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Dave scutt

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Everything posted by Dave scutt

  1. I keep the dob on the trolley when observing very stable. For the ramp I use 22mm marine ply easy to move out the way each time
  2. My dob is on a trolley and I use a ramp to get it in and out of the shed
  3. My only scope is an 12"skywatcher dob I find nothing better than to try and find objects and get that wow factor when I find something I've never seen before. I did have a goto aswell but a like the dob much better
  4. You could always leave it with me I look after it for you no problem 🤣
  5. Dave scutt


    Hi Lundy view. Welcome back to SGL
  6. You can upload photos on here for us to see
  7. Would explore scientific OIII filter be of good quality it's not cheap but not as expensive as some other brands
  8. I have no light pollution (only when my sons keep going in the kitchen raiding the fridge) so maybe just an OIII filter
  9. I have an explore scientific UHC filter is it worth buying an 0III filter and a neodymium filter aswell would I see much difference or should I save my money
  10. Make sure you buy a good scope and mount feels like my big toe is broken
  11. You don't own the holiday house down the road who supports Aston villa
  12. Not much to show trying to take some images of Jupiter though my phone,took the phone off then it broke.
  13. Dam wish I thought of that would look so much better
  14. Hi Murray06. Welcome to SGL. Have you a budget for what you want to buy and is it planets and the moon all would you be looking for dso's aswell. I'm sure you will get some great advice lots of knowledgeable people here to help,hope you enjoy your new hobby.
  15. I thought it was because I live in Ireland
  16. I downloaded deepsky camera beta haven't had a chance to use it yet could you have a look and let me know what you think
  17. Just up the road live by fairly mount post office
  18. Just checked weather for tonight, hoping a might get an 1 hour or 2
  19. Next clear skies (hopefully) I let the dob cool down and might have some time to study closer, is it best under low or high magnification. Thanks for all your replies
  20. Hi Stu did you use any filters when you saw a green tint
  21. Hi everyone. As still new to this and only got my first scope in the summer, I haven't had a chance to see Orion rise in the sky yet. I couldn't sleep last night and at 3.30 decided to get up ,looking outside I could see clear skies, quickly getting dressed rolled the dob out of the shed not having time to cool down I could see clouds coming in from the west. Using the 28mm ep to find the Orion Nebula it looked magnificent, added a uhc filter but it didn't look any different, I changed to a es 82 degrees 6.6mm and was very pleased on how good the ep was, at 4.15 the clouds covered everything so rolled the dob back in and it started to rain as usual 😪. Can you see any colour in Orion Nebula with any other filters or is it always going to be grey I know you won't see it like the way it is in books. Thanks dave
  22. Do you get any vibration from the fan being screwed in I have mine hanging with hair bungees
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