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Everything posted by nightfisher

  1. All the evostar needs to really shine is a crayford and a 9x50 mounted on the tube a little way up from the focuser
  2. And here is a pic of one i should not have sold, but this was one very long OTA, Antares 105 f15 "spirit of unitron"
  3. Here is my "old faithfull" the legendary TAL 100 RS 4" f10.....a proper telescope And here is a pair of TAL 100`s on my skytee mount
  4. Just fitted dual axis drives to my EQ5, jobs a good un

    1. Qualia


      Sounds lovely, Jules. I've been wondering for a couple of days now, but what are you mounting on the EQ5?

    2. nightfisher


      Tal100RS and new Maksutov when i get it, also migt be getting an ED80 later in the year

  5. Bad news guys and gals, i wont be imaging with my 130, i have finally got round to setting up my new Nexstar SE mount and the 130 is to long to use with this mount, so long term i dont see me keeping it as i traded my 150p ds for the 130 especially for this mount..................live and learn as they say
  6. Had the Starwave out last night and got the 5" mak cooling for tonight, cant be bad

  7. Bloomin weather, been lovely all week while i had to work, now its pants! if only i could give up work lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Qualia


      I know it's an exaggeration, Jules but it doens't seemed to have stopped raining the last 3 months here :-( The last evening session I had was way back in March. Hopefully things will pick up soon.

    3. Marki


      Sod's Law Jules. Set up for an evenign here, but lots of haze and cloud now rolling in. Daren't leave the scope out, as some showers are now forecast :(

    4. nightfisher


      Yep, was hoping to set up but it went pear shape, nothing new there!

  8. I could, but its sale pending and should be collected at the weekend, i am not worried that i cant use 2" ep`s, just hope the 1000d comes to focus with 2" nosepiece
  9. My 130 came with the wrong top on the focus tube, it has a compression ring top, the 1.25 reducer seems to be from an evo star frac, and no 2" tube not that it would fit any way. The joy of the used market
  10. I now have my astroboot 2" to 1.25 reducer, so i might be able to get a look through this scope, seems like i wont be using any 2" ep`s with it due to the other part being missing, should have waited and gone for a new one
  11. Cheers for the picture, i bought mine used and its ended up with a very low profile generic 1.25 reducer, i strongly feel i will struggle to get focus with 1.25 ep`s, i have sourced a higher profile reducer that slips into the 2" focuser and should be about right height
  12. Just another thought, could a 130p ds owner post a pic of the focuser showing the 1.25 adapter fitted, as i feel my one from the used market has the wrong adapter
  13. Cheers Rob, subs will be 30 secs to 1 minute max, im thinking 1000d with 2" nose piece direct into focuser and 2" lp filter. No point in even trying for few weeks till i move to new house. By the way your images are top notch, very good indeed
  14. Can i join this club, yes i own a 130p ds Right, i am NOT a deep sky imager but the plan is........i can see you all wincing at this,...........130p ds, 1000d un modded and ...............8SE alt az mount (runs for cover) The main reason i got the 130 is to use as a widefield visual scope on the goto se mount but nothing wrong with putting the camera on it and shooting some rough and ready images of things like the ring neb, M42, M45 and maybe a few brighter globs, if this does not work i will still have a good visual scope on goto, oh and i can image the moon with it, my fav subject
  15. Superb thread, i plan to join this as i will be using a 130p ds on the SE mount
  16. second bout of man flu, not happy

    1. Pig


      I don't want to rub it in Jules but the second bout is very hard to shake off

    2. Qualia


      Been fluy this last week or so as well, Jules. Hopefully as spring pushes on, it'll be shaken off. Hope you get well soon.

  17. Dont let the police see that lot...............they would have a "strong case against you"...........................okay i will stick to the day job
  18. got man flu !

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JB80


      Just over one of the worst cases in history, everybody got it but mine was the only instance on man flu and therefor much more critical. 2 weeks of feeling like meh.

      Hope you get better everyone!

    3. nightfisher


      I guess its best to get it over and done before i move house

    4. Pig


      Me too Jules, I am on my second bout since xmas

  19. Just for the record, DougM43 has very kindly loaned me his TAL100r to evaluate with the newer 100RS

    1. nightfisher


      So all being well with the weather gods, there will be a report submitted here in a few weeks

  20. Her is my revamped eyepiece case, top row is my plossl`s, 10, 20 25mm silvertops plus 15mm revelation and 18 plus 25 BST middle is filters, blue thing is lipstick brush clear cases hold 1.6 barlow and 0.5 reducer, these screw into a 1.25 T thread nose piece, then 32mm imaging plossl and 2.5 revelation barlow bottom row is full set of orthoscopics, all being Circle T other than 18mm BGO Ha ha, i have just found a pic of my first EP case, although i consider my ep collection very humble, i have progressed a long way
  21. I am in the process of doing a new case, i bought a larger box, got the foam, i had planned to get all my EP`s in the one case but looks like i will have to use the new one for 1.25, and the old one for my humble 2" set, should get it done tomorrow
  22. Yet another Astroboot order....skymax 127 black diamond

    1. Luke


      Congrats! Never had a Mak, but hear so many good things about frac-esque views.

    2. nightfisher


      Maks are superb scopes, i have had them from the 102 right up to the 180, the 150 is the jewel in the crown

  23. More goodies arrived from astroboot....happy days

    1. Qualia


      What you're getting, Jules :-)

    2. nightfisher


      Quality 2" diagonal, Revelation 15mm plossl, x1.6 Barlow

  24. Thanks Steve, i have posted this in case any one needs to do this, but i also hope no one has to ever do this to their TAL, at least my old girl is now good as new
  25. Having bought a new aluminium eyepiece case finally got round to ordering the foam for it, should be able to consolidate my 1.25 and 2" ep`s all in one case
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