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Everything posted by AstroNebulee

  1. I think this could be the link to the manual "Sky-Watcher | Sky-Watcher Global Website" https://skywatcher.com/download/manual/goto-mounts/ This YouTube video may help too, bit long winded and can go on, not the best light or commentary but may help you And this coukd be the manual en_download_caty01316547032 (3) (1).pdf
  2. Have you opened the mount oop to clean or grease it atall. I've looked online quickly and like you say there's no clutch to tighten, only the dovetail locking bolt. It sounds like the gears aren't engaging in alt or need greasing maybe. I don't have this mount so not sure but it's a start.
  3. Have you tightened the clutch up on the alt side, which mount have you got the Skymax on
  4. That did make me smile, definitely think the Pembrokeshire dangler is here now and has been for sometime. As its usually due in autumn and winter, but we seem to have it now here's hoping autumn and winter will be without one. I'll talk in hushed tones but next week the weather appears to be clearing up with clear skies too, shame its a full moon week but I'll take anything right now haha
  5. That's good you've got 3.26 now be good to hear how your guiding compares with that firmware. I wish I could help you but still waiting to get my AAP out for first light. I'll let you know how it get on as I've updated to 3.32. But as you say AAP decides which way to goto your target after you PA.
  6. If Shimrod doesn't get back to you later I'll pm you the 3. 26 firmware when I'm home from work 👍
  7. Me too, hoping mines still on my strap, saves me putting my wooly hat over the dslr now haha
  8. Hi Mike I was going to ask where you are in Cornwall. There's not many of us in here. Sadly I don't drive so cannot get to those locations but I'm bortle 3 ish where I am in my village. Your van is perfect for some serious astrophotography on the road and looking good. Clear skies. 👍
  9. I've definitely bought my set up for the long run, it's taken me till now to know what setup I really want, now with my scope, mount, asiair pro and dslr (saving up for a osc as it will out perform my dslr) but when I finally see those distant galaxies, nebula coming in I know it's all worth it in the end. Just like to get some haha
  10. I'm already mad that set in a long time ago 🤪, astronomy is my only hobby. I started off seriously in April last year just observing and the odd smartphone shots. Then wanted to show family and friends what's up there so progressed to astrophotography. I still have all my eyepieces so can go back to observing if needed but I get such satisfaction and the thrill, even butterflies in my stomach when capturing those photons that will be my own, thats what keeps driving me on and learning the hobby even more, of course I'll still moan at lack of clear night's but hey I am a UK very amateur astromer. During the cloudy times I ask for advice on here, try and reprocess old data and learn new techniques and watch other astrophotographers videos online, so bits to keep me going but nothing like the thrill of being out there. 👍
  11. Yes Monday also looking like it for me too 🙏
  12. Sorry just seen the link to the app, straight on the download now. Thank you
  13. That's not good for you atall powerlord. What firmware was the one that worked for you previously, I think I have 3.26 firmware still on my laptop just incase.
  14. It is indeed a challenging hobby, I guess it's what keeps up going in search of the inages to help our addiction, it's not for the faint hearted is it. Your weather system sounds like mine down here can be anything and everything, clear skies.
  15. I think next year I'll hibernate in August too. That M5 is sure a killer this time of year especially, I expect it has left you mentally drained, enjoy your moonshine and hillbilly music haha, I expect you can hear mine from there. Good luck with your time off in September and hope clear skies appear. Checking all the apps and a glimmer of hope is on Monday 🙏
  16. Yep I always keeping checking outside just incase as the forecasts are always known to get it wrong sometimes. For me MO tends to the most accurate and take an average from all my weather apps and look outside.
  17. Yep agreed maideneer, I do check over 3-4 apps and keep checking right up until set up time, just this doesn't instill any hope when you see it and had it for this many weeks.
  18. Let's hope so Mike been a right off so far. September is generally good down here isn't it, still 2 weeks to go. Reminds me of the Green day song but change it to Wake me up when August ends haha
  19. I hope you get some good data tonight and enjoy 😊, I did look at the MO video forecast and the area around Norfolk, Suffolk and Kent looking real good tonight. Trouble being in Cornwall we get the brunt of the Atlantic weather and my village being high up gets a fair bit of fog and mist, I'll keep checking through the week incase of a change, it can't go on surely.
  20. Yep, just when I see it go green for a bit it soon changes and MO correlates it too 😒
  21. Yep, all kit set up ready to go, notes written and you tube videos watched
  22. During these frustrating cloudy skies I've purchased this to keep me entertained, got it cheap because of tatty box but all bags still sealed 😊
  23. 6 weeks and counting for a clear night and this is the forecast for the 7th week, just hope it changes for the better 😔😔
  24. In the past I owned a celestron nexyz phone adapter and although pricey compared to the budget ones in my experience far better and easily get the target on the screen of your mobile phone quickly with the 3 axis adjustments. I've owned a budget and the celestron and would definitely recommend the celestron. Only sold is as I went to using a dslr with my scope.
  25. Beautiful image you have there 😍, if you wanted to stretch the inage more without blowing the core out you can use layer masking not sure if gimp has layer masking as I don't use it but it's what I do in photoshop with bright core subjects eg M13 here
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