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Status Replies posted by leelee970

  1. One week off the vape/nicotine - no one dead yet ;)

    1. leelee970


      Well done Jake, keep it up. I've stopped smoking for 12 years now. Just need to work on my other vices.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. Forecast wrong again - might get a little more data on Jupiter ;)

    1. leelee970


      same here, skies were a little clear while forecast said cloud.

  3. Clear, but too windy even for me tonight :(

    1. leelee970


      always bad when you have trouble with wind. lol

  4. Out tonight, promising glimpses if only the seeing would settle - 3 pairs of socks ;)

    1. leelee970


      went out last night - seeing awful, and to top it all -5C. brrrr.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. Good clear sky tonight, but too windy - but tomorrow is looking good

    1. leelee970


      Too right. I was just going out last night but once I saw the trees blowing I knew it would be pointless. Fingers crossed for tonight.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  6. saw a lot of meteors last night, i wounder if its from this new shower :)

  7. Upgraded 22Ah powertank now ready for action!

    1. leelee970


      great to hear you're back on track, well done.

  8. new dwarf planet found

    1. leelee970


      The planet is called Nibiruis and going to hit Earth on December 21, 2012, oh dear that date has passed, never mind.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  9. So, I received my Cheshire collimator...so far I really really hate it!! I think I might just invest in a high quality laser collimator..

    1. leelee970


      remember that you msy have to check AND collimate a laser.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  10. So, I received my Cheshire collimator...so far I really really hate it!! I think I might just invest in a high quality laser collimator..

  11. Unexpectedly out under the stars and a quick first light :)

    1. leelee970


      same for me last night.

  12. dire need of a dark sky fix!!!!!

    1. leelee970


      but if you get it you'll only want more.


    1. leelee970


      If you do decide to leave ask them how they need to be notified. I had one company insist on a written letter which they needed 3 MONTHS notice, by the time I found this out I was stuck with them for 6 months - thieves the lot of them.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  14. the flu has struk!!!

    1. leelee970


      Hope you get better Dan, but on the plus side you are better indoors with all this bad weather.

  15. So British Gas sent me an email asking for a review of their service...LOL ! Come to daddy!!! A very happy daddy!! :D

    1. leelee970


      be careful, some emails appear to be genuine but they may not be.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  16. damn ikea taking my surplus funds for a 250p!!!!

    1. leelee970


      I know the feeling - Dentist always knows the right time to fleece me.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  17. And that's what I call sucky visibility...

    1. leelee970


      you need an Obsy, takes me less than 10 mins to be up and running. Truely the best investment.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  18. 5 new faint galaxies...and all Messier objects finally ticked...voila!!

    1. leelee970


      bad back, cold feet - comes with the hobby.lol

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  19. 5 new faint galaxies...and all Messier objects finally ticked...voila!!

  20. Every weather 'forecast' site has been wrong of late. I need to stop checking them!

    1. leelee970


      I know what you mean. In fact where I work we have a Met centre which supplies info for this area (I think I may have a few words with them for always getting it wrong)

  21. Got four nights near Exmoor coming up. Please God, can't you shift these clouds ?

    1. leelee970


      I know the feeling - good luck, and pass some clear skies my way please.

  22. Grrr clear skies tonight and my guide camera is not back yet !! Hate that!

    1. leelee970


      at least you have clear skies, forgot what a star looks like :(

  23. why is it when i dont have a scope to use its clear for 3 nights!!!!

    1. leelee970


      I know the feeling – I’ve had three social evenings this month – all with clear skies….. GRRRRR

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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