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Everything posted by Kon

  1. What a story Ian! The 12" replacement was quick! Looking forward to your planetary images from the new setup.
  2. The LD is in Winjupos under the derotation window. It might help but also consider Geof's comment on having enough data for the limb.
  3. Excellent image and lots of details. Nice natural look to it.
  4. Excellent images. Lovely details on both. Your colour one has a reddish hue around the whites, you might need to adjust the red (and at the same time the green) to neutralise it. To remove the left limb artifact you can reduce the LD to 0.6-0.8. That should help.
  5. Nice to see the end result; it has the Geof look which I have been trying to achieve . Excellent work and processing. I have learnt a lot from our discussions.
  6. They are looking excellent. I need to find the time to try the Geof approach on my captures 😉. Smooth and still a lot of details. I suppose you can ask 'Santa' for a 0.5m telescope at the Canaries...I hear it's warm in the winter so it's a win win deal 😄.
  7. It's impressive, the thought alone to do it is mad! I was mad to try with my 8" and failed miserably. I seriously think you got them. For others reading this post, and wondering, Geof sent me the stacked files after as!3 and I independently processed them without knowing what settings he had used. We both came to a similar conclusion. Although the animation is a bit grainy, aligning the SETI on the image is clear; there is a sharper ring coming through the halo. Exquisite capture and meticulous processing!
  8. Regarding the 10ms, I am not hard fixed on it, but between 9-11 seems to give more signal and less noise (mostly thanks to the nice comparison from @geoflewis). I tried it and it worked. Same for histogram, the more signal you get on the sensor the better the final result. With my mono I am all the way up to 95%. Anecdotally, my last few Jupiter images hardly needed any denoise and I think it is the combination of the two. Typically, a histogram of 50-60, is quite grainy during capture, and I think that's noise, but with the higher gain it's a lot cleaner. Would 5ms at high gain also work, I will have to try but this inconsistent seeing makes experimenting difficult.
  9. Nice image with subtle detail coming through.
  10. You probably want to delete your exact coordinates from a public forum.
  11. I can see two issues here. Looking where you have done the measurements, Jupiter should be flipped as it doesn't match the Winjupos orientation, and it will cause issues. Second, 14 min derotation might be too long, and there is a big gap between the first and second capture too. You can try drop this image and see how it looks.
  12. I would disagree+agree with Stuart @Space Cowboy as the softer ones feel like lacking something+something plesing too; the north pole is a lot softer but in the original image you have really nice details without being too much. The softer ones can be more pleasing to the eye. We have discussed this in length on how to have the smooth Damien like images that still have enough details.
  13. I think you are ok with the sampling then. I think fast or slow is a trade between more frames but also more noise. Geof @geoflewisdid an excellent comparison with Mars last year but also some more on Jupiter. My advice is experiment (it is hard under uk skies as consistency is awful). I have recently found that going for a histogram of 90-95% is giving me a lot more details with less noise but the 10ms is also helping. Last year, I was at 5ms with 300fps but i was no close to the details i am getting this year at lower fps but higher exposure. Start at 10ms and see if the seeing supports it, or if it is a good night do a few captures under different settings and see what you get. Feel free to message me if you need more help or discuss anything.
  14. Thank you very much. It is funny we always try to make features to know things.
  15. Lovely non Neptune under the current UK weather.
  16. As I said offline, this is a superb image and balance between smoothness and details. The best I have seen from UK this winter.
  17. Impressive that you saw it visually!
  18. I completely understand. The last thing after a frozen day is to be out at night. June what June? ðŸĪŠ
  19. Thanks. If you zoom at the image it looks like a thin red S, towards the 9oclock position.
  20. Thanks Roy. I am trying to grab any opportunity I can but it hasn't been good.
  21. That wad around 2200 but within 20 minutes it went downhill. What time where you out? Local weather is another factor to consider too. I agree Jetstream looked out of the way. Regarding the capture, I am roughly at 10ms and 100fps with a tight ROI. Histogram of around 85% for the blue channel. The others are a bit lower of course. Are you tracking or manual? You should be able to have a smaller ROI. Derotation is also helping. My single stack although sharp under good conditions, it is a bit noisy. I am aiming for a 5x pixel size of the camera. Worth looking at the value for your camera and telescope.
  22. Excellent as always! Love the subtle mineral colours.
  23. Nice capture and processing. You have pulled some really nice details with the Mak. Regarding IR, similar exposure to colour. I have been aiming for 70% histogram but most of my recent ones are at 90-95%; it seems to pull more details with less noise. Looking forward to seeing some of your IR. I hope you have managed to thaw since last night.
  24. Thanks Stuart. We seem to be finally getting some stable seeing. I hope you can be out soon 😉
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