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Everything posted by Stardaze

  1. That's a nice mix of kit you have there Doug, only just noted everything you have there. I too have the Bresser 10" dob but definitely would like something later on in the year for planetary, was toying with a frac or mak of sorts. What do you opt for generally and why? I thought about pushing myself to the 8SE at first but the dob was such a steal. Maybe the Bresser frac alongside the dob would give me a nice mix and collectively, similar cost to an 8SE. I'd need some legs a mount to go with it so I'll have to look into those options too.
  2. Something else on the list then... though, spending some time this year learning my way first with the bresser dob, no rush.
  3. That's a lovely evenings viewing. How do you find the Bresser frac? Have been thinking of adding something similar to my dob whenever I can for a quick grab and go, especially for the planets. I'm also in the same boat as @Barry-W-Fenner, had the binos on the moon, Venus and Mercury from the bedroom window as I went to bed feeling exhausted from the little one and some manual labour! Woke at 3.30 and saw Jupiter on the horizon.
  4. Are both your astronomiks? Probably got another 6 weeks until prime time really so I’ll get one of them soon enough.
  5. What are you using and how is your area?
  6. I’ll stack the odds in my favour and if I can’t see them, at least I’ll know it’s me 😂
  7. Unsure which way to go with filters now. Buying an astonomik UHC and O-III seems a bit lavish in one hit at the moment. I was going to buy their UHC first, but now I’ve been reading up on the veil (and the ring) seems I need a O-III 😂 Maybe the ES ones to begin with?? Or, just an astronomik of one or the other 🤔
  8. Truly an awesome optic! Was hoping to get out that way later in the year, all being well.
  9. Don’t say that, another £180 I need to spend... Cygnus isn’t accessible from my back garden so I’d have to travel for that one.You do realise that I’ll want to now 😂
  10. That's a very good point. I can't see it at all from my garden (blocked by an oak tree) but is a region I need to explore when we can get out again.
  11. I'm glad you helped point me in the Bresser direction. I've seen quite a bit of flak since of the SW bases. Could be a moot point though if I do get an OO base. I was being blinded by the nice paint work and shortened storage 🤣
  12. How come you've gradually moved back to a 10? Is there a balance to be found with function/weight?
  13. It's not the kids I have to be careful with though, I can be just as clumsy. I haven't divulged my own misdemeanour earlier in the week.... whilst carrying a dining room chair back from the kitchen (the little one was using it to stand on to bake cakes) I tried to nudge the chair in front a touch to push it over. Yup, it fell on my new dob 😂 A slight dink. I've tried to push it out but need to get a small hammer in there. It's hardly anything, so... That's a monster! How was she in use? I bet a PITA to move around though.
  14. Me neither. The squared base of the OO does give a slightly smaller bottom profile to tuck into a corner better though.
  15. Thanks Mike, that's a great post. I'm really drawn to DSO but am looking forward to the planets in July. Forecasts aren't infallible and so I'll have to just persevere on some evenings. Like anything in life, and especially with our interests, the old mantra is true: TIME + EFFORT = REWARDS 😀
  16. I'm not necessarily complaining, you're right, it is a waiting game (having been a very dedicated fisherman for 20 years until recently) For me, astro fills in some useable time later in the year when the weather for other pursuits isn't so favourable. April was a very good month here too. There is astronomical darkness at the moment, but not true darkness, until July 28th. I like the seasonal changes, I just have to learn what/how to adapt to them. Double stars probably look to be well worth persevering with these coming months.
  17. So there's now no proper darkness until the end of July and there's been sporadic cloud abundant on most nights recently which has had me wondering, what conditions do you persevere in? Do you venture out in hope or are you somebody that has to have as good as possible to make the effort? Obviously I'm still super-keen which will have some relevance. This month looks increasingly tricky to gauge for a relatively newcomer.
  18. I do like the base being quite compact and as I keep mine in a corner of the dining room, little bumps (you never know with a 4 year old around) might be better suited.
  19. I probably would collect it at the time as I do pass that way. However, if the overall build of the components isn't perfect, then the assembly wouldn't make a difference, would it?
  20. Thanks chaps. Bit annoying when you pay all that for them, nothing seems perfect these days. Did I read somewhere that delivery scales are quite a bit?
  21. I have a slight blemish on one of the vertical panels but wasn’t enough to raise, looks like a bumped corner. I’m going to replace my base in the autumn I think with an OO version. I’m not a good chippy myself so I’ll take the easier option. Those that have had the OO bases: does the ota detach with the tube rings etc all in place, or do you have open up the rings? How smooth in practice are the OO bases? Might have a go at mucking a wheeled base though to use in places.
  22. You sound to be in a very similar position as myself - you're not next door, are you? 😆 I'm relatively new myself but am in a Bortle 5 area on the outskirts of town. Have a look at this: https://www.handprint.com/ASTRO/bortle.html Then you can have a look at areas using this: https://www.lightpollutionmap.info/#zoom=4&lat=5759860&lon=1619364&layers=B0FFFFFTFFFFFFFFF There's plenty of Bortle 4 areas around. Clee Hill is a great suggestion, I might consider that myself later on into the year.
  23. I’ll spend some time working with what I have this year, to suss where the upgrade (s) would be beneficial. For me, the 40-70x is probably where I spend most of my time.
  24. That’s the balance you need to find then. Could be a costly exercise 😂
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