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Everything posted by Kon

  1. I am using a 15" MacBook Pro if that helps with your assessment. On my mobile not much of a difference between the first two; last one looks darker in both my laptop and mobile.
  2. Thanks for very thorough answer. Yes I have noticed that going from 8 to 16 my frame rate drops by nearly half. As you said, I will experiment and see what I can get. Regarding the histogram, I am not an expert, and the number I quoted are from online searches. In your case, the 70% would have captured better signal to noise than let's say 40%? Or it only has to do with data handling later on? (Sorry for naive questions but trying to get a better understanding of what I am doing).
  3. Fantastic images Neil. I am impressed on how you always manage to bring a natural look to your images, planets, sun or the moon! In terms of lightness, I prefer the 1st one (looking at my laptop screen). Out of curiosity, what ROI do you shoot at and is that RAW8 or 16 capture. I would have though the 16 brings more depth? In your histogram do you aim for 40-60%? I have been too preoccupied with ISS to try the planets. Maybe this weekend.
  4. Very nice. A lot of details there.
  5. I have been preoccupied with the imaging these days and it would be nice to do more visual through transits.
  6. Fantastic pics. I like the colours on the first one but the details on the others are amazing.
  7. Beautiful images. I love the defined coloured bands on Saturn. It's good you are making the best of the seeing. My body needed a break.
  8. Stunning! I love the colours of the Saturn and seeing the Cassini division all around. A lot of nice banding on Jupiter.
  9. Thanks. Needs patience and practice and we only get a single go until the next pass.
  10. Thanks. All the early mornings have finally paid off. I think it can get better.
  11. Looking through the RACI is fast but it still gives me plenty of time to track it if I miss it.
  12. Thanks. I think the camera upgrade was a game changer and the weather was very good last night.
  13. Thanks. Feel free to message me if you have any questions. I am learning every time.
  14. These are probably your best captures this season. Saturn is outstanding.
  15. I am glad you got to observe it. Yes seeing was pretty good last night. I was too tired from the early mornings to have stayed up.
  16. I think this is simply my best capture of ISS the past few days. The sky looked really steady at 130am. The sun reflecting off the top of the panels is really awesome and I could see the reflection offset on my single frames as well. 8" Dob, manual tracking, asi462mc, 2x TV powermate, UV/IR cut filter, ROI 640x480 at 300fps. Gain 260, exposure 0.5ms. PIPP, Autostakkert and Astrosurface. Stacked the best 15 frames.
  17. I was lucky to capture Io's shadow while it was transiting the GRS this morning. Similar setup as previous posts.
  18. In my 68 degree ES24mm eyepiece I can frame most of the nebula but it feels the whole fov so not much shape unless I pan around. The Gulf of Mexico is better to see since it stands from the background. Similarly with the Veil. I can see either one but not together.
  19. Fantastic report and nice that you managed to see the Veil; you know you have nice dark skies when you don't need an OIII filter. It is a spectacular site. I feel your excitement.
  20. I seem to handle the wavelets better in Astrosurface than Registax. It does a nice job in colour balance. It can also do stacking which is pretty good. With your experience you may be able to get more out of this program.
  21. ISS passing under the Milky Way. While I was out shooting ISS with my Dob this morning, I setup my Pixel 4a on astrophotography mode and captured the ISS overhead. The Milky Way is also visible. This the output of the astrophotography video from the mobile. PXL_20220709_012016470.NIGHT.mp4
  22. I take it as a compliment coming from you! Conditions changed really quickly from being the Milky way to being quite milky.
  23. July is pretty amazing for ISS for me. 2-3 passes nightly for the whole of July. I just uploaded this morning ISS.
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