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Everything posted by emyliano2000

  1. Johny, that looks great. My processing skills are not the best and I still have a lot to learn. I'm using the baader filters. I'm not sure where the noise comes from to be honest. Emil
  2. That looks pretty straight forward, thanks for the WF. Great images. I recently aquired the ASI294MC Pro too and I'm still trying to figure out how to use it. I'm using it with my TS65q at 420mm focal lenght. Planning a trip to a dark location tonight and I wanna see what I get from it as the shots from my light polluted back garden are not very good, they are ok but I would like more out of it. Hoping to shoot the dark shark nebula and add some more to my NGC7023 and the cocoon with the IDAS filter. What gain and offset settings do you use? I use gain 200 and offset 10 when using a Triband or Ha filter and gain 120 offset 30 with my IDAS filter but I'm not sure they are right. Here's a couple of my photos. These are shot with the triband. And ngc7023 with the IDAS Emil
  3. Final Stack - Oiii - Pix_Aligned, Cropped.xisfFinal Stack - Ha - Pix_Aligned, Cropped.xisf
  4. It's no problem. The black in the center was probably caused by me not applying GradX in photoshop properly. Maybe I should've done a few iterations of DBE instead of only one ABE. When I get home I could share the stacked fit file and you can have a play with that. With the jpeg it looks like you lost some of the nebulosity. Emil
  5. I'm at work now and only have Lightroom on my phone but I pulled the blacks slider down a bit. Does it look better?
  6. Thanks for the comment Johny. For processing I'm using mostly photoshop. This one was stacked, calibrated and aligned in pixinsight (my knowledge doesn't go much beyond that). After stacking I aligned the channels then assigned the Ha to Red and Oiii to green and blue (also in pixinsight), applied ABE and with a mask on (not very good with them) I applied Multiscale Liniar Transform to the image. After that I put it in photoshop and did all the rest. Just wondering about the flats. The last batch of Oiii was shot on Friday but having to go away the following moring I didn't have time to shoot the flats until yesterday. Nothing was changed in the imaging train but I'm wondering if the focus point shifted in the mean time. Was pretty hot during the break. Also my Oiii flats are 13sec long, does it matter? I'm using dark flats for the flats. Emil
  7. I finally managed to finish capturing and processing this target. It was on my list for quite a while and YES, I did it 😁 30x600sec for each of the Ha and Oiii I love the fov of the QHY183M with the AT106 What do you think? Emil
  8. That's exactly how I connect mine. I'm using sgp on the pier but I'm using NINA on my second setup.
  9. Still learning but for the start I like it. I really like the colours. Thechical details here: https://www.astrobin.com/420361/?nc=user Emil
  10. Very beautiful! I tried it too a while ago but couldn't get much out of it from my light polluted back garden.
  11. Ok, this is the final version. The previous one seemed a bit too dark.
  12. I added the Ha as luminance and did a bit more work on it. Very pleased with how it came out. Emil
  13. At what point do you do this, right after stacking? I'm mostly using photoshop for my post processing and I probably have all the plugins and action packs possible including Annie's ones. Do you process each filter before combining them? Emil
  14. I finally managed to capture everything I wanted for this target and as I have been advised, I stacked and calibrated in pixinsight. It is a mixture of 300 and 600sec subs shot with the QHY183M through a SW130pds and AT106. Roughly 50x300sec and 40x600sec for each filter. The Oiii filter is giving me these huge halos and not so very small stars which I'm finding hard to tame. I will try to add a little of the Ha as luminance layer to see if I can make it better. Emil
  15. I finally managed to stack all the Ha 78x300sec with my qhy183m and 130pds and 16x600sec with the qhy183m and AT106. Emil
  16. I'm gonna do my best to stack in Pi from now on. I have the all the stacking steps saved. I followed the LightVortex tutorial and saved each step from start to finish. I never used subframe selector but I run them all trough blink. DSS is at version 4.2.1 now and it does save in 32bit format. I save them as tiffs because I take the stack directly to photoshop and Ps doesn't recognise fits files.
  17. Yes, I stacked in DSS and I do my processing in photoshop. I only use Pi to sort them out with Blink and sometimes for stacking but I do it the long way and it takes me a while so if I only have data shot with one setup I tend to do it in DSS. I don't know much about Pi, I don't even know how to stack using the batch processing. I already had a go at stacking in Pi and something wasn't quite right so I gave up and did it in DSS. I think it would be faster to put them on a stick and post them to you. 🤣
  18. Please guys, have a go at my data, I'm just curious. https://we.tl/t-fIe7EhfUsq?src=dnl
  19. This is a winter target in the Auriga constellation so you might have to wait a bit until it's up in the sky again. I shot it at the beginning of March.
  20. Maybe I should increase the exposures for the faint ones. I had a search online and found that I can go up to 600sec with the qhy183m and the AT106 in narrowband under my sky conditions. I remember a while ago I even did 900sec with a dslr on a 1000mm f5 newtonian and I got really good results on targets close to Zenith. Maybe I should even try some 900sec to see what I get, I'm pretty sure the mount can handle it, since I put it on a pier my guiding is great.
  21. That's a very good tip. Thank you very much 😊 Emil
  22. You are right. Looking at the stacked Sii photo I can see where the Sii is but as you said, you can't really distinguish it in the SHO photo I have another question. Looking at the Ha, Sii and Oiii stacks, the Sii and Oiii ones are quite noisy compared to the Ha one. I have the same number of exposures for each of them, how come there is so much noise in th Sii and Oiii? Am I doing something wrong? Should I use different camera settings to get cleaner Sii and Oiii stack?
  23. Here's the link to the files. https://we.tl/t-fIe7EhfUsq It's 72x300sec for Ha, 71x300sec for Sii, 73x300sec for Oiii and 23x120sec for each of the R,G and B 20 hours total exposure time Please feel free to tell me what you think of the data and feel free to have a play with it. Emil
  24. I was meaning to say, colour that's not too much in your eyes 😁 Indeed I have a lot of denoising artefacts in the second one and I don't know yet how to fix them. The more I stretched the uglier the noise and I ended up with the artefacts when I tried to remove it. I added the artificial spikes because the original ones bacame too ugly when I stretched the image. I would love to have nice spikes without feeling the need to add the artificial ones. I am a fan of spikes and because they weren't very pretty I thought of adding them. I won't have them from now on as I don't own a newtonian anymore. In terms of pointing the Sii in the image, to be honest I could only do it if I look at the Sii stack. Thank you. Not really happy with any of them to be honest. I would like them to look good even when you zoom in. I don't think it's the data, I think it's my processing skills that are very far from being up to the standard skilled processor. I would really, really love to see what other people can do with the data. I have the Ha, Sii, Oiii and R, G and B stack all aligned and I will post a download link for them. Please, please feel free to try your best. I'm sooo curious what can be achieved with data shot from my back garden. Emil.
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