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Everything posted by Ags

  1. I feel this could work, but it needs to be on a mountain-top.
  2. 13,000 g's. Its straight up because it is a suborbital prototype.
  3. It's less than a rocket, because a rocket has to accelerate its fuel.
  4. This US company is looking to put 200kg satellites in orbit using a massive centrifuge. https://www.spinlaunch.com/#p1
  5. Some bits for me camera - an Astronomik L-3 filter, T2-1.25 adapter, and SCT-T2 adapter.
  6. An odd thing happened last night. I set up and the list of solar system objects did not include the Moon?
  7. The whole disk fitted on the sensor.
  8. I had a Twilight 1 and was very disappointed when using it with a 150mm f5 Newt. I would say the mount is only suited to small scopes, with larger ones it's reduced to jelly.
  9. My SCT looms over the dining table. I think it looks lovely.
  10. I thought I would try the Moon with my Zenithstar 66 and ASI 485MC. I don't have my IR blocker yet, so this was shot as a monochrome image using a Wratten #29 filter (passing deep red and IR). Just 1000 two millisecond subs, I couldn't shoot longer because for some reason I could not select the Moon for tracking on my AZ-GTi... Processed in AS!3 and Gimp.
  11. I do like moonlit 'scapes. I am not keen on observing in a full Moon, but I do like to go out and admire the blue sky at night. But not everyone can see it, lots of people just see black. I like how the star trails accentuate the star colors.
  12. Unless I am very mistaken, the Logarithmic check box only affects the Y axis, all the useful stuff on the X axis is unaltered.
  13. I've never seen that problem before. I am using a Galaxy S71 (Android 11) and automatic phone GPS and manually setting location have both always worked for me. Have you tried deleting all app data and trying again? Or reinstalling the app and not granting it permission to see location?
  14. I have been led astray for weeks by my new color camera, but thankfully thick cloud has driven me back to my literary endeavors. I finished documenting the Caldwells yesterday and if things go really well I hope to finish the Messiers early next week. It's a bit of a race as I have some new bits coming for my camera! Having been through the whole Caldwell list and having written a potted description on each one I have to say - some of those Caldwells are insanely hard! These are the pictures that ate a book:
  15. I read the paper... sounds logical. The edges of a disk are more likely to evaporate, leading to a spherical core.
  16. I agree the source gas cloud must be rotating, but 100 trillion rotating galaxies suggest that it is very difficult for gas to collape in our universe without rotating - it takes only the slightest nudge or imbalance to start the spinning. I will look at the paper tonight, thanks for that @iantaylor2uk! Regarding spherical stars and planets - obviously once the matter starts colliding hydrostatic equilibrium will dominate. But even Earth is slightly flattened... isn't that just a special kind of disk? 🤣
  17. Everything else that collapses under gravity forms a disk. Why are globs the exception?
  18. No-one seems to sell these... Does anyone know anywhere that sells such items?
  19. Is the JWST an RC or some other design?
  20. Ags

    M45 WIP

    Aside from the reflection on brighter stars I can't really complain. I like the speed and can't really judge the star shapes yet because of bloat from unblocked IR. Maybe the reflection will go away when I get my new IR blocker, or I can figure out a way to baffle the reducer (assuming that is the problem). Or it might go away if i adjust the spacing of the reducer... I have also thought of rotating the camera so that the reflection disappears in stacking... But I am not too bothered with a little reflection, even expensive scopes can struggle with the issue after all.
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