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Everything posted by AstroNebulee

  1. Hi Paul I have since sold my eq3-2 now and never got to try it for a long run sorry. I got the leads and charging lead, which is in USB format. from cpc.farnell.com and the battery pack from amazon that usually powers radio control cars. Sorry I can't be more help but its a cheap portable power option.
  2. Hi whilst backing up my asiair pro sd card I saw there's no licence file in the boot partition. How do I go about getting a license. I have entered my serial number on a zwo website and got the qr code but how to I scan or even get the license
  3. This makes me question should I even try to update my firmware from 3.26 right arm eq mode πŸ€”πŸ™„
  4. Thank you Stu. The only thing that I power from the AAP is my az gti. I connect my dslr and USB stick to the USB 3 ports and my guidecam and lynx astro eqdir cable to the USB 2 ports. My 2 dew heater bands are powered from a talentcell 3000mah battery pack. Thank you for all your help just need clear skies now.
  5. Thank you powerlord, that's so much easier to understand. I have read a lot on you can leave it in the 60Β° position when it's finishes PA. But your way seems like good practice, similar to when you normally PA say in sharpcap and such. So I can send the mount to any area of sky in the direction of my target and just plate solve any area of sky. The second time I tried alignment I set the focal length of my scope to 0 in the app as I use a FF, think it came around the 430mm mark. Next time it's a clear night I'll try your workflow. I had an unforecast mist descend last night so that put paid to any more work and didn't get to guiding and dithering sadly. Also do you power your az gti from the AAP? Thank you again.
  6. Hi I finally had a quick try at using my AzGti and asiair pro last night, with my sw 72ed and Canon 600D, with zwo asi120mc-s for guidescope. I done the PA ok after 7mins of baffoonary. Did focus on the live screen of my dslr. A couple of questions I have is, is it OK to power the az gti through the AAP or will this cause issues, I do power the AAP with the correct zwo mains adapter. My main issue is when to do a plate solve. Do I use the goto tab and find my target, select it then press goto and then do a plate solve after. Or do I do a platesolve straight after doing the PA. Because on the plate solve screen there is a GoTo and sync button to press and when I did this the mount slewed to and completey different area and this was after the mount was used in the goto tab. Sorry if this is a bit garbled. What are others users of my setup using for a workflow. I connect to my AAP with an eqmod connection with my a lynx astro eqdir cable and connect my tablet to my AAP wirelessly. Thank you for your help in my baffoonary
  7. That's what I did with mine before getting an asiair pro, the talentcell battery lasts for absolutely ages and has a USB port for dew heaters or charging anything, so plus one for this battery though I have the 3000mah one
  8. I'd definitely be interested in seeing if this improves my guiding in EQ mode. Note I haven't connected the counterweight shaft and bar in this image or my dslr and cables, just sorting sone of the cable management first.
  9. Thank you powerlord, I'm powering mine by the msins with the zwo 12v 5a power supply from FLO so hoping with all I've got connected on the AAP it will be fine powering the az gti mount. Then I'll have my spare battery pack powering my 2 dew heater straps.
  10. I have recently purchased a AAP and was going to mount the device on my fs bracket on my sw 72ed AzGti but decide that I will mount it to the extension pillar on my tripod as I have now mounted my guidescope in line with my scope and want all the weight centralised and balanced better. I will post an image once I've managed all my cables successfully. I'd like to ask does anyone here power their az gti through the AAP or with a separate power supply as I'm sure I've read somewhere that it's a but if a power drain. All I have connected to my AAP is Canon 600D, zwo asi120mc-s guidecam, USB stick and lynx astro eqdir cable.
