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Everything posted by ScouseSpaceCadet

  1. The white is also not super bright but enough to navigate around a camp site just fine. So many people (usually young blokes) have crazy 1000000 lumen torches that blind you from 100 metres. You're not up the Himalayas people, there's no need!
  2. I've no complaints. The tilting torch is very handy for reading in the dark too.
  3. This is white and red but I've owned mine two years and the torch is still working fine. Separate switches for each colour and cheap! https://www.amazon.co.uk/Torch-Headlamp-Headlamps-Adjustable-Resistant-Batteries/dp/B019MK6DX6/ref=mp_s_a_1_1/?_encoding=UTF8&crid=1G13W3ID4BRV0&keywords=headlamp red light&qid=1638485461&sprefix=head lamp red%2Caps%2C169&sr=8-1&ref_=navm_hdr_signin&
  4. The Opticron Oregon 15x70 binoculars from FLO arrived this morning. Unfortunately after a very, very frustrating hour this evening looking in bags, drawers & boxes, my bino bracket seems to have disappeared! I was fuming. 😬 Anyway I've just come in after twenty minutes in the garden with quite an arm ache. The gym calls! However the 15x70s worked as expected. Everything bigger and brighter with a bit less fov. I can barely see the nebulosity in Orion with the 10x50 bins but the new bruisers did the job. A new bracket has been ordered. I'll probably find my old one after the delivery. 🙄
  5. The shades work well to reduce glare in your direction, but the street is still lit, so go for it. Having the nasty LED lamp behind my garden shaded made a huge difference.
  6. Damn. If only you waited a few weeks the flash would have stripped the old paint off the walls. Remember the golden rule of decorating - Check for incoming asteroids before you begin.
  7. The big lad is relatively tiny and you won't see it. Unless of course it hits the atmosphere near you, then enjoy the show for a few seconds before you go blind and your insides are turned to offal by the 77 megaton shockwave. 😁 Sleep well. 👍
  8. I've owned 8" dobsonian mounted reflectors and for various reasons down sized to a refractor. I won't cloud your thinking with personal choices because the truth is aperture does win. I'd always suggest to a beginner, going manual first with the 200P and learning you way around the sky. The first few weeks may be frustrating but once you pick things up there's a great deal of satisfaction to be had. There are plenty of books and mobile apps available to help. You don't need to be expert. Identifying a few of the brighter stars and a handful of constellations is all that's required to really get going. Knowing what direction you're facing helps too. 😉 If you want to try GoTo later on go for it but best to bear in mind dealing with electronics that don't want to play ball on a freezing cold night is one of the pitfalls!
  9. That wedding must really be costing Jeremy an arm and a leg if he's resorting to defrosting the emergency squirrel. His Abba albums will appear on Ebay any day now.
  10. Sod's Law again... Similar happened to me. Mount and handset worked perfectly the last time they were used. All set up.. hmm handset is playing up. Two sets of instructions scrolling over each other. Switch off and on. Still the same so persevering, I know the procedure so ignore the display error. Actually polar align more accurately then I normally bother. 2 star align done. First goto is way off, then the second. I send the mount to home position and restart the align. Same problem with gotos. Switch off and start again.. same problem. Lots of head scratching and recalibration I give up for a cuppa break. Go back out, same again..Gahh!!! The lot is packed away and out I go again with binoculars. 🙄 Scope is frozen, I'm frozen and still none the wiser. Settin up indoors later for a factory reset. Hi tech is great when it's working but that was a freezing two hours fiddling when I could have just got out the alt az mount. Rare perfectly forecast great observing weather and scuppered!
  11. Several one word phrases come to mind describing Mr Ferrari and they all break the forum rules!
  12. Please let us know how you get on with those eyepieces. 😉 Regarding the BCO line. I'm very impressed with the 6mm. The eye relief is very short indeed but I can cope with that. Great clarity and light weight too.
  13. My common as muck 130P almost had me in tears the first time I observed Jupiter through it and the tears were nothing to do with chinese mirror quality, poor collimation or short eye relief!
  14. Personally the criticism is nothing to do with being 'above' anything. I'm a fan of his stuff inc. holding tickets for his next tour. The series isn't up to scratch. Simple as.
  15. If I was considering another 10mm then the Svbony 10mm Ultra Flat would be on the list at £45. Amazon have already sold out and their Ebay store are down to 5. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/284532210530
  16. The 8mm will give 187x in the Skymax. Assuming the dob is an 8" @ 1200mm focal length the 8mm will produce 150x mag and the 5mm 240x. Tbh in the UK a sensible max planetary magnification most nights given average seeing conditions is about 150-180x so realistically you don't really *need* more eyepieces. When using the zoom what focal lengths seem the best to you? Which feel easier on the eye or seem to give the most clarity? What is it you don't like about your current eyepieces or what do you think you're missing? Sorry for the questions, but rather than just encourage you to spend more money it's wise to find out what your expectations are.
  17. Thanks John. I will find out soon enough. Last night I suffered from a bout of itchy trigger finger! 🙄😁
  18. +1 for pickled onions John! After all the doom and gloom, this thread's leaving me feeling positively festive. 👍
  19. Christmas started early this year. The pork crackling is perfect, the silver skin pickled onion jar is open and we had heavy snow for three hours. Now *all* the weather forecasts I use are saying a clear, below 0°c night from around 6pm. I'll have to rearrange some of the pots and ornaments left askew by the wind.
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