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Everything posted by Littleguy80

  1. Thank you, Dave. I was only kidding about the packing. Completely agree. Keep it safe and sound It’s a shame you couldn’t get a pair of the 12.5mm BGOs but I’m sure the Fujiyama’s will keep you happy. Fingers crossed one turns up soon. Thank you again for passing the BGO onto me. I promise it’s gone to a good home! Clear skies! Neil
  2. A great big thank you to Dave,@F15Rulesfor allowing me to persuade him to part with his 12.5mm Baader Genuine Ortho! For a small cash sum, my first born child and first option on my major organs in the event of my death, Dave agreed to part with this lovely eyepiece. I’m not saying it was hard for Dave to let this eyepiece go but it was so tightly packaged that I had to call a locksmith out to get it open. But in all seriousness, thank you, Dave! Can’t wait to try it
  3. Do post a comparison of the two please. I’ve never used an Ethos but I do have the APM 13mm. Great eyepiece in my opinion. My scope is F4.7 and I notice the coma but am yet to try a coma corrector to see how much difference it makes.
  4. I’ve had a lot of fun building up this collection of eyepieces for my dob. All I need now is clear skies to enjoy them with.
  5. I’ve had quite a year for purchases so will need to be good for a bit. I’d like a widefield frac. Ideally something that could be used as a nice light travel setup. I’m really chuffed with my dob setup though. I feel very lucky to have the equipment that I do!
  6. Haha I nearly added words to the effect myself! It’s the last of my planned purchases
  7. The final piece in my eyepiece puzzle, an ES82 30mm. It’s a big boy. Can’t wait to get this on the NAN and Veil. A quick test suggests I may need a long extension tube to reach focus though
  8. Thanks, Mark! Spent quite awhile trying it out on Jupiter this evening. I’m going to need a longer extension tube! My 47mm click lock tube needed to be hung out around 60mm to get enough back focus. I had to be careful to secure it properly and make sure it was square on. Adjusting the Barlow to get diff multipliers was easy enough. It worked well with the 9mm Lunt (in 1.25” mode) and the 9mm BGO. Optically the 9mm BGO barlowed at 1.5x seemed much the same as the 6mm BGO without the Barlow. Should be equivalent focal length if my calculations are correct! Only caveat is that the seeing was quite poor so not a good test of sharpness. Looks promising though.
  9. Thanks, Doug! Just gave the 13mm a fun test run. Played chase the ISS very successfully. No denying it’s a space station at that magnification! Took a look at M57 too. All looked very sharp. I notice the coma in the 20mm but not with the 13mm. At least on first impressions. Nice sharp image. Off to a good start!
  10. The postie has been giving Santa Claus a run for his money this week. 13mm APM HDC, Baader VIP Barlow and 9mm Baader Genuine Ortho!
  11. Anniversary gift from my wife. A depiction of the night sky on the day we got married. Just needs framing
  12. I’ve had Instellarium for a couple of months now and really like it. I hope your shoulder heals soon. Must really suck to have lots of new toys and not be able to try them
  13. I’m seeing it up close in sections right now using my 10” dob and APM HDC 20mm. As Stu said, to see the whole thing you need a short frac. Have a look at the link below. It shows all the different features you can look for with your dob. Pickering’s triangle is a good challenge once you’ve seen the main Eastern and Western sections. http://www.astronomy-mall.com/Adventures.In.Deep.Space/Dissecting the Veil Nebula.html
  14. I’ve been so spoilt with clear skies recently that I feel a little bewildered looking up at cloud filled sky tonight!

    1. scarp15


      All being well by now, Saturday, you have a return to non cloudy nights Neil. This weather just seems to keep on giving at the moment, probably will make way to torrential downpours in due course. Good luck if you are out hunting DSO's, too hot and light till too late here, might have a go at Saturn though from allotment.  

    2. Littleguy80


      Thanks Iain. Had a great night at Seething last night. Will write up a report when time allows. It’s been a great summer for observing so far :) 

  15. Congratulations, Gert! The Veil is a really special object. I’m sure you’ll be even more impressed when you get to see it under dark skies! I’d love to see this target in a wide field scope where I could see the whole complex in a single FOV! I’ve used my OIII to see the North America Nebula and the Crescent Nebula over the past few nights.
  16. Looking good Where did you get the foam from?
  17. Congratulations! I’ve looked at that eyepiece more than once. Very keen to hear how you find it! Based on all the recent acquisitions, I can only assume you’re now out of kidneys to sell ?
  18. The picture represents the first time I managed to capture the GRS in an image. Handheld iPhone 8 through a 5mm BGO at 240x. I’m pretty sure it is the GRS and not just dirt on the lens
  19. Mr Dobson enjoying some twilight time with the GRS this evening
  20. I found a list of summer planetaries on CN so have turned it into a list. Some might be too low in the UK but included everything for people are able to observe further south. Enjoy! Bright Summer Planetaries-1.skylist
  21. Just completed my first ever collimation of a secondary mirror. Was nervous but was actually quite straight forwards. Collimation looks spot on now. All I need is some clear skies so I can do a star test!

    1. Knighty2112


      Always daunting the first time, but once done it’s like riding a bike! :) 

    2. Littleguy80


      For sure. It wasn’t a big deal at all. Looking forward to seeing how much difference it makes at the eyepiece. I’d noticed the views weren’t as sharp as I felt they should be recently. 

  22. How did you rate the Widescan, John? I saw them mentioned when I looked up the APM.
  23. Great price!!!! Looking forward to a first light report with all your new eyepieces
  24. Great price!!!! Looking forward to a first light report with all your new eyepieces
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