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Everything posted by Laurieast

  1. What to see in the night sky, January 2022 Is up now on YouTube
  2. Yes! I throw the scope outside, set up, plug in, and start taking pictures from inside in the warm, slippers on . I think once your into this it's for life, a never ending adventure. If I can't do that I will follow other's efforts here, and there are all the space telescope images to see, especially JWST.
  3. At 67 and been an astronomer since I was 16, but I feel the cold/damp much more now and it can put you off going out there even if it's clear! especially if there is a wind chill 🥶 which is most of the time in Derbyshire. Lifting things is still ok, I can get the AVX out the back one tripod leg at a time out of the patio doors, I get it that far easily as it lives on dolly wheels indoors. One thing nobody has mentioned is the now impossibilty of using a polar scope, no chance! How can you bend down that low or get on your knees and manage to get up again 👨‍🦯
  4. All three of these are blinking. Top right quadrant of original image.
  5. Penny dropped overnight! Got it now. I was trying to do it with the TLE updates from https://github.com/Stellarium/stellarium/files/7777407/tle-new.txt apparently something to with "if e can become >1 something will break"
  6. Over about the next two weeks, NASA will provide broadcast coverage, a media briefing, and other updates on major deployment milestones for the James Webb Space Telescope, the world’s largest and most powerful space science telescope. Broadcasts of milestone events will air live on NASA TV, the NASA app, and the agency’s website. https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-plans-coverage-of-webb-space-telescope-deployments
  7. Webb Seperation from Ariane 5 https://www.esa.int/ESA_Multimedia/Videos/2021/12/Webb_separation_from_Ariane_5 This real-time video shows the separation of the James Webb Space Telescope from the Ariane 5 launch vehicle and the subsequent solar array deployment. This video shows the view from Ariane 5’s upper stage, taken by a camera manufactured by Irish company Réaltra Space Systems Engineering.
  8. Can Cartes du Ciel show artificial satellites ? If so how? it has the ability to update elements. I added https://celestrak.com/NORAD/elements/tle-new.txt But I can't find anyway/button to show satellites. Any insight greatly appreciated!
  9. I keep trying this and Stellarium crashes everytime, there is even a report about it at https://gitmemory.cn/repo/Stellarium/stellarium/activity?page=7 What am I doing wrong? 🤔 Using TLE's from https://celestrak.com/NORAD/elements/tle-new.txt
  10. Reaction to first image, when we get it.
  11. NASA Says Webb’s Excess Fuel Likely to Extend its Lifetime Expectations https://blogs.nasa.gov/webb/2021/12/29/nasa-says-webbs-excess-fuel-likely-to-extend-its-lifetime-expectations/ Webb Team Begins Process of Extending Deployable Tower Assembly https://blogs.nasa.gov/webb/2021/12/29/webb-team-begins-process-of-extending-deployable-tower-assembly/
  12. Temperature data is now available! TEMPERATURES Temperature control is a vital aspect of Webb's design, engineering and operations. Of the many temperature monitoring points on the observatory, this page displays 2 "hot side" and 2 "cold side" temperatures that are a good indication of overall temperature status and trends. + The temperatures displayed on the hot side of the observatory are located on the sunshield structure and spacecraft bus. . The temperatures displayed on the cold side of the observatory are located on the primary mirror and instrument (ISIM) module radiator. You can read more about the observatory and its subsystems on this page. They are labelled with the following letters on the display (note: these labels will pop up if you hover your mouse over the display): a) Sunshield UPS Average Temperature (hot side: Sunshield Structure) b) Spacecraft Equipment Panel Average Temperature (hot side: Spacecraft Bus) c) Primary Mirror Average Temperature (cold side: Mirrors) d) Instrument Radiator Temperature (cold side: ISIM) There are many more temperature sensors on the observatory that our engineers monitor throughout the deployment, commissioning and operations processes. The data points shown here give a good overall indication of the temperature trends on each side of the sunshield as we move through deployment and commissioning. They illustrate the great contrast between the hot and cold sides of the spacecraft and the incredible engineering and effectiveness of the sunshield. These temperature observations are reported daily from actual spacecraft telemetry data. Temperature values will continue to be reported in the months that follow the completed deployment as the spacecraft cools to operational values.
  13. I have been trying all afternoon for hours! I seem to have added it by updating satellites so it now lists it, and it now shows it within Configuration/Plug Ins/Satellites/Configuration/Satellites, with a set of TLE's, but if I try a search for it in the main window it crashes 😭 Any ideas welcome!
  14. Existing shoe will be fine as said, but I prefered to leave the finder in place for PA. So did it this way.
  15. Aft Sunshield Pallet Deployed https://blogs.nasa.gov/webb/2021/12/28/aft-sunshield-pallet-deployed/
  16. Forward Pallet Structure Lowered, Beginning Multiple-Day Sunshield Deployment https://blogs.nasa.gov/webb/2021/12/28/forward-pallet-structure-lowered-beginning-multiple-day-sunshield-deployment/
  17. From Twitter: NASA Webb Telescope @NASAWebb 12h It’s been a busy evening! Not only did we just complete our second burn, but #NASAWebb also passed the altitude of the Moon as it keeps cruising on to the second Lagrange point to #UnfoldTheUniverse. Bye, @NASAMoon
  18. Sorry if already mentioned, but there is a useful blog here with updates. https://blogs.nasa.gov/webb/
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