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    Travel, art, astronomy, photography, music, the theatre, chess and mathematics.
  • Location
    East Anglia UK

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  1. Very nice day and evening. So nice I went for total body immersion in the North Sea sans wetsuit. Finished the day stargazing from a chair in our backyard. No telescope or bins just two eyeballs. Hercules directly over head with Corona Borealis near by. At the end of my observing session, Jupiter and Saturn on display low over my neighbour's roof. Brilliant!

    Now tired and in bed. Night all.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Gonariu


      Surely your great-great-grandmother went to live in the United Kingdom for work reasons with her family of origin, Southern Italy is still an economically depressed area today. My great-grandfather had emigrated to the USA with his brother, they had a bar in El Paso, he came back but his brother didn't and nothing more was heard. Surely the Sicilian cuisine is worth trying, the "cassata" is quite famous!
      We have gotten used to hot summers for some time, the problem is when it rains little in winter (as in Sicily, here too the rains are winter with even a long summer drought), sometimes they ration us water because the dams they are half empty ... ..... The fires have done great damage in the Montiferru area, where I am, they have not touched us, but it is a chronic problem that we have here every summer. Unfortunately, the lands of the Mediterranean this summer were an immense brazier.
      The warm sea gives us winters that are quite mild, in Cagliari, my hometown, it snows every 30 years; when I was a child my dream was to see snow, then in 1985 (I was 17) it snowed at the beginning of January (10 cm of snow!) and the city literally went crazy with joy, I hadn't even gone to school ( here we are not equipped for snow and in these cases everything stops)! However believe me, I don't feel like taking a bath in January!
      I saw some satellite photos, the Sahara is really dark, saving up the money it is better to spend the Christmas holidays there with a small travel telescope, achromatic or apochromatic like the 80/400 for example. I did not know that in New Zealand they had a great sky, you are also lucky enough to have the same language and in addition the climate is always mild, at least in the North Island. The problem is that it is the antipodes, the flight by plane is long and certainly costs.
      Surely there is a lot to see with you as far as art is concerned, I did not know about East Anglia. When I was a kid my father bought a book about Westminster Abbey, I watched it several times, live it must be much more beautiful.
      Take care, clear skies and good observations: Jupiter is making furore at the telescope!


    3. Hawksmoor


      Westminster Abbey is a fantastic building to visit and many famous people are buried there including Isaac Newton. I also enjoy visits to the Royal Observatory at Greenwich. It is fantastic to walk in rooms where Samuel Pepys, Christopher Wren and Newton would have once walked.

      Enjoy Jupiter and Saturn. Weather permitting I hope to image them with my 127mm refractor in the next few weeks.

      best regards George

    4. Gonariu


      True, I did not remember that Newton was buried in Westminster, I remembered the queens Elizabeth I and Mary Stuart. The Greenwich observatory is also worth seeing, glorious pages of astronomy have been written there. We hope that you too have some summer temperatures and good weather, I saw that in September the temperature in London can even reach 28º; I can tell you that when it rains continuously here for about ten days I get bored and I begin to grumble! A 127 mm refractor like yours deserves to be used, I wish you really nice weather in this last month of summer, on the contrary we are waiting for next month to start raining after three months that it only did a few drops! Take care and above all clear skies !!!


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