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Everything posted by Pryce

  1. May I ask for the autosave file and I can see if I can get some stuff going in PS to clean it up? Won't post it anywhere of course. Only DM the final result to you
  2. I thought about that as well! I might add a electronic thermostat and mount the display module on the outside so I can monitor it. Wordt cade I can just open it every now an then to cool it down
  3. No worries! Apperantly its hijacking day today 🤣
  4. Baud rate? I am so confused. I guess it will make sense once I have the manual in hand and can start fiddeling with the mount.
  5. Hey yall! I'm a very creative person and I absolutely love coming up with solutions to problems. So this time around I made a insulated computer briefcase for those cold winter days! I use a low/mid level laptop that was initially purchased for school work, so it's not very well suited for outdoor use and the battery isn't that big. So I had to come up with something that would keep my batteries warm enough to not instantly die. Since the case is relatively small the computer, harddrive and powerbank will keep the temperature inside the case at a fairly decent level. What I've used: 1 Aluminion briefcase 3 40x60 plates of 10mm soundproofing insualtion foam 2 x 40x60 plastic plates 1 1m extension cord 12 small L brackets A whole bucnh of 10mm bolts and locking nuts First I removed all the internal compartments and folder systems. I took internal measurements and proceeded to cut the insulation foam into pieces fitting the top, bottom and sides. One side has adhesives so once I had the measurements right I just slapped them on the inside of the entire briefcase. Then I drilled a 10mm hole in the side of the case and put the extension cord in place. I then reassembled the female end of the cord and filled the hole with silicone around the cord. I did not drill any additional holes right away, but I will have to do that for both a 12v charger cable and for the cables to control the equipment. I might attach a USB hub on the outside of the case itself, but I'm not entirely sure yet. From here I took new measurements of the insde and cut the plastic plates in approximate sizes but left some room on the sides for potential cords and the like. I drilled holes and bolted the L brackets in place on each plate. I then placed the plates on top of eachother(brackets facing eachother) and bolted them together. I wanted a smaller compartment below the laptop for cord storage, harddrives, powerbanks(for when I don't have access to 230v) and stuff like that. Obviosuly, one major drawback with this setup is that you have to close the lid for the insulation to actually work, but it's not like I'd sit there staring at the screen all the time either. So I just have to remember to change my powersettings to NOT hibernate when I close the lid 🤣
  6. Baud rate will probably make sense when I get the mount and start fiddeling with it 😅
  7. Oh, no, that's just the bundle. For some reason it lists the ASI120 mini as a separate item from the bundle.
  8. Cheers! Might as well go for 5m right off the bat. It's better to have too much and not need it than need it and not have enough! 😁 Indeed, but I'd like to be able to control everything from my laptop. Considering investing in a tent of some kind so I can have my laptop and myself in a warmer setting for winter. So for a more "automated" process it seems I'd porbably need the EQdir cable! Cheers lads! Anything else I've missed?
  9. Glad to see there's other old farts rocking older PS versions! I'm still holding on to my trusty CS3! From my experience a lot of the plugins out there nowdays don't work with CS2/CS3 as theres a lot of functions that just arent present in older versions. That said, it's still possible to reach the same result, it just takes longer and you have to do it "manually" using the tools available.
  10. ........ 🙄 Whats that? Necessary cables doesn't come with the mount? Edit. So basically its a cable to connect the mpunt with the PC, right? Like this one? I really expected that kind of stuff to come with the mount 😅
  11. Hey yall! It's me asking annoying questions again! So as some of you may have noticed, I'm putting together my gear for astro photography and I just want to check in with yall about what I've ordered so far in case there's something I've forgotten/missed. Not listed in the image below My mount: EQ6-R Pro & SW 17Ah Powertank My scope: Explorer 150P & Evostar 72ED My cameras: EOS 550D, EOS 550D(in process of being astromodded) and a 1000D And all the other stuff listed in the image below. So yeah, I'm sure I've missed something and I need your help to figure out what! And yes I know. I've sinned. Focal reducer for the 72ED wasn't ordered from FLO(Their delivery time was way better)
  12. Aye aye, I could just pull the 5kg weight from my EQ3-2. But I ended up buying the Evostar 72ED first(I know, I'm all over the place 🤣) so I can start with some of the larger and brighter DSOs. 250PDS is on the list, but I suspect that I'll have my hands full with the larger targets for a while, so the 250 is probably some months down the road. Though, I still have my 150P and I guess I can make that work as well.
