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Pitch Black Skies

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Everything posted by Pitch Black Skies

  1. I would like to buy one of these blank foam cases to start my collection. Where can they be bought?
  2. Hi guys, Can anyone tell me if the following item on eBay would be suitable as a cheap eyepiece storage case? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/233484293126 I can't tell how deep the foam cubes are and if removing them would leave adequate space for a few 1.25 and one 2" eyepiece. I would probably put my laser, Cheshire, and a few other bits and bobs in there too. Or maybe someone can offer me an alternative case listed elsewhere? I'm looking for a cheap aluminium one. Getting a bit fed up of the old Quality Street box 😅
  3. Hello, welcome to SGL 🌠 The book "Turn Left at Orion" is a must to get started. Best of luck with whatever telescope you choose. You are sure to enjoy it! https://www.firstlightoptics.com/books/turn-left-at-orion-book.html
  4. Hi Jonathan, welcome to SGL 🌠
  5. Welcome to SGL 🌠 I like how the 'Big Dipper' points to the ever important 'Polaris'. 🙂 Orion is my favourite.
  6. A warm welcome Billion. I passed an observatory up by Del Teide once, beautiful place.
  7. Could you shed some light on which galaxies you were trying to view? Some are more difficult to see than others. My suggestion is to try M51, M81 & M82 and maybe the Leo Trio. FWIW, I live in the countryside with very little to no light pollution. Most of the times I point my 200p in the region of a galaxy they pop into view. However, if the moon is out I can almost completely forget about looking at galaxies. You're best galaxy viewing should be when the moon is below the horizon.
  8. It looks like you have everything thing you need there. All of the important exit pupil sizes are covered. You mentioned about the light pollution. I'd recommend a good quality UHC filter if you don't already have one. Oh yeah and a nice sturdy carry case for those babies 😁
  9. I think I read that Orion had a version of the BST Starguiders too, but we're a lot more expensive. I could be wrong though.
  10. Thanks, I really liked a point you made in a previous post about being able to hone in on any particular object, at that particular time to find it's bests magnification with the zoom. I have since ordered a couple of BSTs since this post but will keep an eye out for a Baader. I opted for the BSTs because of the great reputation they have for beginners. I know the Baader has a great reputation too but I was advised to think of a zoom to complement your eyepieces, not replace them.
  11. I wonder are you effectively only paying for the name with the Orion or are maybe the coatings different?
  12. Love working on cars. Although, something always goes not quite to plan. I removed my starter motor a few months ago and a bolt that holds it from the inside fell into the bottom of the bell housing! I had to order a diagnostic camera that has a little magnet on the end of it and then spent a few hours in the cold and rain trying to pry it out. You can imagine the relief when I got it out 😌
  13. To be honest I don't know anything about astrophotography, only that it can probably get a bit expensive judging by things. Haven't said that, Harley's aren't exactly cheap either. I had a bike once, absolutely loved it. Another hobby that our proxy weather has no consideration for.. 🙂😂
  14. Just a quick update. I tested it again last night and have to say it was much better. The moon was down this time. I know magnification probably plays a part but the contrast in the Nirvana compared to the 25mm MA was stark. The sky was almost pitch black through the Nirvana, the Leo Trio, M81 & M82 as well as M51 looked nice.
  15. I think collimation is actually part of the fun. I love tinkering with things. 😁 That, and light gathering power of course.
  16. Thanks so much, I seen your post on another thread and you've given some really good information there. The zoom eyepieces carry some very useful advantages. I'm after opting for an 8mm and 15mm BST to use alongside my 32 Panaview. I'll see how I get on.
  17. Thanks, I have a Panaview 32mm for low power. Just trying to get something for high and medium. I'm thinking maybe the 8mm and 15mm BST which would give me 150x and 80x respectively. If going to be a zoom, I think maybe the Baader.
  18. Wow! Very interesting Heather, sounds like you had a really pleasing experience. I'm only at this a month or two but I always point the scope at Mars when I'm out. It's always the same, like a ball of fire. Until one night, a week or two back I looked at it and it was crystal clear. Truly amazing experience. It was at 200x. Alan
  19. Thanks so much sharing your knowledge and experience, that is a really detailed answer. There's definitely seems to be a common trend among the BSTs for people with this telescope. I can't imagine 80x on Saturn and Jupiter being strong enough though. Surely they are tiny. How much detail can you see?
  20. Thanks Andy, Is the zoom as sharp and does it show as much contrast as the BSTs? I think I've narrowed it down to the BSTs, the BCOs, a combination of them, or the zoom you mentioned.
  21. Hi Raph, how would you compare your 2 BSTs towards your 2 Nirvana's?
  22. Hi, nice collection. I know they are different focal lengths and AFOV but how would you compare the BST towards the Nirvana? I picked up a 16mm Nirvana but now wondering if I should have got a 15mm BST. My scope is 200p f6 dob. Thanks.
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