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Everything posted by RayD

  1. Probably just because they can ? Does look veeery nice though.
  2. ? Exactly what makes this all the more believable, Derek ?
  3. ? Hope so, that'll save some money in coals. Victoria is "strawberry blonde" (ginger to you and I) so she's in panic mode as her factor ginger sun cream may not even work so she could well spontaneously combust. This is her last summer when she forgot to put the cream on ?
  4. Don't think that's due just yet. I'm out Thursday and it's scheduled to be going up to 39! Glad my camera cools to -50!
  5. Nice, Sara. They are really good piers and if it's for your EQ8, a perfect match
  6. Could be a very large vu vu zela ready for the World Cup final ? (oh dear do you remember them!!!!!?).
  7. ? I'll give you that, it does look like a bird bath (for pterodactyl's one presumes ).
  8. Happy Birthday Kev's obsy. Maturing nicely
  9. Thanks, Chris. I must admit I was expecting it to be good, but I am surprised at just how good.
  10. Cheers mate. And you nearing your auto-focus dreams. You'll wonder how you ever managed without!
  11. It's superb nowadays. A neighbour has some and even close up you would struggle to know it isn't real grass! Nothing like the fear we used to have as kids when told we were playing football on the new astroturf pitch, knowing that third degree burns were guaranteed!
  12. OMG am I a happy bunny about today's arrival!? Not only did the box contain a small packet of Haribo's, the main contents were the result of a few months of umming and ahhhing and a final decision to treat myself as I've been a good boy all year. This is my first Feathertouch, and actually the first time I've even seen one in the flesh. I can really see why they are so highly rated, and I've not even fitted it yet. It's for the Tak FSQ106 and will be fitted next week.
  13. I know mate. I was shocked, and of course told him off in between thanking him.
  14. Well mine was actually a complete (and lovely) surprise My brilliant Godson, who works for me, had an Astromaster 130EQ which unfortunately got damaged when he moved house. I asked if I could have the mount/tripod as I wanted a small one just for occasional use and only needed a really small manual mount. He said he would bring it in, and instead today a box turned up with the below in, and he walked in my office and said he wanted to give me a gift for helping him out over the years. When he knew I wanted a small mount he ordered this for me instead of giving me his old Celestron one. I love that lad
  15. Ha ha just a few to go then, Kev. Looking really good, Sir!
  16. Absolutely........But treat them with respect and dress appropriately and they are a wonderful tool
  17. Mine is miniline Kev and it works a treat. It's only a small area to deal with so is ample as far as capacity goes.
  18. Someone gave me this great advice whilst building mine ?
  19. Great job, Kev. Looks really tidy and is going to last a very long time. Know the feeling with the injury, much blood was spilled during my build, but it is soon forgotten when the roof rolls back and you just image away. Really enjoying sharing your build with you.
  20. Nice one, Kev. Big moment when the roof goes on. As I said earlier, it is pretty heavy, and imagine that with snow on also, so make sure you go big enough with the OSB, and get all those joints on the joists. Looking forward to seeing it coming on.
  21. That's where I got mine, Kev. Really good service, no issues with them at all.
  22. Looking positively delightful, Kev. As the rolling roof is going over the fixed one, and you need to make sure all the parts of the former clear the latter, my view would be to complete the fixed roof first, but of course I can understand your desire to jump on the the rolling roof ASAP, I was the same.
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