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Posts posted by vineyard

  1. My memory is a bit hazy on the way the different models work (I think the mount has its own model in there that does not get purged at power down).  So what I used to do was once the mount was on & tracking (& polar aligned if you're not on a pier) then I'd purge the model (go to the mount tab and there's a "Clear Model" button).  Then go to the Align tab (the one that looks like a bullseye - I think its called Align), and there's a button you can click to set up a mount model.  I'd suggest choosing 3 named stars and once its gone through that, it has a mount model as of that night's setup, and you're hopefully more likely to get flips to happen when they should.

    If that doesn't fix it, I'd try & post a query on indilib.org too.

    • Like 1
  2. Do you recalibrate the mount model every time?  I used to have this - I think its something to do with the mount model vs the EKOS model.  When I started basically re-calibrating the mount model at the start of every session (even though it was on a pier so thankfully no PA required every time) it got better.

    Maybe also trying posting a query on indilib.org?

  3. I hope I'm putting this Q in the right thread - sorry if I'm inadvertently reopening an old one (in which case mods pls feel free to move).

    Quick Q: could AllSkEye support these new Wyze cam v3 cameras which have night vision in them?  Even if its not for full functionality, could some of the software functions be used?  I've tried to see if these cameras have Ascom drivers but I haven't been able to find any info on that.


  4. 33 minutes ago, Highburymark said:

    In February this year, the Solar Orbiter captured a giant prom on the far side which stretched 3 million km into space - equivalent of 250 Earths.

    There really needs to be a wow emoji in the "like" options!  That's gigantonormous.

  5. Thanks @Mike JW (hope all well - still loving the STF7 :) )...so the NV is doubling the aperture even at 7", crikey.

     @HighburymarkI was just using an iPhone 12 and the standard photo app on it which in low light doesn't let me take faster than 3s (unless - and this is v possible - I'm being an idiot in using the phone!).  That is really good to hear about the comparison of the TV85 v C8 - if its clear tonight I'm going to try sans the 0.5x reducer and see what it shows.

    As you say @AstroMuni thankfully our eyes don't take 3s shots - it was v nice to be able to see some of the finer structure of M13 just in an EP as opposed to stacked AP.



    • Thanks 1
  6. 8 hours ago, Nigella Bryant said:

    Magnetic flux is really building up now. 

    I'm part way through reading Viladrich et al "Solar Astronomy" - its fascinating stuff.  I had no idea about how the temperature changes so much, and the role the magnetic flux plays (including in pushing the coronal temperatures to 1 million Kelvin!)😲

    • Like 1
  7. I tested out NV on my f/10 STF7 last week or so ago.  Put an Antares 0.5x reducer on the end of a TV55mm and put it into a 2" mirror diagonal.  No other spacers etc & no filters.  So by my calcs that's effectively an f/2.4 system.  Just held my phone as still as possible over the EP while it took a 3s shot.  Obv that saturates the image so I've just played w GIMP to try & mimic a bit more what the EP view was like.

    Next time will drop the 0.5x and see what it's like b/c at f/4.7 it should still be fast enough to get a nice view of M13.

    I've never seen M13 through a normal scope of this aperture (LP here is pointless to even try that but maybe I should) so I have no idea how this compares to what a normal 7" view would be.



    • Like 6
  8. 27 minutes ago, vlaiv said:

    Just saw animation that @Craney linked above - it really shot off like a projectile in the end!

    Yes it was crazy how relatively fast that was happening - just thinking about the staggering amounts of energy that must have been in flux there and then in such a short period of time and across so much volume of space.  You always hear how solar observation can be so dynamic - that's not wrong!

    It was also v interesting clocking the etalon - it really changed what could be seen.

    • Like 1
  9. 10 minutes ago, david_taurus83 said:

    Has a patent suddenly expired or something?!

    That's a good Q David - there has to be some reason for this sudden deluge.

    4 hours ago, Deadlake said:

    Since the Pegasus can be used in AltZ mode I'm wondering if this might be a better alternative to an AZ100.

    Lighter in exchange for giving up dual scopes.

