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Everything posted by Stardaze

  1. @John one last question, have you found light pollution filters of any use?. I’m in a bortle 5 area and whilst there’s LED lanterns being installed gradually, there’s still a lot of sodium around?
  2. Thanks John. I hate scrimping but when you need to build a system, there’s lots of things that start to add up initially. I think I’ll do that and get the ES UHC, I’ll then add a quality O-III when a little more comfortable again.
  3. Very valid point about camera lenses, imperfections rarely show anything at all. A lens brush should flick off any particles. Do you clean yours occasionally Louis or leave until obvious? I wouldn't dissemble a lens myself, definitely asking for trouble. At that point, they go back for a professional job.
  4. Im still dithering over £200 for an O-III @John. I could do with two EP’s next month to fill the gaps, so an astonomik on top, is pushing it. I know you said that the ES one will work to an extent but, in your opinion, how much better is the Astronomic? If it’s above 50% I’ll have to swallow it. Want to see the veil next month ideally and I’d also like to capture the owl nebula and see what effect it has on the ring too whilst they’re all in favourable spots. As an aside, and thinking well ahead, what filter is best for M42 later in the year, assume a UHC?
  5. I have a 6.8 which gives me 187x but the 8.8 barlowed would give me 288x and the 11 230x which might be worthwhile for planetary giving me a fair bit of variation.
  6. I’ll probably end up with one as the 1.25” one isn’t too costly. Might be worth a punt over a 4mm EP?
  7. Thanks Louis that’s really interesting, both the 17 and 12 ES appeal.
  8. I think if I were going to get a better one, I’d probably get the ES 2x extender, but not sure I really need it. It’s way down the list atm 🤔
  9. I bought this Barlow to use the thread to attach my camera to my old scope so it’s nothing special. https://www.harrisontelescopes.co.uk/acatalog/celestron-universal-t-adaptor-barlow-1.25.html?gclid=Cj0KCQjw_ez2BRCyARIsAJfg-kt9kmvzHKVnn6mk3_tGB9NJMbb8nbGT-JNil20MdCQ-5Y-YhfGPapYaAuBwEALw_wcB
  10. A couple of ortho’s in a Binoviewer? Assume you Barlow the 10 and 14 though? I’m on the fence with a better Barlow. Thinking I probably won’t need one. Have a cheapy Celestron though.
  11. Having picked up a copy this week of ‘turn left at Orion’ I’ve read some of the preamble and came across the advice regarding cleaning eyepieces, which pretty much amounts to - don’t ever, if you can. Coming from a photography background, and having quite a few premium lenses, I'm not adverse to using a lens cleaner/ cloth or lens pen. I’ve used a lens pen on one of my EPs already. So what’s your views on this? Some people do treat kit like newborns , whilst others no doubt will use them as tools - Im probably in the middle. Next order with FLO I’m going to add some baader wonder fluid anyway.
  12. Out of interest, what’s your current EP setup for your bresser dob?
  13. Got to glue my hasty bull-in-a-China-shop section but it’s coming together. The plan is to add the 8.8 and 14 next month, then eventually I fancy a much better 17 to replace the 16 nirvana (I’ll keep it too but not in this case). Thinking either the Nagler 17T4 or maybe the ES 17 92 or 100 deg? Plenty of time yet And there’s a nice spot at the bottom for it. Will be ready for the winter with a good enough selection to suss where the upgrades might be fun next year.
  14. That’s interesting John, thanks. I am a little worried that I will change a few in the coming years so might try that.
  15. Mines pick and pluck too but plucking wouldn’t leave a a bit of a mess looking at it. The wife fancies a go at it 😆
  16. It does. It didn’t come off but clearly two of the screws aren’t screwed in much really which makes me wonder whether half a turn to all, will help keep the collimation from drifting. I’ll see how I get on, just need some clear nights now.
  17. I couldn’t see the wood for the trees there, when all along it was that that needed to be levelled. I absolutely know how it all works now I guess, so confident I have earned my collimation badge. One of the primary knobs came off when I was levelling, my heart sank. Thankfully it’s not difficult to pull back on the cell to screw it on. Another of life’s lessons. Scope and myself now not rendered totally useless 😆
  18. John, you’re a genius! Thank you, that’s all it was. Sorted and very happy with it. Easy when you know how!
  19. I’ve had enough, it’s beaten me! Where’s local to Redditch that I can have the mirrors collimated properly? I can see it’s twisted but it isn’t if I look at it down the tube. The first part of getting the holder concentric is simple enough but it tilts the central donut? I’ve twisted it in various angles and it won’t square it. There’s something not right here, maybe it’s me but I’m at that point where I’ve spent hours and I need to watch someone who knows what they’re doing. I’ll drive to within 100 miles of Redditch to get this sorted, any recommendations?
  20. I bought a copy from 365 Astronomy for £19.99 this week. I also bought a copy of the latest turn left at Orion and it’s huge, as you say.
  21. So... I’ve butchered my first eyepiece section. What’s the secret to a nice clean cut that you've all managed in the foam? Have you all bought a laser cutter 😂 I will admit that I’ve jumped straight into it with a craft knife that could be sharper, so you’re going to tell me the obvious I fear..
  22. Those do look pretty special John. I fancy maybe a 14mm Delos to tip my toe in the TV water.
  23. I’m going to go nanuk I think. They do look to be very nice and still 40% cheaper than a peli. What size is yours?
  24. Look forward to seeing the finished job John 👍
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