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Everything posted by Barry-W-Fenner

  1. This is very true John, Look what happened to me with the BST range 🙂 On a "positive" note though I dont think I am going to be in a position to purchase another high end eye piece after this initial one for quite some time. That is why I am trying to find a middle ground and get a FL that will me quite versatile. However I do understand that there is no one size fits all in this game. hence why I am asking this advise. Long term I am going to do my best to purchase 3-4 high end eye pieces and stick with them, As you have mentioned though this is a very slippery slope 🙂 Thanks Baz
  2. Thank you all for the informative advise, I really appreciate it. I will read over these comments again tonight to refresh my mind and reply 🙂 I am quite keen on the 12.5mm Morpheus now going by the above! Baz
  3. Evening all. After touching on this topic in my other thread, I though it might be wise to ask this question officially in the correct place 🙂 First I will give a quick low down, I managed to get some time at the eye piece last night with the 300p from about 10pm to 12.30am Despite not having the ideal equipment for this scope, conditions being very misty with intermittent cloud and of course no astro darkness, I was totally amazed at the views provided. My collection of BST's are in this scope more miss than hit unfortunately. To my eye the lower powers of the larger focal length along with the high powers of the 5 & 3.2mm all gave less than ideal views. However the mid range powers provided by the 8,12 & 15mm were surprisingly good inspire of them only really providing a clear image over approx 2/3rd of the FOV. Without going into to much detail here Vega & Arcturus were both beautiful spheres of white & soft Orange light. with the 8mm - x187 The cats eye Nebula was simply jaw dropping. I am used to seeing this as a Green oval shape but in the 300p with the 15mm providing x100 mag I could see the actual green structure with various layers to the nebula, The central star was also constant. I was so impressed with this I dragged the wife out for a look 🙂 I am now looking to purchase an eye piece more suited for this scope and am looking at one of the Baader Morpheus range thanks to the advise provide by members on here. I will only be able to purchase one and for the moment this will have to cover my asto needs. As this eye piece is going to be my workhorse I would like to find a middle ground fora combination of viewing planetary nebula, Globs, Planets and stars. Being that I had some very enjoyable viewing between x187 down to x100 I was hoping for some advise on what FL Morpheus to buy. I am thinking along the lines of either the 9mm to give x166 but also the 12.5mm which will give x120 and might be better suited to all round viewing? I would appreciate any advise from experienced members with these FL in a 12" dob please. Its worth bearing in mind I have 3no BST eye piece in the range that performed admirably that I can use for the time being. I also have the 30mm Aero ED for low power wide field which I am hoping to use tonight. Thanks all. Regards Barry
  4. So far I' have spent a bit of time on Vega. Absolutely stunning bright white disc at x187 so far the BST, s have been a little hit and miss with this scope. Hopefully I will get to see what ones work OK when it gets darker.
  5. The 300p is out cooling under reasonably clear skies. There quite abit of cloud about but I'm going it stays away for my 1st proper look through this scope.
  6. On the subject of 300p collimation. Quick question, when I look down the focuser of at the secondary mirror I can only see two of the clips holding the primary. Does this mean the secondary needs tweaking so all 3 clips are in view? Cheers baz
  7. Well you do learn something new everyday! Thanks for the clarification folks! Regards Baz
  8. I really like the look of this scope. The 3 piece spider vane is a good idea. I assume this reduces the number of diffraction spikes produced and disperses them ever 3rd of the view, I would be interested to see how that looks. If the vane can be produced with 3 legs and secure the secondary well, Would this method make more sense for all dobs? The fewer vanes the better?? Just my thoughts 🙂
  9. Oh my days the ultimate frustration. A beautiful scope sitting in the lounge looking at me just waiting to be used. The weather doesn't want to play though.
