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Everything posted by plyscope

  1. There is a More Blue 1.25" focuser. It has limited travel. Looks like it is aimed at guide scopes. https://astrohutech.store/product/tp573-more-blue-1-25-focuser/
  2. There was a previous thread with some discussion. https://stargazerslounge.com/topic/399680-stallamira-110ed-f6-refractor/#comment-4288505
  3. Hi Gary, I saw your message regarding your previous thread. It is great to see you are continuing with the project. I no longer have my 6" f15 D&G with the wooden tube. I had an opportunity to acquire a 6" f8 Takahashi so that required me to let go of the 6" f15 and 5" f15 refractors. I miss them sometimes but I am fortunate to have other nice refractors. I used home made alt/az mounts for my long refractors. I still have the backyard steel pier with the brass alt/az mount. I once made a berry mount for a 5" f12 Istar project. Here are some other links for your inspiration. https://stellafane.org/stellafane-main/tm/tg/gideon/gideon.html https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/402807-istar-150mm-f15-build/#entry5162215 https://mirrorworkshop.mtbparker.com/refractorStory.html
  4. Hello Andrey, Welcome to SGL. If you search for camera leather online, there are vendors selling sheets of self adhesive synthetic leatherette material. You will have to make templates out of paper and then cut the pieces yourself. Here is an instruction for cameras. https://gigaplus.makeshop.jp/hobbytool/chrk/chrk-howto-e.pdf You could also search for camera repair places that may do the re-covering for you. In the US the best binocular repair is Corey Suddarth. https://suddarthoptical.com/ These Vixen Ultima's are nice binoculars and are known for the covering degrading after a decade or two.
  5. Askar are coming out with a new 52mm f4.8 guide-scope that can take a 1.25" diagonal. https://www.sharpstar-optics.com/Products_1/52mmSDGuideScope.html
  6. Here is a link; https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/list.html
  7. When I was a young apprentice in the 80's we used an Avometer to measure the no load DC voltage on the locomotives. They were one of the very few ways to measure high voltage DC over 1000v back then. Scary stuff.
  8. I have been up early to see the comet the last three mornings. From here in Perth Australia it is just visible naked eye. Better viewed through 10x50 binoculars. Expecting cloud/rain tomorrow.
  9. Well I am not familiar with all of them but as far as I know the Megrez scopes were all doublets between 80 and 120mm. William Optics certainly made other telescopes using doublets and triplets with different names.
  10. The Megrez 90 is a really nice telescope. I enjoyed mine for visual. I sold it when I moved on to a TSA 102. The Megrez 90 is around 570mm focal length despite being specified as 621mm. Nowadays I think I would prefer the 102 ED. More aperture and better focuser. https://www.cloudynights.com/articles/cat/user-reviews/megrez-90-fd-fluorite-doublet-review-r2769
  11. There are some early Astro Physics brochures available for viewing on Holger Merlitz's website. https://www.holgermerlitz.de/A-P_database/A-P_catalogs.html
  12. Yes watch out, it is very slippery! FS152 made in 2004. TSA120 made in 2013.
  13. Lets hope there is a lightweight version in the 68mm tube coming. 🙂
  14. These Porta mounts are very handy for smaller scopes. I bought mine way back in 2006 and wrote this review. https://www.iceinspace.com.au/44-353-0-0-1-0.html I still use it mostly with a TV60. I tried heavier tripods but then the lightweight convenience is compromised. For the TV60 the standard tripod is fine.
  15. Have reduced the weight of the FS152 a bit more by replacing the focuser with a 2.5 inch FT. The total weight now with rings, dovetail and lens cap is 10.73kg. The focuser adapter was made in Australia by Joshua Bunn from Albany.
  16. New Sightron tripod and a K-Astec handle for the FC76.
  17. There was a recent up-tick in the exchange rate so I took advantage and purchased another FC76. I had let the last one go as part of an exchange of scopes a few years ago. The rings and dovetail are from K-Astec. As shown in the photo with rings, dovetail, 6x30 finder and prism diagonal, the combined weight is 2.40kg.
  18. It is a Losmandy. It fits the Rowan AZ100 very well. Andy
  19. The Matsumoto system uses two mirrors to give an erect image. These can be used in binocular pairs. http://ems-bino.com/ems-product-line-english/
  20. That is a great idea to add a finder to the other plate @josefk. Thanks for sharing the picture. 👍
  21. Recently I upgraded the ring set for this FS152 from the original Takahashi double ring with bridge plate to the new K-Astec double ring set. Although I have been the owner of this scope for over three years now it has not seen much use. This is partly due to me being busy and partly due to the inconvenience of setting it up. In order to make amends I have been trying to reduce the weight where possible and also make the mount more convenient to get going. I am also taking an extended break from work . 🙂 I am using the second dovetail clamp for an adjustable balance weight. After using this with two 0.5kg weights, I think it I need to experiment with larger weights. With the AZ100 on a pier with wheels it is possible to wheel everything back in to the shed in a minute or so. Replacing the ring set reduced the lifting weight of the OTA by 1.3kg. I also replaced the manhole lens cover with a thin lightweight one as supplied for the TOA130. other than those two things the only other way to reduce overall weight is to replace the focuser with something lighter. Andy
  22. It is a beauty and I never expected to own one myself. However it was available locally for a reasonable price and I sold off some other scopes (D&G 6" f15 and 5" f15) and was able to purchase it from the original owner. That was about 3 years ago and I still have not used it as much as I would like. My work takes me away from home for weeks at a time. When I am home other things have taken priority however, I do expect to have a bit more free time in the coming months. I will post some updates in the Show your Takahashi thread later. I understand why Mike sold his one on and I know there will come a time when I pass this one on to the next owner. It is a delight to own and use in the meantime. I am trying to make it as as light and convenient as possible.
  23. Here it is, sadly on the table and not on the mount. I will try and get better pics when I get to use it.
  24. Received a new K-Astec ring set from Japan. This one weighs only 1.53kg complete, compared to 2.85kg for the original. A nice birthday present for my FS152 which is 20 years old this year. 🙂
  25. This book has plans and instructions to make a tube and a mount for a 6" f15 refractor. http://www.company7.com/books/products/berrybuild.html
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