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Everything posted by Kon

  1. Thanks for the suggestion, it was doing my heading since I could not work out how to get rid of it. Sorted now.
  2. I processed some images of the trio of craters, Kircher, Bettinus and Zucchius, that I imaged on 14th March. 8" Dob, asi120mc-s with 2x barlow. Processed in PIPP, Autostakkert, and wavelet-decompose in Gimp. I am always happy to receive feedback on improving results.
  3. The perks of working from home while recovering from covid is that I can do some solar observing and imaging. 8" Dob, full disk (Nikon D3200 prime focus) and close up with asi120mc-s. A B&W and a colour version (I prefer the monochrome).
  4. I find it fascinating that you are out observing and reporting about the moon, on the other side of the world, while we are still having the sun up. Send us your clear skies over; ok last night it was good seeing all the reports here.
  5. What app is that? It looks very neat.
  6. A few frames I put together on Mersenius that I observed earlier.
  7. Kon


    After an excellent seeing tonight, I was captivated by Mersenius and the fact I could make out the crates within the larger one. The Rilles were really nice to observe as well.
  8. Have a look at this site: https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/4955
  9. You got there before me 😉
  10. Moon very stable as well; I stayed with x358 magnification (I need more EPs to go higher) and Mersenius was the highlight for me; I could see small craters inside the main one. I counted at least 4 big ones and a few smaller ones. A nice Rille was also observable along Liebig . The ridge running along Marius (not sure what it is called) looked delicate with some nice details. Overall an excellent lunar night.
  11. I just managed to see the pup for the first time with my 8" Dob at x358 magnification. Seeing is extremely stable and it is the first time it was not a disco ball. Very excited! Off to the moon now
  12. Go for it! The moon is looking spectacular at the moment by naked eye. Dob will be getting out soon.
  13. After the earlier rain, I was able to get the Dob out despite the strong breeze. I spent a good 40min observing Clavius, Plato and Copernicus. The Alpine valley near Plato showed some nice details but unfortunately I could not up the mag too much due to the vibrations. The 'Golden handle' was catching the sun light quite nicely and looked great at lower mags. I also managed some imaging of these craters (posted in the lunar imaging section).
  14. I imaged Clavius, Plato and Copernicus tonight. Seeing was not bad although a bit windy so I think the Dob was vibrating a bit. Asi120mc-s, ~5000 frames stacked 10%. The full moon on prime focus with the mineral colours.
  15. If you look along the equator, some shadows appear to form the letters VXL.
  16. I managed to shoot the moon through passing clouds. 8" Dob, Nikon D3200, iso800, 1/2000s, 40 frames stacked in Siril and some editing in Gimp. The VXL letters are showing nicely.
  17. Haha, you know I was only joking reading through your extensive list. I agree many things to see and keep us busy, only if the skies were more cooperative.
  18. Fantastic report and what an epic three nights! Is there a galaxy you left out 🤣 , I kept reading and reading...! I envy your session. The views through the 20" must be amazing! I love the frosted Dob too!
  19. Stunning drawing. The ridge and the rest of the drawing have a nice 3d feeling to them.
  20. WOW WOW! What a report and a session Joe! I remember on a previous comment that you said that your jaw dropped....I am picking mine up from just reading your report. You bagged some amazing targets that unfortunately are not available to us in the northern hemisphere. I am very jealous 😉. The colours in Eta Carina must be an amazing sight; does it usually display colours or was the transparency that good, similar to M42 that can either be 'monochrome' or more colourful if conditions are right? I find a similar experience with you, that my observing is improving and seeing more things than previously.
  21. It doesn't have to be everyones cup of tea as long as you find it pleasing. It has brought some nice depth to it and as you said makes them 'pop' and give that nice 3d effect 😉.
  22. Nice captures. The second one has a nice 3d feeling to it.
  23. I got the Dob out as soon as I got home from work hoping for some lunar observation; I managed 10 min of viewing while dinner was getting ready with the Dob still cooling down. The terminator looked amazing despite the Dob still warm; Theophilus, Cyrillus and Catharina looked really nice with the lighting and very sharp. I thought it will be a great night if seeing was so good already. I got out after dinner and no moon to be seen ☹️. The clouds had rolled in and that was it.
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