  10. I am looking forward to it to Mark! Unfortunately it looks like Saturday is the next clear night here now 😞 The 300p Is just sitting in the lounge at the moment for me to tinker and poke around with 🙂 Baz
  11. Afternoon SaS! Hope you are keeping well. coming from someone who is experienced with a 500p It is really encouraging to hear you hold the 300p in high regard! I have not been fortunate enough to use it yet as the weather has tuned awful, We are not forecast a clear night until Saturday now. All I can do is look at it and tinker for the time being! 1st impressions of the scope itself are great, The fit and finish are to a very high standard. When you extend the scope it has a very positive solid feel to it and it all locks into place very nicely with a reassuring "click" You have actually answered one of my questions before I could ask it! I was wondering what the 1st "Position" I gathered that for viewing through the focuser you needed to pull the scope to maximum length but had no idea it had a preset for binoviewing! Next to the locking screws each extension tube has a black adjuster attached to them, Is that to adjust the tension of each tube? I have also heard goo things about the APM Eye piece range. After some use with my current eye piece I will certainly be looking to purchase some glass that is better suited for the 300p. APM & Baader will both be high on my list to research! I have just double checked and i have got the 1.25 extension in my focuser, I think as pointed out above I wasn't really thinking about what I was doing (very tired by then 🙂 ) and I tried to focus on something way to close. I dont really have much else thats further away to try and focus on mind. I guess I might have to wait until the Stars are out then have another go. Thanks SAS Regards Baz
  12. Thanks chaps. I will have another go tomorrow night. 1st impressions are it's a beautiful scope. It's put together very well to a high standard. The weight is not to bad to lump around in two parts. It's certainly not a one lift job like the 200p though 😀 Regards
  13. Thanks John, that makes sense really. I should have through about it more. The trees were the furthest thing I could try to focus on. Now the sky is thick cloud so no joy trying to target a star 😕 Might have to wait until the weekend now as that is the next clear night forecast here. Regards Barry
  14. Evening all. I have been playing with the 300p this evening trying to set it up. I have done a few mods and fitted my skywatcher duel speed focuser. I then collimated the scope with my laser. I understand that my current eye piece collection isn't idea for this scope, however I am having an issue where I can't seem to get focused on an object at all. I have tried to focus on a tree aroud 20mtrs away and it's just a blur. I have tried various powers to no joy. I have also tried to focus with my 2" 30mm aero ED and still no joy. I'm a bit stumped as to what is going on. Any help appreciated. Regards Baz
  15. I do have the 25mm version, I use it quite a lot to view almost the entire area of M45 & The double cluster. It is also useful for using to locate your targets before changing to higher power. I did notice an improvement over the stock 25mm, The image is definitely sharper, However I have noted that the 25mm isnt clear all the way to the edge of the field, I would say around 70% with the outer edge slightly degraded. I dont know if that is the eye piece and 200p combination doing this or just the eye piece. Cheers Baz
  16. A very happy daddy, and two very happy children in here somewhere 😂 Now just got to make the wife happy. This could get expensive 😂😁
  17. Hi Merlin, I am a big fan of the BST 15mm in the 200p - I find it gives a nice clear image and a very handy x80 magnification. I seem to be in the minority as most people prefer the 18mm, find myself coming back to the 15 over and over! I hope you enjoy the eye piece.
  18. 😂 That surprises me with your experience and knowledge of eye pieces. Thank you, I am really looking forward to its arrival and hopefully some clear sky! There did seem to be a large increase in Size from a 12" to 14" flex tube. I'm no telescope engineer but the 14 seemed a lot bigger for a 2" gain. I bet the views through a 14 were worth while though! Baz
  19. Thanks for the confirmation John, if it's considered a good eye piece in your opinion then they can't be bad. 👍 I hope you dont mind me asking your advice in the near future for eye pieces for a 300p. I will be buying far fewer for this scope but would like to start exploring some high end eye pieces if possible. I really can't wait for it to arrive now 😂 😁
  20. A very nice way to start the day. My 30mm aero ED arrived. A huge thank you to Peter. ScouseSpaceCadet. It really is a lovely looking 2" eye piece. Very well put together with some great looking glass! I can't wait to get a clear evening to test it out for some wide field viewing! Baz
  21. Thanks Geoff. money is definitely an object 😀 I will be checking out the Morpheus range. Do they come up often second hand? 🤔 Regards
  22. Thanks Steve. Due to the experienced advise I have been given I am kind of going in to this knowing that I will probably have to improve some of if not all of my eye piece set for the 300p it's good to know this from the outset as I won't be disappointed when I use my eye pieces with the scope for the 1st time. Hopefully there will be some that I can use reasonably well in the short term until I start looking and asking for advise on here for a more specific set of eye pieces tailored for the 300p i will certainly have a look at the badeer line alone with other higher end brands. I am fortunate that the BSTs perform very well in the 200p and I will certainly still be using this scope still aswell. The 300p is going to be the next stage in my astro journey and I look forward to slowly increasing my eye pieces to get the best out of it! Thanks again for all your input. It's appreciated As it has kept me grounded as to what to expect from the outset and I won't be disappointed know what I do now. Thanks to everyone else also, the information passed on to me here has helped me to step back and not spontaneously purchased a larger scope that I might have very little interest to use once the "honeymoon" period is over. Regards Baz
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