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Everything posted by barbulo

  1. Bienvenido al foro Osvaldo. Your rig looks great! I wish you lots of fun.
  2. I can’t tell how far 2,06 is from workable. Other variables that will affect your results are the seeing and the guiding performance.
  3. barbulo

    A little late....

    Hi and welcome to SGL
  4. Hi and welcome to SGL
  5. I have this one from AE. Cheap and functional. Be sure you choose the right model. Mine is for the 600D.
  6. I don't have any SvBony product yet but, reading this thread and given the price, I was wondering what (2" or clip) filter would I get for LP. Any recommendation? Should be for a 200pds+MPCC+600d.
  7. I’d like to ask another question on this regard. Taking into account the capabilities of the ASI294MM (standard resolution 2:2 - 4144x2822@4,64um and “unbinned” resolution 1:1 - 8288x5644@2,3um), is it reasonable to take the luminance subs at 1:1 and then “colour” them with 2:2 subs?
  8. Hi and welcome to SGL. Very interesting question, in my opinion. The further objects we can observe were there billions of years ago. So, how does the universe look like right know? Where are (if there are) its limits? 🤷🏻‍♂️ As Gus mentioned in the previous post, the current thinking is that of an expanding universe. However, I have my doubts since the age of our planet is just a blink of an eye compared to the Universe’s magnitudes. Maybe that’s just a matter of faith.
  9. Different and interesting points of view poured here, but all based in the same premise: try everything at your hand and choose the more convenient for you. One thing I’ve learned in my short life in this hobby (less than 6 months) is that there are as many different paths and learning curves as people on earth. I liked the quote “horses for courses”, but I’d add one I learned recently: YMMV.
  10. I said the same words once in this forum and somebody asked in return: Why the ASI1600 if you have its evolution available (ASI294MM Pro)? I’m still thinking about that. But for the mid/long term. Regarding the Astroberry, I’d stick to it and use your ASI120 with a find/guide-scope to PA.
  11. Hi and welcome to SGL.
  12. I've read that a few times, but could you explain why dark-flats instead of darks in a 600d? Thanks in advance.
  13. barbulo


    Hi and welcome to SGL.
  14. Do you mean to collimate the laser? I have the same model and I don’t see screws to adjust he beam.
  15. I use Onshape (all platforms supported) for my own designs. Free and quite easy.
  16. barbulo

    Morning all

    Hi and welcome to SGL!
  17. Seeing the moon for the first time through my 150p was simply amazing, breathtaking would say. The latter still in my wishlist. 😢 Sorry to say that for me, it was better than AC/DC. 😬
  18. At least now I have something to read while awaiting for my scope+mount (ordered 2 months ago). 😢 Thks @FLO , you’ve been much faster!
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