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Everything posted by Stu1smartcookie

  1. Hi Laurence , i think the Mak127 will be fine on the AZ-Gti in EQmode , as long as its balanced well . I have used that set up before without any issues . I know its not the same but a guy on YouTube uses the mak127 with his StarAdventurer for luna photography and as both the SA and the AZ-Gti have the same weight capacity , i see no problems for you . Maybe other will comment differently but i can only speak from my own experience Stu
  2. Absolutely , i know it doesn't seem so to many but telescopes are relatively cheap now compared to years ago . And those mass produced scopes are good products .
  3. Hi Roog , So a few choices for you from the comments . If i can maybe add... I currently have a lovely 60mm Horizon refractor which is fantastic for widefield visual and of course ( although i have yet to use it with a camera ) its great for photography , its a good compliment to your Dob , but , having owned an 80ed i would have to say i second Stu's suggestion that the 80 mm is a good choice as it gives extra apperture for visual and can still be a great tool for photography. Also the 150mm heritage dob gets a great write up . But , pinpoint stars in a refractor are a joy to behold .
  4. Welcome back ... we will be visiting your beautiful area next week .
  5. Yes I think that's the key , sky safari is basically the same as sky portal , the same program which bodes well . The kindles are so cheap and just big enough to make a difference over using the phone . Many thanks guys
  6. Hi , I am buying a kindle fire tablet which i know comes basically with the Amazon software and has to be modified to run google apps. i'm downloading the Google play store to hopefully enable the Sky Portal app to run. Has anyone any info regarding if the Sky Portal App has been used on the kindle platform ? Stu
  7. This mirrored my views of Jupiter , i've yet to see the GRS .
  8. Thanks Steve , sometimes its even better when you do not expect to be able to use the scope and the clouds just melt away . Its apparently going to be clear here tonight too
  9. So, after my rather annoying cloudy session the other evening , i woke up at 10pm ( that chair is so comfy) and had a quick peak outside ... wow.. clear . Within 10mins i had the evolution mount set up with the 8se . First thing was "why isnt my starsense camera working" ( i'll come back to this later ) .. so i decided to do a three star alignment with sky portal , which worked a treat . Like a kid with a new toy i was all over the sky , slewing here and there , Andromeda , M81, M82 , Saturn and a very bright Jupiter , almost too bright ! The only planet i hadn't previously seen was Neptune , but , as its quite close to Jupiter, in the sky at least , i viewed it for the first time last night . Absolutely thrilled to see this giant world even though it was a very small disc . Initially using a 25mm EP , then i 2x barlowed , and then dropped down to a 6mm which is abot 338x mag . All very viewable . The only trouble i had was the wifi on the mount dropped out a few times . But it was a great impromptu session of about 90minutes . So, back to the starsense Camera .... firstly , schoolboy error , Do Not leave the lens cap on your camera !!! DOH!!
  10. Some wonderful images on here , this photo was taken hand held on my Sony 1 MK4 phone whilst our near neighbour was lowish in the south . Processing attempted using the phone software.
  11. So , an EQ5 GOTO mount is a great starter mount , no , i correct myself , its a great mount ! Its opened up the field for you to choose from many small to medium sized scopes . The Mount is the key , a longer focal length scope needs a steady mount , so , choosing a long refractor or a Mak is definitely a distinct posibility . Both types of scopes can deal with high magnification , something which will interest you considering your subject ie planetary / Lunar . A refector will give you great views but as has ben mentioned the Eyepiece can get into all sorts of positions when the mount is slewing around , thus not comfortable for small chidren ( or adults , speaking with experience, who get frustrated easily . I would go for a long refractor (100mm -127 mm ) , either Evostar 100mm or the 120mm version are really nice scopes , also bresser do a lovely 125 refractor that looks very impressive . Don't be put off by people mentioning CA ( chromatic abberation) , although they are right to mention it , as , honestly when you are looking at everything you will hardly notice it . A Mak will render CA obsolete ( mainly ) and are much more easy to handle being short tubes . But , whilst they are superb at what they do , please be aware of a narrow field of view and also slightly more dimmer view than that of a refractor as the light gets bounced around in the tube . I own a small refractor (60mm ) a Mak 127 and an 8" SCT and the little ED 60 refractor always gets a go . The other scopes are "cooling " down and the Refractor is ready to go almost straight away. Also , focussing with a refractor is most satisying ...objects "snap" into focus . So ... Rob , what are you going for ? I'm sure we are all interested to know , whatever you decide will be the right decision for you and your family ... until you want that second scope... 🤣 but thats leave that alone for now . Stu
  12. What a lovely scene ... nice open surroundings , idealic.
  13. Sorry to put a downer on this but its what i didnt see last night ... I set up with my evolution mount and placed my little ed60 on it but celestron sky align was a complete disaster as clouds rolled in , the most annoying thing is , this morning was lovely and clear ... The manual alignment procedure failed three times . Not worth even trying the Starsense camera . Tonights weather looks promising .... IF i want to stay up until 2am !!!! lol 🤣
  14. Welcome to SGL ... The start of your astronomy journey . Also you will start to look at the weather forecasts a lot more too !
  15. omg doesnt a photo like this make us all look a bit small and insignificant within the universe?
  16. Brilliant write up Nik , i was very surpised to see such clear skies last night after the deluge of welcome rain during the day , alas a bit late for me to set up ,but always great to read positive reports . Enthuses me for the weekend
  17. So the postman was very busy A nice celestron 8se with mount , an evolution mount , Atik camera and a QHY cam, oh and a starsense camera What a lovely day
  18. Well done ... i really like seeing stuff like this , Pluto will as far as i am concerned always be the 9th planet , great capture . Stu
  19. Not wishing to capitalise on here but i do have a 127 Mak up for sale and its almost brand new at a good price , of course if interested . I second the Mak for planets and Moon , of course you lose a wide field of view, but that then opens up the "one scope is not enough " debate .
  20. I second the fact that you really don't know the best starter scope , it's all very well for people , I include myself , to spend others money by giving what we perceive is the best advice .. all well meaning of course but honestly one usually makes one's own mind up and makes a mistake or two ( or ten in my case) of what we want from this hobby . I would add that mistakes on purchases can be expensive so best to start with a budget and maybe if at all possible visit an astronomy outlet and physically see the scopes that fit the budget . The only problem there is looking at far more expensive stuff and getting aperture fever.
  21. Firstly , welcome back to stargazing Cameras are a minefield as there are so many , but the zwo planetary cameras usually get a good write up . Take a look on the FLO website . There are more budget options around these days including a planetary cam from SVBony ... check out "Small Optics" you tube chanel as he has reiviewd it . To go "deep sky " opens up a host of cams that get very expensive very quickly , so much so that maybe your DSLR is a more attractive proposition , for now , maybe ? I will be interested in the option you choose as i have just bought a similar scope . Personally i have a DSLR and a ZWO 120mini , but have yet to try them out with the new scope . Stu
  22. Just reading this thread with personal interest as i will be buying a nexstar 8se ( and actually getting an evolution 8hd mount , tomorrow ) . It looks like a great choice of scope and an even better choice of mount as the evo mount has built in power and wifi. As for EPs @DavieH you might want to consider the SvBony range which are really good for the price .
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