pen - remember that?). I don't want to write a long sentence for similar reasons......🤣
  8. I was rather put off by the reviews that said the backrest tilts forwards and tends to push you off the seat. You want it to tilt backwards if anything....
  9. Yes, that's what happened to the first one I bought when I tilted it. I found it much safer to move it than tilt. The second one was fine (no tilting!) except not very comfortable as the seat was so small. So I'm hoping the new one will solve this.
  10. Update: I've found an upgraded one (supposed to hold 485lbs) which, importantly for me, has a wider seat. I always found the small round seat uncomfortable over a long session. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Upgraded-Portable-Telescopic-Stool-Larger/dp/B09D9372R9/ref=sxin_19_pa_sp_phone_search_thematic_sspa?content-id=amzn1.sym.cfee513d-3639-4d62-a8b4-88d5c811b9b9%3Aamzn1.sym.cfee513d-3639-4d62-a8b4-88d5c811b9b9&crid=3FH0WIXHCE1LG&cv_ct_cx=fiemach+portable+telescopic+stool&keywords=fiemach+portable+telescopic+stool&pd_rd_i=B09D9372R9&pd_rd_r=50939e5c-56a5-44df-b3fb-9fd0ac8550d8&pd_rd_w=RMecJ&pd_rd_wg=TkBEr&pf_rd_p=cfee513d-3639-4d62-a8b4-88d5c811b9b9&pf_rd_r=QXA1FMFB8KQY5D8KVHZJ&qid=1662637247&sprefix=fiemach%2Caps%2C156&sr=1-5-b75715df-0cbd-4312-a971-de5362256967-spons&psc=1 I'll let you know how I get on with it.
  11. Just for anyone who's forgotten to look these up. Neptune: 16th Sept Jupiter: 26th Sept Uranus: 9th Nov Mars: 7-8th Dec I'll probably forget them (I always do!) so this is a reminder for me as much as anyone else....😄 Edit: if you wonder where Saturn is, that's gone (14th August).
  12. Yes, some of them don't take to uneven loads well - I broke my first one this way. Leaning or hopping them can cause this. My second seems a bit sturdier, so go for the one with the highest weight rating. I also use two round cushions as they can get a bit uncomfortable after a while.
  13. Is a 2" EP out if the question? If not, a StellaLyra 80° UWA/LER 20mm gives me a great FOV with sharp, flat stars right to the edge of field.
  14. This might be of interest (40mm one): https://www.firstlightoptics.com/vixen-eyepieces/vixen-npl-eyepieces.html Don't know whether you'd get coma or not - my 30mil doesn't give any.
  15. For the finder scope, my 8" came with an 8x50 RACI finder, which means you can locate targets without having to grovel on the ground. Might be an option for you when you're feeling a bit more flush.... https://www.firstlightoptics.com/finders/stellalyra-8x50-right-angled-correct-image-raci-finder-scope-with-bracket.html
  16. Great result, mate. I could see you were reluctant to get rid of the 8" but wanted the portability of the Heritage and now you'll have both, like me. I really think you won't be disappointed. As to the EPs, there are some excellent ones around which will give you a wide FOV. Just post on here when you're ready and you'll be inundated with suggestions (again!) 😉
  17. Perhaps I should have put a smiley emoji on the post - I was making a gentle jest as JWST images in IR.
  18. Superb images, even if, of course, the colours are all made up.
  19. The Orion looks like a good piece of kit. Advantage over the Heritage: normal rack and pinion focuser. Disadvantages: more expensive even than a full-sized 6 or 8", and bulkier to store or carry. If the second-hand one is in excellent nick, go for it.
  20. My point precisely. "IF the manufacturer quotes the eye relief correctly..."
  21. I'm sure you're right - all I can say is there's plenty of ER for me and I sometimes wear glasses. What concerns me more is that quoted ER in manufacturers' official specs is very often the distance above the lens, not above the eyecup.
  22. Sigh. I sit at the eyepiece, using an adjustable stool. Here: I have no idea if it'll fit in an MX -5 boot but I wouldn't be surprised.
  23. I believe the Zhumell is the same as the (U.S.) Orion, which here is the StellaLyra, all made by GSO. They differ only in the accessories they come with. So I have the same scope (SL) and you're right: it's excellent.
  24. The manual can be put on a mount/tripod: it has a Vixen dovetail. You're right about the focuser on the solid-tube 150, but with the AZ4, it's £410 v. the £249 for the manual Flextube. Much cheaper and more useful to go for the Virtuoso go-to version. You don't need to make anything to put the Heritage on: as I said before, mine's quite happy on a solid stool.
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