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Everything posted by CCD-Freak

  1. Very handy !! (^8 I just noticed the 178 series is listed twice.
  2. Yes )^8 I am getting very tired of this. I have not been out to may dark site in a couple months.
  3. You need a garden observatory !!! (^8 Impressive build.
  4. Thanks....I just found it. It looks useful so I bookmarked it into my Weather Folder.
  5. What weather site is this ????? Looks like it goes out farther than the one I use now.
  6. This is why I worked to get my imaging rig set up so I can control it remotely from inside my house or Caravan. With crazy Texas weather and bugs it makes things much more comfortable. Now I can sit inside and image when it is cold in shorts and a T-shirt with a cold BEvERage in hand. The lack of clear sky is the main problem now.
  7. Hi There and welcome to the Lounge. I think you will have a good time here. There is nothing wrong about having a weak spot for 4" refractors....I have one myself. Hang around long enough an you can be a Lounge Lizard like the rest of us. (^8
  8. Here is the telescope I lusted after when I was a kid. From time to time I get to use this marvelous old Unitron 6" refractor which is located at the University of North Texas (UNT) At that time I thought a long white tube on a heavy EQ mount is what a telescope is supposed to look like.
  9. Maybe they can just scale up the JWST design since it has be very much a success. Having a launch vehicle large enough to get it up could be a problem. The SLS or maybe a SpaceX Super Heavy could do it. Lets hope they can get it funded.
  10. Welcome from a Texan "Lounge Lizard" Great place here...lots of great people and information.
  11. Welcome from another on this side of the pond. Have fun here on SGL. I do.
  12. Here is another classic beauty....My Meade RG-880 with lots of upgrades. At The Okie-Tex Starparty some years back.
  13. I saw this beauty down in New Mexico back in May. 6, count em 6 TEC 180s on a L600 mount !!!!! Each one with an ASI6200 with EFW and filters. My understanding is that it is being used to search for exo-planets.
  14. Here is another one of my scope that I think looks nice. Orion Premium 110ED on a CI-700 mount. Imaging at Fort Griffin State Historic Site near Albany, TX back in 2015
  15. Here is a nice photo I saw today......and the moon is not distorted.
  16. Here is another scope I have always thought to be a "good looker". My Ultima 8 with all the bells and whistles I could find.
  17. Here is my AP900 with a SharpStar 150mm F2.8 Hyper Newt. I like the red, white and blue as well as the carbon fiber tube. The AP900 also looks nice with a long white tube ES 127ED on top....again in red, white and blue. (^8
  18. Here is a nice image from Artemis....I am sure there will be many more spectacular shots. (^8
  19. I was reading this...... https://www.nasa.gov/feature/nasa-s-artemis-i-cameras-to-offer-new-views-of-orion-earth-moon (^8
  20. I would imagine there will be lots of pictures. The spacecraft has cameras all over it inside and out.
  21. I used a 40mm extension tube and it worked well with the AT2FF flattener I had at that time.
  22. This is one of the best images I ever took with the 393L+OSC
  23. Probably not mine....I sold it many years ago. I typically used 5 or 10 minute subs and shot around 30 images. I now know that it would have been better to shoot many more subs but I was still working on my technique. The M20 mage was 15 x 5 minutes through an 8"RC. Not bad for 45 minutes but it would have been much better if I had managed to get 60 to 100 subs. Here are some more images from back then.
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