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Everything posted by IB20

  1. I have 1200mm, 800mm and 570mm focal length scopes. I live in the UK and really enjoy planetary, binary stars, lunar and WL solar observing. I need a lot of eyepieces! 😅
  2. Both last night and tonight have seemed clear as a bell but for various reasons I haven’t been able to get the scope out. Had a fantastic stroll around with the two year old pointing out Mars, Jupiter and an amazing looking moon though. Sometimes naked eye astronomy is just the way it should be.
  3. Yes it was more being a novice with the app, there are 10s of drawing tools and I need a lot more practice, certainly creating the planetary disc. You’re right too, the sketches I would term composite sketches as I have to observe for long periods of time to see all the albedo detail available.
  4. Can’t wait to work my way through this. I really like how it’s set out.
  5. I have a 12.5mm & 7.5mm ultrascopic, they are exceptional EPs. I am keeping my eye out for the 30mms but they are pretty rare on the 2nd hand market.
  6. Some superb responses, thanks all. I’m thinking I might try the 18 or 32mm BCOs, does anyone have any experience with these? I have the 10mm & 6mm and I really rate both so assume they are just as good?
  7. Thanks @RobertI, I’m really enjoying the app. There are so many drawing instruments that sometimes I forget what I’ve used previously. In a way I quite like that though as it leads to different styles. Admittedly never been the most skilled when it comes to drawing etc but I certainly enjoy it when it comes to astronomy. Really good suggestion at a zoomed out drawing; I will try at my next session in real time, hopefully soon when this horrid blanket cloud abates. Might even try some lunar in the future but it might be way beyond my skill level. 😅
  8. Couple of digital sketches of last night’s Mars. Complete cloud coverage tonight so tried to draw a version which conveys the brightness and diffraction spikes.
  9. Skywatcher 200P, despite the dew formation there were some brief pockets of stable seeing. The 5XW and the dob work amazingly well together on Mars.
  10. It’s called Sketchbook on iOS but it’s available on Google Play. It’s free to download but I paid £1.79 to access all the tools/styles although there was plenty in the free version too. Enjoying it so far!
  11. Surprisingly OK seeing despite a silly amount of dew forming. Only really observing Mars as it will start to recede soon. Some nice albedo markings and that polar hood still very prominent. Having a play with a new digital sketching app as want to start sketching more of my observations too.
  12. That’s a brilliant response, thank you. I guess my issue is, to achieve focus in the 76DC with the Revelation BVs I am having to add the bottom element of a Celestron Omni 2x barlow to the light path and I’m not quite sure what that is doing to the magnification - it seems higher than 2x with the 15mm plossls I have but I’m very inexperienced with BV set-ups.
  13. What do people recommend for magnification and EP ranges for BV use (I seem to have fairly close IPD)?
  14. The object is in Stellarium but again is unnamed, closest GAIA catalogued star is 17.5 mag. Sky Safari has pgc catalogue but nothing for that area. 🤷🏼
  15. Great shot with an amazing amount of activity on display. I can’t even get at the sun currently for any WL action, shame had some really nice clear days recently.
  16. Castor A & B system through the f12.75 76DCQ is one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. Just the most outstanding star colouration and control; two perfectly and I mean perfectly, spherical white orbs 🤩. Incredible.
  17. I am getting bad Mewlon envy coming in here 🤣
  18. Managed to snap Jupiter with a Ganymede pimple. The dob is fighting back against the Tak tonight, the views of Jupiter and Mars have been unbelievably good. Shame I have to cool it down 2 hours in winter 😅
  19. A first for me, put the 8” dob out to cool about 14:30 and am just catching the tail end of a Europa shadow transit in still decentish daylight. 😃
  20. Can anyone recommend a padded storage/travel bag for the 76DCU & 1.7q extender? Either constructed or separated. Many thanks 😃.
  21. I’ve been back out for some Geminids action and took the 76DCQ, the seeing has definitely got worse. Seems more moisture in the air. Had a go at Sirius 387x… absolutely no chance, even Rigel was sub-optimal and the Tak eats that for breakfast.
  22. Six geminids in under 20 mins. 3 really bright, lovely stuff! 🤗
  23. Have just seen two in quick succession near Rigel. Extremely bright!
  24. Had a quick 45 minute season with the Tak 76DCQ? with Jupiter and Mars being at good altitude and conditions seemingly OK. Even got a stab at Saturn after it appeared between the rooftops. It’s hard to compare with the base unit as I don’t have the two side by side but I’m fairly certain Mars was sharper, showed better colour and superb contrast, not by a huge amount but there were real wow moments when seeing allowed and moments when it’s the best I’ve seen it, even compared to the 8” dob for 2020’s opposition. The module gives 240x with the 4mm TOE which is usually the most I can get out of Mars on average seeing, it’s great to know I can still use the 4mm even with the extender. Saturn looked stunning too, even at such a low altitude and weaving through houses I was amazed at the image I was getting at the eyepiece. Gutted it’s on its way for this season! Jupiter was as good as through the base unit but with the module my 7mm gives 97x which is about ideal for “regular” seeing. Look forward testing it out with some Jovian transits! Can’t wait for the next session; hopefully get some lunar viewing in. The scope looks unbelievably good too… 😄 Digital sketch of tonight’s Mars below.
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