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Neil H

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Everything posted by Neil H

  1. Hi I am a newbie myself I did have an Celestron powerseeker 114 it was ok not brill so got binned waste of £65, I was on a tight budget too I landed up getting a really nice skywatcher 150/750 for £110 off eBay , you may be better off looking second hand as your get a lot more telescope for your money , if you see something of interest put on a link and the great guys and gals on here will tell if it's worth a look , 99% of the person's in this hobby look after there telescopes
  2. The HEQ5 if that's what your looking at could do with the Rowan belt upgrade FLO do it already done but price is high your better off fitting it your self not a bad job https://www.firstlightoptics.com/belt-mod-kits/rowan-astronomy-sky-watcher-heq5-pro-orion-sirius-eq-g-belt-mod-kit.html
  3. Hi Dave yes a central mark on the mirror does help I had a Celestron which did not have a mark and your never sure you have it centred, sorry can't help with mirror removal , just don't waste money on a laser unless it's HoTech or baader cheap ones don't work well even after the laser has been collimated
  4. Hi guys quick update Collimation is 100% , star test show Collimation 100% and springs are working well
  5. Hi and welcome if I was you get a Cheshire not a laser every time I put my laser in it showed Collimation out So the other day I got a short Cheshire so I collimated so it was 100% did star test and that showed Collimation was spot on I pop in the laser and guess what Collimation shows as out so I binned the laser, the set up with the Cheshire sounds hard but it's not I am a newbie and can collimate it so your be ok too just take your time https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ostara-1-25-Short-tube-cheshire-collimating-eyepiece-for-Newtonian-reflectors/151160043810?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649
  6. I also said I didn't want to keep upgrading so this what we need so it's right first time which is a skywatcher 200p on EQ5 go-to plus upgrades and power pack
  7. Yes do what I did wait till she is nearly asleep then tell her , if then she has a moan later you can stay I did tell you and you said it was ok
  8. Hi is a flex tube dobs 250 with go-to any good £700 in classified section
  9. Hi I don't know if this is of interest there is in the classified section a skywatcher 200pds in one add and a EQ5 goto they may both come in your budget
  10. Well I fitted the springs that I got off eBay and they seem to work ok, I recollimated all seems good ,so only time will tell
  11. That's my fault I was thinking it was just to hold mirror against the screws , I can't find a shop like you have , but Paul (wookie1965) pointed me to these 25mm long ,1mm wire,8mm diameter https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Compression-Spring-Small-Various-Sizes-Up-To-10mm-Diameter-Pressure-Compressed-1/222382066727?var=521250561773
  12. Hi Paul I looked at the listing if the others are no good I will order the biggest they do , I will pop over to my mates he may have some I can use
  13. Hi guys I think I may have found some ,so they are On there way to me will know when they get here but now reading what you guys have put they may be no good , I don't want to spend loads on this scope as I will be getting a new better one but here are the springs https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Compression-springs-5-pack/172494428588?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649
  14. Thanks They do compression springs on Amazon but need to work out what to get
  15. Thanks for that do I need to get longer screws if I convert to springs
  16. Hi all I binned my laser collimator and got a Cheshire , when I collimator every goes well until it's time to do the main mirror the only way I can get it in the centre is to hold mirror forward while adjusting then lock it in place , the rubber O rings are not wide enough to keep pressure on the mirror , is this normal ? Is there a way round it ? Is there a mod you do to the main mirror mount ?
  17. get a good power pack like this it will power everything https://www.firstlightoptics.com/batteries-powerpacks/celestron-lithium-lifepo4-powertank-pro.html
  18. Hi I got a polar scope coming for my EQ3-2 . I know astrobaby did a write up for the EQ5 does it work for my mount and polar scope
  19. Hi bad news that if it was me just for now I would put a cable tie above and below the screw in lock it will hold it together for now and stop the crack from spreading till you get a new leg be a shame if it gives way and your telescope getting damaged
  20. Hi Joe I hope so , This is an amazing hobby love all the learning that's involved , as I am At the moment stuck in the back yard mostly I look at the moon ,Orion and Venus if I am quick before it goes behind next door house , I never get tired looking at Orion stars and nebulae And big thanks to everyone on here helping me progress in this hobby
  21. Hi I am new myself but will try and help I think the mount needs to be polar aligned before you do a 3 star set up this set up helps the go-to work out were it is Sky safari not sure about most use stellarium to control there telescopes, if it's a Celestron telescope they do there own called skyportal As for eyepieces 99% of the time the ones that come with the telescope are rubbish and need to be replaced with plossl or super plossl As for mounts I have only used manual EQ mount and you get some very strange angles and you need to spin the telescope in its mount to get the eyepiece in a position to see in to it , the videos I seem the AZ mount the telescope is the right way to look into I am sure some will be a long soon to give you all the info you need
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