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Everything posted by MikeWilson

  1. Not sure that I did at 200mm but I’ll take your word for it 😛
  2. First light of my new Canon R6 Mk II Orion constellation - single frame at 105 f/5 45s ISO 3200. *Very light* processing - just a tiny curve and tiny levels. Lens: Canon 24-105mm F4. M45 - 17 mins total of mostly 1 min subs as cloud was rolling in. Near zenith last night on a Skywatcher SkyAdventurer. I think f/5, ISO 3200. 200mm. Rather more processing and gradient extraction in Pixinsight All unguided.
  3. Good afternoon, It's been a while (about a decade, give or take) since I've been involved in any 'proper' astro, and I'm slowly getting back in the saddle, again. What have I missed? -Mike
  4. I've just purchased PixInsight.

    1. Coco


      Good choice Mike, YouTube has some great tutorials...

    2. MikeWilson


      I'm going to need them; the demo had me banging my head on my desk!

    3. jnc71106


      harry page has some great videos and also take a look at Warren Kellers video series which isn't free but covers absolutely everything. best thing i ever did buying PI

  5. Just posted episode 17 of the www.2020astro.com show to iTunes :)

    1. Coco


      Splendid Mike, I enjoy these, helps me get to sleep by fighting of my tinnitus , works a treat :D

    2. MikeWilson


      I'm glad that my dulcet tones lull you into a false sense of alertness :P

    3. Coco


      I was trying to think of that word 'dulcet' but couldn't, isn't that annoying,the older I get the more it happens, of course it could not possibly be related to beer and single malt.

  6. Moving house!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. MikeWilson


      Amazing skies, Guy. I cannot imagine darker. We're talking stars down to the horizon through the trees and naked eye Andromeda easily visible. I'm very pleased, although currently sleeping on the floor amongst boxes and bags as I type this so not quite yet ready to enjoy them.

    3. Coco


      Sounds awesome Mike... keep us posted :)

    4. MikeWilson


      I'm going to post some pictures :)

  7. Been a while since I was last on SGL. What have I missed? :)

    1. rory


      Betelgeuse went super nova.


    2. Guy Wells
    3. Guy Wells

      Guy Wells

      First time was a false alarm.

  8. Leaving the UK for good in less than 7 days!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MikeWilson


      Thanks! Packing, packing, packing!

    3. Coco


      Congratulations Mike.. are you retiring. .. lol

    4. MikeWilson


      I wish! Here's where I am now:

  9. Clear skies on Monday?

    1. Daniel-K


      hope not im on nights :P

    2. foundaplanet


      You may be right but I bet you don't know which Monday that will be..:)

    3. MikeWilson


      It won't be this monday; cloudy still. And very cold.

  10. I'm moving house. Next house will have at least Mag 21 skies. None of this Mag 4 nonsense.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MikeWilson


      I wish, it would be warmer than where we're going :P

    3. Coco


      go onthen give us a clue?

    4. MikeWilson


      In the middle of the sea, surrounded by sharks, whales and dolphins.

  11. Rest in Peace, Sir Patrick Moore. A real legend and an inspiration on so many levels. Thank you.

  12. 2020 Astro podcast recorded tonight. I feel that we may have included rather more silliness than was strictly necessary.

    1. Coco


      Excellent... two much ale?

  13. We've interviewed Richard Taylor of ASTROTRAC in Episode 9... available later today on iTunes!

  14. I can hardly see your screen. Saying that, neither can you - looking through all that sun lotion :p
  15. Just sitting back, drinking a .. diet coke.

  16. Good start indeed :) I didn't think you would need to fit an IR filter to a PST since the Etalon should be cutting out the IR? Maybe with a different scope on planets it could be useful... Did you manage to get focus without using an extension tube or Barlow? Best Regards, Mike
  17. Off to the pub to record a new 2020 Astro episode!

    1. Coco


      So mote it be... :)

    2. MikeWilson


      We forgot a few crucial bits and pieces! Oh well, there's always tomorrow night. Another night, another pint! :) (and it's cloudy so we don't mind :P)

  18. Recording a MSL/Curiosity news item for 2020 Astro Extra Time tonight!

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