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Everything posted by Kon

  1. Yes my bad, sorry. Ooops!....100fps. I was thinking of something else when I typed the value.
  2. You will need to go to the planetary imaging section and look back in 2022 posts. Sorry no link.
  3. Most of us do around 10ms for Jupiter as it gives better noise to signal ratio. Going too fast sometimes is not that beneficial. I used to go for fast FPS but Geoff and Neil had done some nice experimentation here to change my thinking.
  4. I had a look at the paper and very small amount of stacked frames. I would love to see the raw images.
  5. I had a look at the paper and very small amount of stacked frames. I would love to see the raw images.
  6. Technical details here: https://sites.google.com/inaf.it/shark-vis/home I thought upgrading to the 12" from 8" would keep me happy with the planets 😂
  7. Thanks. I am really trying on getting the tracking to work. No YouTube but happy to make a more detailed post on setting up, capture and processing at some point. Will you keep the goto on your new 16" setup? If I get it to work, I am happy to share how I did it.
  8. Almost there. My antivirus is killing the connection between the mount and tracking software. I just need to turn it off and try.
  9. Excellent images and details; I really like the inverted b&w one.
  10. Nice one Reggie. Good to see it back. I hope to have a go at it next week when I am back from USA.
  11. Very nice. The closeup prominences is excellent.
  12. Another set of northern craters from the 15/05/24. Skywatcher 300P Flextube goto, asi462mm, IR pass 685nm, 2.5x TV powermate.
  13. Insane amount of details. Nice processing as always.
  14. Excellent images. The full resolution is fantastic!
  15. Another ISS pass at 60 degrees last night. I managed a few good frames despite the so and so seeing. I need to find the time to put the whole capture in an animation, but for now some of the best frames. Apart from the several modules, I seem to have got the canadarm2 as well! 12" Flextube Goto, asi462mm, IR pass filter, 2.5x televue powermate. Manual tracking.
  16. Excellent animation and the prominence looks really nice and delicate.
  17. Beautiful image! Very nicely processed.
  18. Really nice set of images under not so good conditions.
  19. You can either try source a skywatcher 2" tube or add a Baader clicklock adapter. https://skywatcher.com/product/2-eyepiece-holder-for-dob-50mm/ If you are after 1.25" then https://www.rothervalleyoptics.co.uk/skywatcher-2-125-eyepiece-adaptor.html
  20. Thanks Mike. This is from a 1.5min video at 135fps. I stacked 5% of 7000 frames. Then some sharpening in registax and Astrosurface. This is a crop from the full sensor and reduced to 75%. I could see some of the details at the eyepiece too. The seeing wasn't great to pull more details and that's why I had to use the IR pass filter.
  21. It wasn't great last night. It is looking good for tomorrow but nearly full moon so hard to find features to image. Looking forward to what you got.
  22. A quick session between passing clouds. Copernicus with a tight crop to give a closeup view. Skywatcher 300P Flextube goto, asi462mm, IR pass 685nm, 2.5x TV powermate.
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