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Everything posted by 200pman

  1. My 200p has a lecerta 2 speed really nice bit of kit.
  2. Fwtw.i bought a 200p love it.easy to set up.use in my garden.i will never change or upgrade to a larger dob.im 65 and still enjoy this dob .enjoy whatever you choose.
  3. Great Scope.love mine.
  4. My 8" dob.no messing about to set up.fabulous views.nuff said
  5. Ive got a 200p.great scope .fabulous value for money.have no need to upgrade.a very popular scope.im 64 but have not issues with it.good luck with whatever you choose.
  6. Why not make some manual controls for it.
  7. I too have a full set.great value for the outlay.
  8. You will enjoy the 200p.fantastic value. Remember 200p is for life not just for xmas.
  9. Yes i have the lecerta one really good. Buy i did try the skywatcher auto focusser but found it too slow .and got the lecerta.
  10. Yes i have the lecerta one really good. Buy i did try the skywatcher auto focusser but found it too slow .and got the lecerta.
  11. Put it together myself. But there are kits in the USA but they are expensive.mine was made with what i could scrounge or find in my garage.
  12. Sit it on a water butt base
  13. Manual controls .for alt/az.i wouldnt go back to how it was before.
  14. Putt it on a water butt.it brings the focusser to eye level. About 10 inches.
  15. Putt it on a water butt.it brings the focusser to eye level.
  16. Hi from another young man who is 64 years young. I have 200p . Happy birthday.
  17. Thanks.since this taken ive fitted a cooling fan.which helps more than i expected easy job to do.and powered by this.will last 7 hours. Clear skies.
  18. 8" If you can carry it.Store it.I love mine. Im 64 years young. And i can manage it
  19. Find an astronamy club. And check out out what actual people are using. That may lead you to something . Good luck.
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