    I think the light weight mounts will cause a rethink of lighter AltZ mounts for visual usage. For example the Pegasus plus a carbon tripod is around 10 kg, which is the weight of an AZ100 without a tripod. That makes moving a 5" APO scope + Pegasus around the garden quite possible. 

    However traditional mounts have much better guiding accuracy so are quite safe for now.

    That's a v good shout.  With 20kg payload you probably could still double scope (within reason) by piggy backing one on top of the other, instead of side by side, like a little wide field frac on a longer f/l beast.

  10. USD 2960, which should hopefully not mean the same in GBP given its assembled in Greece & so the geographical proximity really should not allow for a 30% markup to enter these fair shores?  Ofc there may be VAT that needs to be added.


    They do make really good products, and their responsiveness is excellent, so will be keeping a curious eye out for the reviews.  It's smack bang the same price (excl VAT) as Avalon's Evo Zero which should be v interesting to compare, although takes 50% higher payload.

    Both priced between the AM5 & iOptron HEM on one end, and the RST on the other - but Nyx has the highest payload tolerance of them all.

    Grabbing popcorn...🍿

    • Like 1
  11. Not having imaged the moon for almost two months, finally had a chance on Fri night.  Quite rusty.  7" f/10 Mak w ASI178MMcool (binned 1 & 2) as well as slightly more mushy closeups w an ASI290MM binned 2x2 w a 2.5x Powermate.

    Have been enjoying BV'ing the moon through this setup.


    Moon_220030_220513_ZWO ASI178MM-Cool_Gain=233_Exposure=1.8ms_3_qe4_ap813_imppg(220120)_gimp.png

    Moon_214645_220513_ZWO ASI178MM-Cool_Gain=233_Exposure=1.6ms_10_qe4_ap2406_imppg(211126t2)_gimp.png

    Moon_220800_220513_ZWO ASI290MM_Gain=351_Exposure=2.1ms_25PMbin2_10_qe4_ap428_imppg(220120)_gimp.png

    Moon_220930_220513_ZWO ASI290MM_Gain=351_Exposure=2.1ms_25PMbin2_10_qe4_ap612_imppg(220316)_gimp.png

    Moon_221417_220513_ZWO ASI178MM-Cool_Gain=233_Exposure=.7ms_bin2_10_qe4_ap916_imppg(220120)_gimp_wm.png

    Moon_221300_220513_ZWO ASI178MM-Cool_Gain=233_Exposure=.6ms_bin2_25_qe4_ap1187_imppg(211126t2)_gimp_wm.png

    • Like 2
  12. 1 hour ago, The Admiral said:

    I hadn't heard that Avalon were doing one. Do you have a link please?

    I think it's too early for any comparisons, only Rainbow (and Crux?) have a product which is currently in the market place, and ZWO probably would have were it not for COVID in China. There is a ZWO Mount forum on Facebook where the results of actual use are available.


    My bad, Avalon is not harmonic but a belt-driven alternative: https://www.avalon-instruments.com/products-menu/mounts/evo-zero-detail to it.  Still v pricey, esp as a non-harmonic?

  13. Just playing around w DSO AP after a long while.  This is only 5h24 of data so a lot more should really be gathered, but I like the wide framing.  Annotated version shows a ridiculous number of galaxies!  JPGs for size.



    • Like 4
  14. I used the M6 at 55mm separation to bind (from memory I can't actually rememberif the 6.5 holes are threaded).  It should come with the M6 bolts to bind.  Its a v good system and the holes are cleverly sized & spaced that I don't think ADM dovetails work that well so you have to use the Primaluce dovetail (its all about peripheral sales :) ).

    EDIT: sorry just noticed you say that in fact the 6.5 are indeed unthreaded.  The problem w using the unthreaded is that the nut and/or bolt head would then stick out on whichever side, depending on how you do it, which will not be as effective or convenient as using the threaded holes.

    • Thanks 1
  15. Im guessing if its a Baader cool wedge its 2"?  Those have longer lightpath.  For a 76mm aperture, a 1.25" Herschel prism would be sufficient & would have shorter lightpath I suspect so that might give you the infocus you're looking for?  That's what I found between the Lunt 2" & 1.25".

    Although since you waited 6m for your cool wedge that's probably not what you want to hear!

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