  11. Yes me thinks your right, the odd I attached was just about how to connect with eqdir cable and reference for others if they were searching for it. When I sync the AAP app to the mount its successful and given the info needed and says successful so I think the time difference won't matter. I should of looked when I used to just connect in az mode with my AzGti mount to synscan app and like to see which time values ard given but never thought about it before. Hoping moro night skies are clear as atm and will test it out
  12. Thank you Stevie for confirming the times should be OK and both are correct, just got me puzzled a hit when I saw it as no way of changing the time. Regarding the connection of az gti and eq dir cable I found this article after much researching and ok to connect to eqmid mount with my eqdir lynx astro cable and leaving it set to 9600 baud rate. How_to_use_ASIAIR_with_Sky-Watcher_AZ-GTI_Mount.pdf
  13. Hi I'm just checking with other users of an asiair pro the time and dst settings, I'm just testing out my set up indoors yo save time fiddling when outside at night. My tablet is saying one time and the asiair app is saying a 1 hour earlier time is this normal and is there a way of changing it to GMT and not UTC. Sorry if this seems a idiotic question. Will the mount slew to an area where the object should be but an hour earlier? I'm connected to my az gti mount eq mode with a lynx astro cable and ffo I select skywatcher AzGti /synscan WiFi or EQ mod mount as both will work fine and connect?
  14. This beautiful looking beast arrived today courtesy of RVO and the lovely dpd delivery driver. This will simplify my astrophotography sessions with my dslr so much more now and hopefully take all the stress and hassle of laptop and other astrophotography software in a nifty complete package, just need to save up for my dedicated osc camera now and I'm there.
  15. Thank you, it sure is the bees knees that one but sadly out of my budget at the moment. I shall continue to dangle a 13a mains external socket and extension lead out of my first floor flat window and connect with the mains cable suggested by @FLOand zwo.
  16. Thank you, I did look at that one also. What do you have connected to your asiair can I ask and do you get any issues with loss of power during your session. Lithium is the way to go I think now.
  17. It's another good tip to try out seems this dslr as quite a few are prone to this phenomenon, hopefully in the autumn when it's a little cooler I can get better images too with the help of all your good words, I've got a asiair pro coming soon, and this will help simplify my astro sessions too. Thank you
  18. Yep it is the weather also, I do image with the screen flipped out but on, so will give it a go of switching off after focus and frame set up is done πŸ‘thank you
  19. I use my Canon 600D with my sw 72ed so I don't use a ball head on it, but rotating slightly seems like a one plan. Thank you πŸ‘
  20. Thank you, I shall give these suggestions a go and see what works best.
  21. Would you think this would be a better option yo powering my asiair, guide camera and dslr Sky-Watcher / Celestron PowerTank 7Ah
  22. Thank you Stu. On my other talent cell for my az gti mount, I've successfully ran that and 2 dew heater bands via the USB port and splitter cable and has so much life left in it I rarely need to charge it up. . So I'm hoping that with the talent cell battery pack for the asi air pro, I can run the zwo asi120mc-s guide camera and Canon 600D dslr with no issues.
  23. I have just bought a asi air pro to simplify my astrophotography rig, I want yo power it via a portable battery pack. I use the talent cell to power my AzGti mount so if I bought another would this sufficiently power my asiair pro pack. I need ultra portable hence not buying a bigger skywatcher or celestron battery pack. TalentCell Rechargeable 36W 12V/3000mAh Lithium Ion Battery Pack, 12V/5V Dual Output External Battery Power Bank with Charger for LED Strip, Tape Light, CCTV Camera and More, Bla ck
  24. Thank you, you've done an amazing job there. I am definitely going to dither once I've got my brain around it. So your suggesting I could do longer than 180sec subs as long as there is more of them? I mat try shorter subs and more of them firstly and experiment in the warmer nights (but not this week) and see what the maximum exposure time is before banding occurs. Thank you for helping me πŸ‘
  25. Yes thats what I thought with the temperatures at the moment, I'm not even bothering this week atall even with my clear skies. I was thinking of trying 2 min subs and see how I go, it may be a case of in the summer do shorter subs and longer interval and opposite in the winter until I can afford a osc. Thank you again for your input πŸ‘
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