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Everything posted by markse68

  1. Have you tried pointing it higher in the sky? And have you got your location turned on on the phone? I'm not sure we lucky ones are cult like are we? Mark
  2. I've had some fantastic views of the planets from up there so there may be something in it, and it's very convenient which is the main thing Mark
  3. You edited your post before I could find the Carl Sagan quote "I have a foreboding of an America in my children’s or grandchildren’s time—when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the key manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what’s true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness.” Mark
  4. I usually observe from the top of a 3 storey building- does that count? Surrounded by terrible light pollution though so that likely cancels out any benefit. And the building shakes when heavy trucks trundle down the main arterial road right next to it... Mark
  5. it's interesting and convenient that we only can sense 1 octave of visible light isn't it. Would get quite confusing if it were more. When I look at a deep red led like those new tail lights on posh cars, I see a bit of blueness to the red Mark
  6. That was a lucky find! I've got one and like you would love a 5 to go with it as it would be amore useful/used ep for sure. On rare occasions I need 300x with my current scope I usually just barlow a 5mm celestron ultima which is a nice ep, but I have been using it more to try for the pup. It has very short eye relief and fogs up easily but excellent sharpness and great colour rendition on Mars for the mag. I should do more comparisons between it and the barlowed ultima. Wish Ricoh would bring them back and maybe some in between mags. And expand the XF range . I have the 3.5 XW too- its a lovely ep for high power stuff and the extra fov and eye relief are welcome but it's huge by comparison and I'm liking more compact eps currently so haven't used it in a while. I used to use it with my 8" f8 for 460x on tight doubles and it was very sharp and completely free of internal reflections and glare Mark
  7. I don't think there will ever be such a paper Oli, nor is really important- just an interesting thing to think about. Does our subconscious see colour? Or is it only our conscious reconstruction of the outside world that uses colour to differentiate and identify objects in our simplified version? And our senses are so easily fooled
  8. You say that but if you take a sphere of 5cm dia and compare it’s volume to one of 6cm dia it almost doubles so it is significant 👍 Mark
  9. Flex- it should spring back instantly when the pressure is removed I think Mark
  10. Doesn’t that sort of disprove evolution as being random?
  11. here the red 1903 is listed as same dimensions as the 1900- only difference is colour. cheaper too if you particularly want it in red… https://www.desertcart.co.uk/products/434380-giottos-aa1903-rocket-air-blaster-large-red?gclid=Cj0KCQiA9YugBhCZARIsAACXxeJGFTgIWNljfhr8Fr67y2AigeqZb9NANdf2YzH5hjxhegnzw6WrC1QaAsK_EALw_wcB
  12. all i can find is that they make 3 sizes- small, med, large. The large is 7.5” tall x 2.4” diameter with a 2.25” nozzle. Model AA1900 https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/259157-REG/Giottos_AA1900_Rocket_Air_Blower.html the medium is 6.6” tall x 2.1” dia with a 2.25” nozzle. Model AA1910 https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/318545-REG/Giottos_AA1910_Rocket_Air_Blower.html Mark
  13. that’s what i mean about the amazon dimensions being impossible to fathom- i think they are the package dimensions. 30cm tall would be ridiculously huge! I think they’re both 7.5” tall inc nozzle. The Giottos website doesn’t seem to work so hard to confirm. the black is model number 1900, the red 1903. They’re both described as “large” Mark
  14. music is different though- it’s about frequencies relating to each other mathematically in tone and timing- you don’t “see” sounds unless you have synesthesia. The orange i “see” in my head may be what you would call green but we have no way of telling also we detect actual frequencies of sound- I don’t think we do with light- we use filters like a mini ccd camera Mark
  15. That price for the red one is lidicrous! I think this is the same in black for £11.99 https://www.amazon.co.uk/Giottos-GTAA1900-Rocket-Air-Blower/dp/B00017LSPI/ref=asc_df_B00017LSPI/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=430902865904&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=2151162777962526006&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9044970&hvtargid=pla-434658642196&psc=1&th=1&psc=1&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=104042186070&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=430902865904&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=2151162777962526006&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9044970&hvtargid=pla-434658642196 Mark
  16. how big is your current blower? The rocket blowers and their copies are pretty big- maybe not quite as big as the Giotto one but it’s hard to make sense of the dimensions Amazon list Mark
  17. How is it failing? is the app not launching at all? Mark
  18. at astrofest Widescreen centre were discounting most things I think and Televue who were on their stand were also discounted Mark
  19. yes that’s encouraging! Hopefully the harm to nature aspect will grow in the general publics awareness- it’ll have a lot more clout than a few astronomy geeks Mark
  20. When I emailed Celestron (us and uk) they were very quick to respond so i’m sorry to hear you haven’t had a reply. Uk were more helpful though… Mark
  21. Hey Craig, this is quite a thing to witness in real time! You finding your style and technique from one sketch to the next and each one beautiful! That last one really pops of the page- it’s wonderful Mark
  22. That’s not great Alpal! You’ll probably have a bit of adjustment on the spider vanes but with the height discrepancy as well i wonder if they fitted the wrong part! Mark
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