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Ian McCallum

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Everything posted by Ian McCallum

  1. Jenham's Astro is certainly worth subscribing to. 👍
  2. A how to fix guide... https://youtu.be/VAgAN6QPyfY
  3. How about this, Chris? https://actualastronomy.com
  4. I like Chris's channel Astro La Vista, but find Astrobiscuit a bit cheesy (no pun intended).
  5. I've been in that place too, as I own an eight inch SW Dobbie with all the BST range of eyepieces (minus the Barlow).
  6. Does anyone else wonder why there's a G clamp attached to a chimney pot?🤔😂
  7. I think if they'd consume hundreds or thousands of Watts, as compared to a few dozen Watts with LED lights, then they'd probably cut back because of the electricity bill.
  8. I think that's why we end up needing laws against things like this, in the UK. If people were more accommodating and not so selfish, then Draconian steps shouldn't be required!
  9. As I don't have broadband internet or a router in the house, it sort of complicates things. I use my smartphone as a hotspot and it's mobile data for any internet stuff.
  10. Nice to see FLO mentioned in the "Meade-ia"!🤣
  11. Thanks for everyone's input. I've managed to get the laptop and RPi to talk to each other via the ethernet cable. I found that I had to disable WiFi on the RPi, then it would connect to the laptop through the ethernet cable - the RPi being controlled through VNC Viewer.
  12. Unfortunately, I've got a shared back garden, due to living in flats. So, for security reasons, that's not really doable.
  13. A match "Meade" in heaven?🤔🤣
  14. I've used my SW EQ5 mount for solar observing in the past, when fitted with either no motor drives or the Enhanced kit version. As I'm now using the SW SynScan Goto upgrade kit, I'm not sure how to use it for tracking the sun. I don't keep my mount permanently out the back door, but polar align it, whenever I need it for night time use. For solar observing, do I just place the mount as if I would for night time use, but just omit the polar alignment, as it's day time? Hope it's not a daft question...
  15. I've used the internal plate solver on KStars with some success now. I just need to fine tune it and have some decent weather to get to use it.
  16. Yes, I do. I've managed to get the LAN cable to work between the laptop and RPi.
  17. I don't have a household connection (router), as I use my smartphone for the internet and broadband hotspot. I tried the NOOB version of RPi OS on a spare micro SD and can get the laptop and RPi talking, through the LAN cable - therefore it must be something configured differently in the RPi. I do have SSH and VNC enable in Astroberry, so goodness knows..🙄
  18. I've been using the Raspberry Pi with Astroberry for a number of months now, but I'm having some communication difficulties with Wi-Fi. I've read that using a USB 3 thumb drive in one of the USB 3 ports can cause problems with the on-board Wi-Fi, the workaround is to connect the RPi directly to the PC using a LAN cable. Previously, I was using Wi-Fi from my smartphone hotspot to get the laptop and RPi to talk to each other, without too many issues - using VNC. I've tried a similar thing, but using a cat6 LAN cable between the laptop and RPi, but just can't get them to talk. It's a Win 8.1 laptop. Any ideas?🤔
  19. I usually just make up a cable with banana plugs at one end and a DC barrel plug at the other.
  20. It'll power a 100W HF amateur radio, no problem.
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