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Everything posted by RayD

  1. That bit that is overhanging the edge is a problem mate. If the felt is 1mm thick, then that is 2mm you are losing off the closing distance. This is why I said earlier cut that bit off, it shouldn't be there.
  2. ? I know that feeling, Kev! So the theory goes, yes, but with a decent quality linear supply there really shouldn't be any issues anyway. I only split them as I already had the small one, so it does mean belt and braces, but it would all happily run off the larger one through the Pegasus hub (and has).
  3. Yes that's it essentially, Kev. I have a different hub now and a slightly different arrangement, but the supply is the same. I use the small one to power my mount only, and then the other one for the rest. Under the desk I have my UPS, wireless access point and an IP connected switch which I connect to via 'tinternet and turn everything on and off (PC boots on power up).
  4. Yes, James is spot on. They are 2 12v supplies, one small 8A one and one 30A one. PC is under them.
  5. Ah, sorry Kev my dimness shines through again as usual! ?
  6. You don't need to have the lighting on the rolling part of the roof. My scope room has 2 x twin weatherpack fluorescent fittings, one high up on each side wall, for when I want it to be bright when working in there with the roof closed, and then separate to this I have a red bulkhead. In the warm room I have the same (single fitting) and the addition of the LED strip lighting for my keyboard, which is stuck under the desk above the keyboard so I can see it easily without it needing to be very bright.
  7. With the kit they have a dimmer with them and this can be controlled with the supplied remote.
  8. Yes there is, Kev, but if you want super bright or very white then RGBW is better than just RGB as they have a separate white Led, but I've not had an issue.
  9. I've used LED strip lights in my warm room and they work great. Use the waterproof ones like these and they will be fine in the scope room too.
  10. If the felt was wrapped over the ends where the clamps close then that's not ideal anyway. I'd start by cutting that bit off
  11. Yes, definitely don't do it when you are tired, that's a recipe for a mistake. I would take one end of the existing felt, peel it back a bit and try to position the new one right next to it so you can run your finger over the two to feel the difference. As noted, the difference may not be huge as over the two felts you are not looking to reduce the diameter by much, but you should feel it if they are side by side.
  12. Ah I see. Yes definitely remove the old ones, not really good practice to stick felt on felt, and I'm sure OVL wouldn't be suggesting do that. Open the rings and have a look to see if the pattern matches as it should then be self-explanatory where they go when you remove the old ones. It may be shaped to fit around the hinge, but without looking I couldn't say. It may also be that they are standard felts not necessary for those exact rings, so need to be trimmed if they are not the same as the old ones. Hopefully it will all work nicely
  13. They will probably only be fractions thicker, but enough to make the difference. I suspect you'll find they have an adhesive backing, maybe with a film on them which needs to be removed. Just peel the old felts off, and stick the new ones on in their place.
  14. I thought you were adventurous? Get your grinder and welder out and knock up a solution. What's the worst that could happen? ?
  15. I reckon they must have changed the rings as well as giving the OTA the new livery. My rings have a fair gap when closed, but yours look like they are pretty much clamped all the way closed.
  16. That's a shame, mate. I'm sure FLO will sort it for you, they're not a bad lot
  17. What you have there should be about right once accounting for the filters. Ignore the 8mm of the FF adaptor as the 55mm is measured from the mating surface of that.
  18. I see many, many people taking even a single image, 'run it through CCDI', and believe it offers an accurate diagnosis of the state of their entire imaging train; this simply isn't the case. The authors are very specific in the requirements for obtaining suitable images for gaining good information, and this includes multiple images of a dense and even star field. CCDI is very good, but only if used as intended. Even then the results need interpreting correctly.
  19. Check that the little nylon washers are under the aluminium locking nut and not in between the 2 halves of the rings.
  20. +1 Been so long since I've looked at this (or imaged at all for that matter) I had to look at my own YouTube video to see whether it needed to run as part of a sequence ?
  21. WOO HOO!!! Glad you got it all sorted mate, and can at last stop pixel peeking ? It's a lovely instrument and I'm sure it will perform superbly for you. Has Mrs @souls33k3r asked where the little circle in the margarine tub lid has gone yet? ?
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