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Everything posted by bosun21

  1. I also have been thinking about carbon stars lately and hopefully tonight I will put it into practice. I have the 120ED/AZ-EQ6 outside cooling now 🤞.
  2. I second the BST Starguiders as well. For the money you will be hard pushed to get better.
  3. These are the ones that I bought. Waterproof and silvered inside. I have three of them, two grey and a black. The bottom can be closed or drawn together as well. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/375398303500?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=M1tauPnTTAm&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=bx3n7nxfspg&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  4. I have three of these. Excellent covers.
  5. Out with the 120ED tonight as the skies are supposed to be clear tonight from midnight onwards. I will occupy myself with the moon while waiting for it to get dark (sort of). Had to readjust the counterweight between photos. I get a better balance with both weights.
  6. Lovely captures once again Roy. I am going to try and get a few lunar imaging sessions in before the return of the planets.
  7. The Svbony IR pass 685nm filter provides good results and is cheaper than the others mentioned. Several of us actually use one for moon and Jupiter imaging.
  8. Nice captures @PeterStudz. Looks like Saturns rings are fully edge on. I used the Cassini division to set up focus when imaging it. I'll have to try something else this apparition.
  9. I have previously owned the 10-30mm and the 8-24mm Svbony zoom eyepieces and found the 7-21mm to be the best of the bunch.
  10. Welcome to SGL Martyn.
  11. I use a 12.5mm illuminated reticled eyepiece for doing accurate star alignment and conducting star tests. For this it's invaluable to me however if your dobsonian is manual then I wouldn't bother with one. Just centre the target in the eyepiece as near as you can and adjust your finder reticle to match. Same with the RDF.
  12. Nice images Roy. I thought there would have been more of a difference in brightness between the filters.
  13. Delivered today is a Moonlite focuser for my 120ED. I am going to buy the SW reducer flattener for it but will have to work out how to connect it to the Moonlite.
  14. The 533 would be a better choice over the 585 for AP, but if you want to include planetary imaging to any degree then the 585 wins hands down.
  15. I prefer number one as it's got a more natural look. Number three is over processed to me.
  16. The RA axis most definitely uses bearings as I have replaced them on an EQ5 I previously owned. The RA bearing is generally tightly fitted in the housing and I had to tap it out as I didn't have an extractor. It also has a slim thrust bearing at the polar scope end of the RA. You are probably correct regarding the Dec axis using bushes though.
  17. Very similar to myself although I use an old shopping trolley. 2 trips does everything I need.
  18. Look up their website for the prices. They have several different designs.
  19. I was considering staying up a little later and capturing an image or two of Saturn myself saying that I was out until 2.45am. Unfortunately the horrendous viewing conditions quickly put the dampeners on that idea. I'm glad that @Mr Spock confirmed the conditions in his area and that I hadn't indeed purchased a complete lemon 😂.
  20. Nice report Peter. You were lucky in that you escaped the Jetstream whereas I was engulfed by it. This photo is from today and the only difference to last night is that it was a good bit further south last night. I am going out tonight with an artificial star to check the optics on my 120ED.
  21. Nocturnal at present however I may buy another wedge and indulge myself in a bit of solar.
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