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Everything posted by Kon

  1. Thanks Stuart. With the higher frame rate, I would have had more choice of goods frames but doing things in a rush is not ideal. I hope you enjoyed the strictly, my wife and kids did. I am not sure if you missed much as the jetstream was passing by. I cannot see more opportunities for me for a while.
  2. Thanks Ian. I was eager to have a go as the rest of the week is not looking great. I hope you manage first light with the new setup soon.
  3. Thanks Geof. I am glad it happened when seeing wasn't the best. But the image wasn't as bad as I thought in terms of noise.
  4. After a few weeks of no captures, I had a small window of good seeing that I messed up tonight. Seeing seemed quite good but I did a rookie mistake of not looking at my fps. I had upgraded my capture software the other day and I did not pay attention that the high speed usb traffic was ticked off. I paid my mistake by having 42fps than my normal 100fps at 10ms. I only realised after I shared my image with @geoflewis who asked me how many frames per stack...... Anyhow, for your eyes only my soft Jupiter at 42fps. 4x60s derotation. My usual setup.
  5. Great job Ian. It looks very natural and some nice true details this time . I feel you can push it a bit more.
  6. Unless seeing was good, pushing the sharpening/wavelets hard will introduce too much noise on top of your signal; I think it has been mentioned a few times getting this balance is hard as you want a smooth image but without losing the details. I have recently found having a bid more pushed image and a softer one, and mix them in layers might soften the harder but pull some more details on the softer. If you want, upload your tiff after as!3 here. Derotation in winjupos with your other captures might also help.
  7. I think your image has the potential to be quite good. It currently has a lot of noise in the form of the repetitive mesh pattern throughout. Have you applied any Topaz on it as some of the features do not look quite right?
  8. Another excellent image Alex. Very nice details and colours.
  9. Nice image Ian despite the Jetstream and software issues. You seem to have some details coming through even at the lower fps.
  10. To chime what Geof said, it has been something we have been discussing and play/struggled with our data to get this balance. We have some good images and going soft we lose the details. In my last post, I made a sharper and a softer version which I mixed as luminescence in Gimp until I got the desired effect that's not looking 'crunchy' as how Geof @geoflewisdescribed some of my versions but that's the fun of honest feedback. That way I could preserve some of the details.
  11. Waning Crescent moon above the Royal Albert Hall. ( I have used the heal tool to remove the scaffolding next to the roof). Pixel 4a.
  12. To be honest your processing is excellent with the programs you used and very natural looking. You could switch to Astrosurface after as!3, and any final touches in PS. I. Astrosurface you could do the wavelets and deconvolution simultaneously. (I prefer colour balance in Registax and then move to Astrosurface).
  13. What a story Ian! The 12" replacement was quick! Looking forward to your planetary images from the new setup.
  14. What a story Ian! The 12" replacement was quick! Looking forward to your planetary images from the new setup.
  15. The LD is in Winjupos under the derotation window. It might help but also consider Geof's comment on having enough data for the limb.
  16. Excellent image and lots of details. Nice natural look to it.
  17. Excellent images. Lovely details on both. Your colour one has a reddish hue around the whites, you might need to adjust the red (and at the same time the green) to neutralise it. To remove the left limb artifact you can reduce the LD to 0.6-0.8. That should help.
  18. Nice to see the end result; it has the Geof look which I have been trying to achieve . Excellent work and processing. I have learnt a lot from our discussions.
  19. They are looking excellent. I need to find the time to try the Geof approach on my captures 😉. Smooth and still a lot of details. I suppose you can ask 'Santa' for a 0.5m telescope at the Canaries...I hear it's warm in the winter so it's a win win deal 😄.
  20. It's impressive, the thought alone to do it is mad! I was mad to try with my 8" and failed miserably. I seriously think you got them. For others reading this post, and wondering, Geof sent me the stacked files after as!3 and I independently processed them without knowing what settings he had used. We both came to a similar conclusion. Although the animation is a bit grainy, aligning the SETI on the image is clear; there is a sharper ring coming through the halo. Exquisite capture and meticulous processing!
  21. Regarding the 10ms, I am not hard fixed on it, but between 9-11 seems to give more signal and less noise (mostly thanks to the nice comparison from @geoflewis). I tried it and it worked. Same for histogram, the more signal you get on the sensor the better the final result. With my mono I am all the way up to 95%. Anecdotally, my last few Jupiter images hardly needed any denoise and I think it is the combination of the two. Typically, a histogram of 50-60, is quite grainy during capture, and I think that's noise, but with the higher gain it's a lot cleaner. Would 5ms at high gain also work, I will have to try but this inconsistent seeing makes experimenting difficult.
  22. Nice image with subtle detail coming through.
  23. You probably want to delete your exact coordinates from a public forum.
  24. I can see two issues here. Looking where you have done the measurements, Jupiter should be flipped as it doesn't match the Winjupos orientation, and it will cause issues. Second, 14 min derotation might be too long, and there is a big gap between the first and second capture too. You can try drop this image and see how it looks.
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