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Everything posted by Stardaze

  1. That makes sense, thanks.
  2. @Richochet you are right, it is 7mm for the 35mm. 👍
  3. 10” f5. The calc I saw was nearer 6 but could be wrong. Understand 7 is the limitation in general but I do hlstill have very good vision so would like to think I’m the upper end?
  4. There's a little too much choice in the TV ranges. Subtle differences between each range too doesn't help, huh 😂 I have time to do some research as to where I'll, no doubt, dip my toe first.
  5. How do you find the Panoptic? Is an EP collection something of the norm 😆
  6. @John away from the 100 degree £600 TV Ep's, what are your personal views on some of the £3-400 TV's? A panoptic 35 would provide a similar FOV as the ES 24 (82) but the 16/17 area seems to be quite divided. Many people seem to deviate towards 11/12, which I need to use and review. It's all hypothetical and no rush, but good to hears others thoughts/mistakes/regrets😀
  7. Have been reading too many reviews, as you do! I'm going to build a full complement for now across the spectrum with a mix of ES 82's (11, 24) and the Nirvana's (16, 7, 4). I think at some stage, knowing me, I'll want to dabble with a TV to compare. The Delos 12 and/or a Nagler 22 look to be good starters for ten. One thing that reviews do seem to pick up on is the darker background of the Naglers. It could be that my EP's are showing a lot of light pollution but this is something I've noted quite a bit.
  8. That's a really sensible idea, thanks. Is this a relatively common practice for planetary viewing?
  9. I'm a little on the fence regarding an EP in the 6-7mm bracket. I'm building up my EP's slowly and consider the short end more for planetary use, so hoping to add at some point next month in readiness for Saturn/Jupiter, come July. I'm still a noob for the most part, but do like to 'future proof' these things best I can, so.... to that end, should I just plough straight in and buy something like a Delite? I was going to buy the OVL nirvana 4 & 7, which won't break the bank, but thinking long term... This will be for use in a 10" dob.
  10. Good to hear. There's a few winners in this situation, but not many. People have to do something though to beat the boredom! I know camera sales were reportedly down 70%, which is understandable as you couldn't go anywhere to use them, for most people. The situation, limited camera pursuits and a badly torn hamstring, has actually meant little camera, no cycling but time to properly start my astro journey and I've been thoroughly enjoying it. Just need some clear nights this next week and a few coffees!
  11. I've found that I've had to slightly tweak mine each time too. Seems to hold a bit better with using the tightening screws and I've been pretty gentle with her.
  12. My better half is still getting used to mine. She doesn't seem to be appreciative of it's aesthetic beauty 😆
  13. Most retailers get the blunt end of the deal. You have to wonder who will survive this current situation. I’d like to think that with pastimes such as Astro, people will continue to seek some escape and solace in this hobby, and others. I do a fair bit of cycling and one of the biggest wheel manufacturers has just gone under.
  14. I’d imagine they have to make very good margins on mirrors. I can only speak of camera lenses, but assume the same of EP’s (they’re essentially similar makeup), but camera manufacturers make their money on lenses with big mark ups. Camera bodies don’t provide much of a return. The only difference with all of this though is that I’d be confident of taking half decent pics with cheap glass, but in this game, the difference could be between seeing something, or not I guess. Lenses are an investment in photography - they can last you lifetime across many bodies. To some respect, assume the same of EP’s..
  15. Absolutely this! I do like to warrant the gear I’m using, and it’s good to have things to ‘aspire towards.’ 😀
  16. I take heart from the fact you’ve had most stuff and settled on the Bresser of late. It’s like most top of the range gear with anything, marginal gains. Mid-range kit normally gives you the biggest step up from starter kits, but the highest end tends to be less noticeable, but marginal for those that either need the very best, or moneys not a concern. I’m intrigued with TeleVue eyepieces, I can see how quality glass can make a difference, but, it’s all relative. Probably no point slapping an eyepiece on a scope of the same value.
  17. There's a few of here with them then 😀 How long have you had yours? Looks like you've had to DIY your Rigel 👍
  18. Don't worry, not about to go that crazy, just curious as to how much better they actually would be for that kind of money. Eyepieces are my next endeavour, going to need a 6/7mm then a 11/12mm, can upgrade gradually if the bug bites... You did say that the Bresser mirror is as good as anything for the money.Maybe she could have that upgrade for her 5th birthday 😀
  19. Indeed, my quick reference. It’s ever so stiff, to the point I was using quite a bit of force and questioned it.
  20. But by loosening the three screws, the whole barrel does rotate?
  21. Another really silly question, but I can’t seem to tilt the eyepiece of the SW finder scope 45 degrees inwards ? I’d assume that loosening the 3 screws would let it rotate but doesn’t seem to?
  22. The question was sparked from reading your report from the other night wondering whether I could see those supernovae too? I was out last night and thought the conditions weren’t as clear as Tuesday night, except a small window around 1am. I happened to try a few different techniques viewing the Herc cluster. To my surprise, my unflavoured right eye seemed to give a little more at a particular angle, whilst keeping my other eye open. I’ll have to try to explore that a bit.
  23. Quick question: what do you think the limitation, in magnitude, would be with the 10” Bresser. Let’s say under reasonable viewing conditions, bortle 4-5..
  24. She’s not bad for a first huh! 😆 Not too big though, as long as my back is sound, she shouldn’t be too much trouble to cart around. 14 and above look just huge, but.. very intrigued just to see what something that big delivers (not practical for me thankfully) Was looking at the OO site yesterday and the grades of mirrors are really something, not for the light walleted! Which grade of mirror is in yours John?
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