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Everything posted by FLO

  1. Afraid not, only the 78mm and an 86mm version: https://www.firstlightoptics.com/zwo-accessories/zwo-holder-ring-for-asi-cooled-cameras-86mm-diameters.html
  2. Certainly do πŸ™‚ https://www.firstlightoptics.com/zwo-accessories/zwo-holder-ring-for-asi-cooled-cameras-78mm-diameters.html
  3. P.S - Lens, camera and camera holder not included!
  4. UK Exclusive - the new Astromechanics ASCOM Canon Lens adapter is now in stock and ready to ship. This allows you to natively control the aperture and focus of a Canon EF/EF-S lens from a computer (ASCOM, INDI, TheSkyX and other drivers available). We think this will make for an awesome mobile setup!
  5. I had to think about that a while πŸ€“πŸ‘
  6. Special thanks to @Uranium235 for suggesting this new Astro Essentials Samyang Lens to M48 Adapter πŸ™‚ Originally designed to enable him to directly connect his manual 135mm Samyang lens to his astronomy camera, with space remaining for a filter-wheel or filter drawer.
  7. Quite a coincidence because I just logged in to say we have received a ZWO stock delivery πŸ™‚ Unfortunately we have received only a small number of new ZWO ASiair Pro. We will dispatch them all (we are not retaining any for testing or demo) to customers ASAP but that will only scratch the surface of our customer backorder list 😟 We have been promised another much larger delivery around mid-Feb so the majority of customer orders will be cleared then. After the Feb delivery we expect the supply situation will improve considerably. Thank-you for your patience, Steve
  8. Unfortunately because Synta no longer reveal what ED glass they use we have no way of knowing, either now or in the future if they later choose to change the glass type. Steve
  9. No problem. We have thought of that so already have a cable/adapter in development. It won’t be expensive πŸ™‚ Steve
  10. Unfortunately we don't. Sorry. We will post price and ETA as soon as we know. Steve
  11. Also found this poster of the new Sky-Watcher Evolux 82ED πŸ™‚
  12. Unfortunately our latest communication from ZWO suggests delivery mid-Jan will slip to mid-Feb. We have however been promised one this month for testing purposes. We will then be in a better position to answer questions. Thank-you for your patience, we understand how frustrating this can be. Steve
  13. Whoops! We forget to put one in the boxes!
  14. Everything is currently in transit on it's way to Spain - we hope it will arrive very soon and the chaps in Spain will have it all up and running for us πŸ™‚ (No pressure Colin and Dave!). We will be at AstroFest hopefully demonstrating the setup in Spain and some other new goodies! From here on, we hope to post more regular updates as everything arrives in Spain and the setup begins.
  15. Our chimney is smoking nicely, thenk ye πŸ™‚ Steve
  16. If only SGL would enable both a 'Like' and a 'Thank-you' πŸ˜€ Steve
  17. What a year! Thank-you very very much for your continued support and custom through 2019 πŸ€— And a special thank-you to everyone who recommended First Light Optics to friends and family. Your recommendations and endorsements mean a great deal to us. We wish you all a very happy 2020. Annette, Ann, Grant, Ian, James, Katie, Lisa, Martin, Rob & Steve.
  18. I am guessing our pre-sale Tele-Vue eyepiece prices increased 5-8%, depending on the eyepiece. We are not aware of an increase at Tele-Vue, though you might be right. I will check when we reopen in the New Year. Here at FLO our TeleVue eyepiece prices had not changed for several months so were overdue a review. You should find our TeleVue eyepieces prices are similar to US $ prices, plus the usual UK Duty & VAT. (When we became a TeleVue stockist we promised here at SGL we would set UK prices of TeleVue eyepieces as close to US prices as possible. We have done that) πŸ˜‡ HTH, Steve
  19. The latest from ZWO regarding availability of ASiair Pro is β€œThe first small batch of ASIAIR PRO will be available around the middle of Jan., 2020, more will be available around the end of Feb., 2020.” HTH, Steve
  20. These photos of the Rowan Dual Saddle for AZ100 (not shown in John's photos) might help πŸ™‚
  21. It is good to see your mount has arrived, John πŸ™‚ Steve
  22. That was the day before Christmas Eve but if you email us details either myself or a colleague will reply with an ETA. HTH, Steve
  23. It is surprising how many SKU codes one product, with its various accessories and combinations, can create. I admit it was a bit of a rush today to dispatch the mounts before we closed for Christmas but we made it. Couriers permitting, everyone who ordered an AZ100 mount will receive one Friday πŸ™‚ I am home now but if anyone spots a typo or some other mistake please email details. We will then look into it when we reopen. Merry Christmas πŸŽ„ Steve
  24. We did our very best but it was so busy and we were a man down in the warehouse. We are working again tomorrow / Christmas Eve so it will be on its way to you then. Am so sorry for the disappointment 😞 Steve
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