  13. Hey yall, after a discussion about my options for a grab and go setup I setteled on the Evostar 72ED. But I'm wondering if it can also be used as a guidescope for a bigger reflector. If it can, would the ZWO ASI 120MM work in conjunction with the 72ED?
  14. Just like being married then? 🤣 Anyways, a quick question avout the 72ED. Can it be used as a guidescope? Because if it can, it's going to cut my costs considerably!
  15. @vlaiv Thank you so much! Looks like I'll be going for a 72ED on a AzGti mount as a grab and go setup! 😁 That just means I have to buy even more gear. DOES IT EVER END?!
  16. @vlaiv Indeed. I'm aware of the differences in size. I just want something simpler than a 250PDS 😅 I guess a scope like the 72ED could get by with a smaller skytracker/startracker style mount whereas the 130PDS probably need a guided EQ5/EQ6 level mount? Which would give the 72ED a big advantage if a simple grab and go setup is the goal. About what I'd like to image. That would be the larger brigther DSOs out there. A wider field would be nice, which is why I'm thinking about the scopes with a lower FL. How much of a difference would there be between the two in terms of FOV? I don't mind the hassle of reflectors so far since I rather enjoy fiddeling with things like that. But I dont have any considerable experience imaging with any type of scope. So i couldn't really say what I prefer the most.
  17. @vlaiv Oh, I don't have thw 150PDS. I have the 150P which is not optimal for imaging. Thus the plan for a 250PDS and a smaller grab&go telescope. I will probably make a dobsonian mount for the 150P and use it purely as visual when the 250PDS arrives. And yeah, I know the EQ6 is too big to call grab&go😂 but for now thats what I have to work with. A smaller mount/skytracker fitting the smaller scope would be on the list further down the road. Just not right now.
  18. Hey yall! So I've decided what way to go in terms of my main setup, but I also want to have a "grab&go" imaging telescope for those times I dont want to lug around the 150P or the 250PDS I'm going to buy. The refractor I already have is.. Bad.. So i'll probably give that one away. So I'm considering the Evostar 72ED and the Explorer 130PDS. Can someone help me weigh those options against eachother? Or even come up with other suggestions in the same price range. One big point for the 130PDS is that a lot of the equipment I already have/are planning to purchase for the 150P/250PDS will overlap whereas for the 72ED I'd have to buy separate accessories(dew heater, flattener and so on) For now, the EQ6-R is the mount I'll be using. Edit: This grab&go telescope would mainly bd used for imaging bigger and brighter DSOs and the 150P & 250PDS for smaller dimmer ones.
  19. Sending you a PM as I didn't want to post it here!
  20. Thank you! And yeah, I believe a lot of people have taken to social media for validation now in these virus infested days. Personally I had to uninstall Facebook and Twitter(and Tinder xD) from my phone as I noticed that it affects my mental state.
  21. Another point I forgot to make is your audience. Here on SGL you have people that look up at the skies, browse the web for photots and use apps like stellarium for hours on end. These people look at astrophotos day out and day in! A lot of people take their own photos as well! In comparison, if a instagram model only shared content in the "Instagram models internal forum" she wouldnt get any post engagement at all, because everyone else is also a instagram model.
  22. Wanting validation on social media is very common, especially on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. I'm a psychology student and a content creator on Twitch & Twitter. I've done a lot of research into the issues you're talking about here. Multiple studies have shown that low-self esteem, depression and anxiety often follow when people don't get the validation they seek on social media. So I don't blame you for stepping back, I actaully applaud you. Though, you have to remember that the majority of people are not as invested as you(and a lot of others) in 1. The hobby and 2. Social media. Most of the people on SGL and any other platform are just casually lurking around and clicking on posts that look interesting unless they have a specific question/discussion to focus on. So even if they see a topic/image that they actually like, very few people will actually engage by hitting the like/follow/love button. It doesnt reflect your work at all. From what I see your images are great! But you have to remember that the majority of people on any social media platform will not engage in content unless there's a specific narrative. Try to formulate your posts differently. "Would" "Should" "Could" instead of only "What" "When" and "Where". That will definitely increase engagement on your posts! Edit: There's a lot of psychological tricks the top content creators use to get engagements on their posts. The most commonly known one is "Click baiting" for example "Propeller nebula - You won't BELIEVE the result!" Followed by an explanation of "What, when, where" and then engage your audience by asking "Should, could, would". Obviously baiting people to engage, but it works. Engage your audience differently and they will engage you. Oh. And typos in the title will make people go "Bleeeeh"
  23. Hey guys! Quick question. Would the EQ6-R handle a 250P-DS, Evoguide+Guidecam and a EOS 550D camera or should I limit myself to the 200P-DS?
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